Ryan A. Krause
1309 East 10th St., Suite 650
Bloomington, IN 47405
Mobile: 847-212-8786 •
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Ph.D., Strategic Management and Organization TheoryExpected May, 2013
Minor: Entrepreneurship
DissertationProposal defended on April 4, 2012
Logics of Leadership: Three Essays on Board Leadership Structure
An archival data-based study of the logics firms use to support their choice of combining or separating their CEO and Board Chair roles.
Committee Members:Matthew Semadeni (Chair)
Albert Cannella, Jr.Jeffrey Covin
Philip PodsakoffIdalene Kesner
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors, Finance and Public Policy AnalysisMay, 2009
Krause, R. and Semadeni, M. In Press. Apprentice, departure, and demotion: An examination of the three types of CEO-Board Chair separation. Academy ofManagement Journal.
Parker, O. and Krause, R. 2012. The need for speed: How reputation incongruence impacts new product introduction. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Best Student Paper Award, Technology and Innovation Management Division
Semadeni, M. and Krause, R. 2011. Hired to be fired: Exploring top managementuse of consultants as professional scapegoats. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
2012Krause, R. and Whitler, K. That’s not fair! An experimental look at shareholder say-on-pay voting. Academy of Management Meeting, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Boston, MA.
2012Semadeni, M. and Krause, R. Taking the fall: How top managers use external scapegoats to counter legitimacy threats. Academy of Management Meeting, Organization and Management Theory Division, Boston, MA.
2012Whitler, K. and Krause, R. Adding insult to injured brands: When CEO pay becomes a marketing problem. American Marketing Association WinterMarketing Educators’ Conference, Marketing Strategy and Organization Track, St. Petersburg, FL.
2011Krause, R. and Holehonnur, A. Return of the king: An exploration ofcomeback founder-CEOs. Academy of Management Meeting, EntrepreneurshipDivision, San Antonio, TX.
Krause, R., Whitler, K., and Semadeni, M. Agency losses loom large: An experimental look at shareholder say-on-pay voting. Second Revise and Resubmit at Academy of Management Journal. To be resubmitted by December 23, 2012.
Krause, R., Semadeni, M., and Cannella, A. External COO/Presidents as expert directors: A new look at the service role of boards. Revise and Resubmit at Strategic Management Journal. Resubmitted on March 14, 2012.
Krause, R., Semadeni, M., and Cannella, A. Board leadership structure: A review and research agenda. Accept after minor revisions for the Review Issue at Journal of Management. To be resubmitted by February 15, 2013.
Krause, R. and Semadeni, M. Last dance or second chance? CEO career horizon and the separation of board leadership roles. Under Review atStrategic Management Journal.
Krause, R., Holehonnur, A., and Covin, J. Here I come to save the day: Identifying necessary and sufficient conditions for Founder-CEO comeback. Under review atJournal of Business Venturing.
Semadeni, M. and Krause, R. Someone must go, but who?External scapegoating in the wake of financial restatements. Preparing for submission to Organization Science.
Parker, O., Krause, R., and Covin, J. The need for speed: How reputation incongruence impacts new product introduction. Preparing for submission toStrategic Management Journal.
Krause, R., Parker, O., and Covin, J. Teach your ventures well: A control-based typology of ICV parenting styles. Preparing for submission to Academy of Management Review.
Outstanding Instructor Rating(1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)
Course Title / Year / Enrollment / Ryan Krause / Kelley School UG Average
Analysis of Business Decisions / 2012 / 26 / 6.74 / 6.00
Advanced Case Analysis and Effective Consulting Presentations (ACAECP) / 2012 / 28 / 6.70 / 6.00
ACAECP / 2011 / 39 / 5.97 / 5.98
ACAECP / 2010 / 13 / 4.78 / 5.99
Reviewer for the Academy of Management Annual Meeting
- Business Policy and Strategy Division2010-2012
- Organization and Management Theory Division2012
Tobias Center for Leadership Excellence Doctoral Fellowship ($12,500)2010-2013
Hegarty Doctoral Research Fund Travel Grant ($500)2012
Nominee, Panschar Teaching Award, Kelley School of Business2011-2012
Academy of Management
Prof. Matthew Semadeni
Arthur M. Weimer Faculty Fellow
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-2580
Prof. Albert A. Cannella, Jr.
Professor and W. P. Carey Chair
Department of Management
Carey School of Business
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287
Prof. Jeffrey G. Covin
Samuel and Pauline Glaubinger Professor of Entrepreneurship
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Kelley School of Business
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-2715
Prof. Philip Podsakoff
John F. Mee Chair of Management
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Kelley School of Business
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-2747
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