7th grade Life Science 2016-17
Paige Till
Course Information/ Content
This course covers topics such as cells, genetics, evolution, and the human body. Students will learn how the body works from the cells to systems, how to gather and read data, and conduct laboratory experiments.
Students are required to keep a science binder. This binder should contain all class notes, handouts, lab reports, and returned assignments. Students are also expected to become proficient in all course objectives
Supplies Required
Students are required to have a binder (for Science only), pencils or pen (blue or black ink only), colored pencils, and a handheld pencil sharpener. Students should have all materials/supplies each day.
We have a new book this year! It is the McGraw-Hill 7th Alabama Life iScience. Each student will receive a code to access an online copy of the textbook.
Quizzes & Tests
I will give a one week notice for upcoming major tests. This will be posted in the classroom. Quizzes will be announced most of the time. There will, however, be pop quizzes.
Students will occasionally have homework.
Major Grade (60%): Tests, Projects, Formal Lab Report
Minor Grades (40%): Quizzes, Classwork, Informal Lab Reports, Homework
Not all grades are worth 100 points.
If a student misses class, they are responsible for getting all notes, assignments, etc. The student should look in the ‘Missed Work’ binder, check my Moodle site, ask a reliable classmate, or ask Mrs. Till for the work he/she missed.
Burns Middle’s policy states that students are to use the restroom between classes. No passes will be given during class, with the exception of emergencies or documented medical issue.
Students will occasionally use technology in class. Each student will have his/her own Log In for the school network. They will also receive a code for the online textbook and a code to access my Moodle site.
Stay up to date withRemind. This is an app that allows me to send reminders/messages to students and parents through a text. This app will not give me your number nor will it give you my number. AND, there is no need to download the app.
Here’s how to sign up for Remind:
If you/your child are in periods 1,4,5,6 then text @d36e to 81010
If you/your child are in period 2 then text @39ab to 81010
Parent/Guardian Signature______