Holiday Home Work 2017-2018

Class –X Subject –Chemistry

Note : Solve twenty sample papers of Previous years

Q.1What is the importance of Neutralization reaction in our daily life? Explain with suitable examples.

Q.2What is the Ant acid available in the market? And compare the Ant acid available in the kitchen.

Q.3Write about the brief history of important Scientist of Chemistry .

Q.4 What do you mean by the Soap and Detergent? Explain the cleansing action of Soap and detergent .

Q.5Write I.U.P.A.C name of the following compound .

CH3 (CH2)2 CHO , CH3 (CH2)3 CH2 COOH and CH3(CH2)CH2OH

Q.6Explain the Combination reaction and Displacement reaction.

Q.7What are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples of amphotric oxide .

Q.8Prepare Plaster of Paris from Gypsum. Also write the chemical properties of POP.

Q.9 How would you convert (i) ethane to ethane (ii) Acetelene to ethanoic acid

Q.10 What is meant by Substitution reaction? Give an example (with equations ) of the substitution reaction of an alkane .

Q.11 Give one example of Esterification and Saponification reaction .

Q.12What do you mean by Mendeleev Modern and Old Periodic?

Q.13Write the Characteristic of S and p block elements.

Q.14Write the short notes on Metallic Character and Atomic radii.

Q.15What do you mean by basic strength of an elements. Explain the periodic variation across the period and in a group.

Holiday Home Work 2017-2018

Class –IX Subject –Chemistry

Q.1What is the source of water supply in your city? Explain the Water purification system OR Water Treatment Plant of your city

Q.2 What is the Ground level of your city? What are the factors affecting the Ground level of water in your city?

Q3:-State the law of conservation of mass. Give one example to illustrate this law.

Q4:-An element ‘E’ has a valency of 4.

(1) What will be the formula of its Chloride and Sulphide ,Sulphate and Nitrate .

Q5:-Write down the formula of the following compounds. (1)Aluminium sulphate. (2)Calcium phosphate.

(3)Ammonium Nitrate. (4)Zinc carbonate.

Q6:-Calculate the molecular mass and equivalent mass of the following compound. (1)Na2CO3 (2)NH4Cl (3)H2SO4 (4)Al2(SO4)3

( Na=23; C=12; O=16; N=14; H=1; Cl=35; S=32; Al=27; )

Q7:-Sodium C arbonate reacts with ethanoic acid to form sodium ethanoate , CO2,Water.In an experiment 5.3g of sodium ethanoate reacted with 6g of ethanoic acid to form 8.2g of sodium ethanoate ,2.2g of CO2, 0.9G OF WATER. Show that this law verifies the law of conservation of mass.

Q.6 Write all the activities of NCERT in the unit 1to 3.

Holiday Home Work 2017-2018

Class –VIII Subject –Chemistry

Q.1What do you understand by combustible substances or fuels?

Q.2Why is food regarded as a fuel for our body?

Q.3Is burning of magnesium combustion?

Q.4Give two examples of non-combustible substances.

Q.5What is essential for combustion?

Q.6What do you mean by ignition temperature?

Q.7Does a matchstick burn by itself?

Q.8.What is the composition of the head of the matchstick?

Q.9.Which type of pollution occurs on burning wood?

Q.10Name a liquid fuel which is used in homes?

Q.11Write the full forms of-

(a) CNG(b) LPG

Q.12When a burning charcoal piece is covered with a glass jar then the burning of the piece stops, why?

Q.13Which will get fire first coal or kerosene?

Q.14Which is the most common fire extinguisher?

Q.15Which poisonous gas is produced due to incomplete combustion of a fuel?

Holiday Home Work

Class –XI Subject –Chemistry

Q1 Giventhat densityofwateris1gmL-1.WhatisitsdensityinKgm-3? Q2 Define Lawofmultipleproportions.

Q3 Howmanyelectronswillbepresentinthesub-shellshavingmsvalueof -1/2 for n=4?

Q4 Whystandardheat offormationofdiamondisnotzerothoughit is an element? Q5 WriteconjugateacidsforthefollowingBronstedbases:HCOO-,NH3

Q6 ForthefollowingequilibriumKc=6.3X10-14at1000k

NO(g)+O3(g) NO2(g)+O2(g) WhatisKcforthereversereaction?

Q7 Whatisthe oxidationnumberofS inH2S2O7?

Q8 InthereactionH2S(g)+Cl2(g) 2HCl(g)+ S(s) Whichspeciesis reduced?

Q9 CalculatethemolecularmassofCO2,H2O

Q10 Outof3dand4sorbital,whichis filledfirstandwhy?

Q11 WhatisthetotalnumberofsigmaandPi bondsinthefollowingmolecules?

a) C2H2

b) C2H4

Q12 Whatisthebasicdifferencebetweenthetermselectron gainenthalpy andelectronegativity?

Q13 Statefirstlawofthermodynamics.Giveitsmathematicalexpression.

Q14 Usingtheequationofstatepv=nRT,showthat atagiventemperaturedensityof agasisproportionaltogaspressurep?

Q15 Givefourconditionstohavebetteryieldof ammoniainHaber’sprocess

3H2(g)+N2(g) 2NH3; H=-92.3KJ

Q16 Yellowlight emittedfromasodiumlamphasawavelength()of580nm.

Calculatethefrequency(v) andwavenumber(v)oftheyellowlight.

Q.17(a) What is meant by ‘10V’ H2O2 solution?

(b) What causes the temporary and permanent hardness of water.

(c) How does H2O2 behave as a bleaching agent?

Q18 Writethenamesofisotopesofhydrogen.Whatisthemassratiooftheseisotopes? Q19 Youaretoldbyyourchemistryteachertodissolve4gofsodiumhydroxide

in250mlofsolution. Findout a) Strengthofsolution

b) MolarityofSolution

Q20 Calculatetheuncertainityinthemomentumofan electronifit is confinedto alinearregionof Length1x10-10metre.

Q21 Howwould youexplainthefact that thefirstionizationenthalpyof sodium islowerthanthatofmagnesiumbutitssecondionizationenthalpyishigher thanthat ofmagnesium?

Q22 DiscusstheshapeofthefollowingmoleculesusingVSEPRmodel i. BeCl2

ii. BCl3

Q23 (a)WhatwillbetheconjugatebasesforthefollowingBronstedacids: HF,H2SO4


(i) syn gas

(ii) watergasshift reaction


Q25 (a)IntermsofCharle’slawexplainwhy-273oCisthelowestpossibletemperature. (b)CriticaltemperatureforCarbonDioxideandmethaneare31.1oCand

-81.9oCrespectively.Whichofthesehasstrongerintermolecularforces andwhy?

Q26 Depictthegalvaniccell inwhichthereaction

Zn(s)+2Ag+(aq) Zn2+(aq)+2Ag(s) takesplace, Furthershow:(i) Whichoftheelectrodeisnegativelycharged. (ii) Thecarriersofthecurrentinthecell (iii) Individualreactionateach electrode.

Holiday Home Work

Class –XII Subject –Chemistry

Note: Solve Twenty sample papers of Previous Year Sample Papers

And also solve the following sample papers.


Time 3.0O HRS CLASS –XII MM: 70

SUBJECT- CHEMISTRY General Instructions

1 All questions are compulsory

2Question nos.1 to 8 is very short answer questions and carries one mark each.

3Question nos.9 to 18 is short answer questions and carries two marks each

4Question nos. 19 to 27 is also short answer questions and carries three marks each

5Question nos.28 to 30 is long answer questions and carries five marks each

6Use log table if necessary. Calculators are not allowed.

Q.1Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing boiling points.

1-Chloro propane , Isopropyl chloride and 1- chloro butane

Q.2Give the IUPAC name of the following compound (CH3) HC==CH COOH.

Q.3For the reaction : N2 (g) +3 H2 (g) → → 2 NH3If ∆ [ NH3] / ∆t = 4 X 10-8 mol / L second ,what is the value of -∆ [H2] / ∆t ?

Q.4Which of the following is most effective electrolyte in the coagulation of Fe2O3.H2O / Fe+++ sol ? KCl, AlCl3, MgCl2 and K4[Fe(CN)6]

Q.5Which nucleic acid is responsible for protein synthesis in the cell?

Q.6Draw the optical isomers of [Cr(OX)3] .

Q.7Which Xenon compound is isostructural with ICl4-?

Q.8Write the structure of phenyl isopentylether .

Q.9(1)For a weak electrolyte molar conductance in dilute solution increases sharply as its concentration in solution is decreased .Give reason .

(2)Write overall cell reaction for lead storage battery when the battery is being charged.

Q.10The rate constant of the reaction at 500K and 700 K are 0.02 Sec-1 and 0.07 sec-1 respectively .Calculate the value of activation energy for the reaction [Given R= 8.314 JK-1 Mol-1]

Q.11.Give reason (1) Why is Frenkel defect found in AgCl?

(2) What is the difference between Phosphorus doped and Gallium doped semiconductors

Q.12(1)Draw the structure of phosphoric acid (H3PO2)

(2)Write a chemical reaction for its use as reducing agent

Q.13State Raoult’s law for solution containing volatile liquids. Explain with suitable examples,the concept of maximum boiling Azeotropes .

Q.14(1)Give the electronic configuration of the d-orbitals of Ti in [Ti (H2O)6]3+ ion and explain why this complex is coloured ? (Atomic number of Ti= 22)

(2)Write IUPAC name of [Cr (NH3)3(H2O)3]Cl3

Q.15Show the mechanism of formation of ethane from Ethyl Alcohol.

Q.16Write a chemical equation each to represent .

(1)Carbyl amine reaction (2) Aldol condensation reaction

Q.17Sodium crystallizes in a B.C.C unit cell .Calculate the number of unit cell in 9.2 g of sodium? (Atomic mass of Na=23)

Q.18What is a semiconductor? Describe two type semiconductors?

Q.19(i) Calculate the charge in coulombs required for the oxidation of 2 moles of water to oxygen ?[Given If F=96500 C /mol-1

(ii) zinc /Ag oxide cell is used in hearing aids and electrical watches .The following reactions occur:

Zn (s) → Zn++ + 2e- E0 Zn++ / Zn = --0.76 V

Ag2O + H2O + 2e- → 2Ag + 2 OH- E0 Ag+ / A g = --0.46 V

Calculate : (i) Standard potential of the cell (2) Standard Gibbs energy

Q.20 Give reason for the following observations :

(i)Colloids stabilize due to Brownian movement .

(ii)Colloidal gold is used for intramuscular injection.

(iii)Cottrell’s smoke precipitator is fitted at the mouth of chimney used in factories.

Q.21The Government order directs the shopkeepers not to use polythene bags for delivering the customer’s purchase .

(i) Name the different type of polythene available .

(ii) Why did the Government impose such an order?

(iii) What are the values involved in the Government order?

Q.22Complete the following equations:



(iii)XeOF4 +SiO2→

Q.23Give plausible explanation for each of the following :

(i) Ortho –nitrophenol is more acidic than Ortho-methoxy phenol.

(ii) Alcohols are easily protonated in comparison to phenols .

(iii)The relative ease of dehydration of alcohols is tertiary> secondary > primary

Q.24Differentiates between the following pairs of the organic compounds:

(i) Ethanol and Ethanal (ii) Benzaldehyde and Phenol (iii) Aniline and Carboxylic acid

Q.25Name one substance which act as both:

(I) Analgesics and Antipyretics (ii) Antiseptic and Disinfectants

(ii)Explain the following terms with suitable examples ;

(i)Broad spectrum antibiotics (ii) anionic detergents

Q.26 (i)Mention two common properties in sol and emulsion.

(ii) Differentiates between Electrophoresis and Electro-osmosis.

(ii) Heat of adsorption is greater for chemisorptions than for physisorption

Q.27(i)State the hybridization and magnetic behavior of [Fe(CN)6]3+

(ii)Explain the Crystal field splitting of ‘d’ orbital in the octahedral complex.

(iii)Which of the two is more stable and why ? [K4(Fe(CN)6] and [K3 (Fe(CN)6]

Q.28(1) Identify the aliphatic biodegradable polyester which is used in packaging orthopedic devices .

(a) Write its full form.(b) Give the structure of monomers from which it is formed (c) Show the formation of polymer. (3)

(2)What is meant by Secondary and Tertiary structure of proteins.(2)

Q.29 (1)An organic compound with the molecular formula C9H10O forms 2,4-DNP derivatives reduces Tollen’s reagent And under goes Cannizzaro’s reaction . On vigerous oxidation , it gives 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid . Identify the organic compound . (3)

(2)Give the uses of Freon 12 ,DDT ,Carbon tetrachloride and Iodoform .(2)

Q.30 (1)Write the three difference between DNA and RNA.(3)

(2) What is Lanthanoid contraction? What are the consequences of Lanthanoid contraction.(2)


Time 3.0O HRS CLASS –XII MM :7 0

SUBJECT CHEMISTRY General Instructions

1 All questions are compulsory

2Question nos.1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry one mark each.

3Question nos.9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry two marks each

4Question nos. 19 to 27 are also short answer questions and carry three marks each

5Question nos.28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry five marks each

6Use log table if necessary. Calculators are not allowed.

Q.1 If three elements P, Q and R crystallizes in a cubic unit cell with ‘P’ atoms at the corners, Q atoms at the cubic centre and ‘R’ atoms at the centre of each face of the cube then write formula of the compound.

Q.2. What is Henry’s law?

Q.3 Write over all cell reactions for lead storage battery when the battery is being charged.

Q.4For the elementary reaction: 2A + B → 3C, if the rate of appearance of ‘C’ at time‘t’ is 1.3 X 10-4 mol L-1 Sec-1 , Calculate at this time .

(i)Rate of the reaction (ii) Rate of disappearance of A

Q.5What is the unit of rate constant for first order reaction?

Q.6What do you mean by ‘Shape selective catalyst’?

Q.7Which is a strong reducing agent Cr++ and Fe++?

Q.8What is the unit of equivalent conductivity?

Q.9Explain the following terms with suitable examples

(i)F- Centre(ii)Frenkel defect

Q.10Classify each of the following as being either a p- type or an n- type semiconductor.

Q.11Define Azeotropes and explain briefly minimum boiling Azeotropes by taking suitable examples.

Q.12The specific conductance of 0.05 N solution of an electrolyte at 298 K is 0.002 s cm-1 .Calculate the equivalent conductance.

Q.13What are the reactions occurring at the cathode and anode in a Lechlanche cell?

Q.14For the reaction:

C12H22O11 + H2O →H+→ C6 H12 O6 + C6 H12 O6

Write (i)Rate of reaction expression (ii) Rate law equation(iii)Molecularity and order of reaction

Q.15What do you mean by Kraft temperature and Critical Micelle concentration (C.M.C)

Q.16What is the difference between Multi molecular colloid and Macromolecular colloids? Give one example of each

Q.17Explain: (i) Zone refining (ii) Mond’s Process

Q.18How are XeO3 and XeOF4 are prepared ?

Q.19 The edge length of NaCl unit cell is 564 Pm .What is the density of NaCl in g/cm3

Q.20 Ethylene glycol (Molecular mass =62 g/mol) is a common automobile antifreeze. Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 12.4 g of this substance in 100 g of water. given Kf for water +1.86 K Kg/mol

Q.21Menthol is a crystalline substance with peppermint taste. A 6.2% solution of menthol in cyclohexane freezes at 1.95 oC .Determine molar mass of menthol.the freezing point and molar depression constant of cyclohexane are 6.5oC and 20.2 K / mol respectively .

Q.22following chemical reaction is occurring in an electrochemical cell:

Mg (s)+2 Ag+ (0.0001M) →Mg++ (0.10 M) +2 Ag

Given: Eo Mg++ / Mg = --2.36 V Eo Ag+ / Ag= +0.81 V

For the cell calculate / write : (i) : Eo value for the electrode 2Ag+ / Ag

(ii)Standard cell potential (Eo ) (iii)Give the symbolic representation of the above cell

Q.23Explain the following term (i) Freundlich Adsorption isotherm (ii) Electrophoresis (iii) Gold number

Q.24Outline the principle of the method used for refining of

(i) Nickel (ii) Zirconium (iii)Tin

Q.25 (i)Extraction of Au by leaching with NaCN involve both oxidation and reduction. Justify by giving equations for the reaction involved .

(ii)Why is froth floation method selected for the concentration of sulphide ore ?

Q.26Complete the following equations:




Q.27(I)The following rate data were obtained at 300 k for the reaction

2 NO2 (g) + F2 (g) 2 NO2 (g)

Expt. No. [NO2]0 [F2]0 Initial Rate( Mol L-1Min-1)
10.20 0.05 6.0 X10-3
2 0.40 0.05 7.2 X10-2
3 0.80 0.10 2.88 X10-1

Determine : 1. Order of reaction 2. Rate law 3.Rate of reaction when

[NO2] =0.50 Mol L-1 and [F2] =0.60 Mol L-1

(II)The rate constant of a reaction with respect to reactant ‘A’ is 6 minute -1

If we start with [A] =0.8 mol litre-1 .When would [A]reach the value of 0.08 mol-1?

Q.28Give the step in the preparation of

(i)Potassium di chromate from chromite ore

(ii)Potassium permanganate from pyrolusite ore .

Q.29(i)What is Lanthanoid contraction? What are the consequences of Lanthanoid contraction?

(ii)The transition elements and their compounds act as good catalyst .

Q.30Explain the following :

(i)On oxidation of Ozone gas to KI solution ,violet colour vapours are obtained why ?

(ii)Draw the structure of XeF2 and XeOF2 .

(iii)What happens when white phosphorus is heated with Conc. NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of CO2

(iv) With which neutral molecule is ClO-1 iso-electronic.

(v) All bonds in the molecule of PCl5 are not equivalent .


Time 3.0O HRS CLASS –XII MM :7 0

SUBJECT CHEMISTRY General Instructions

1 All questions are compulsory

2Question nos.1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry one mark each.

3Question nos.9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry two marks each

4Question nos. 19 to 27 are also short answer questions and carry three marks each

5Question nos.28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry five marks each

6Use log table if necessary. Calculators are not allowed.

Q.1 If three elements A, B and C crystallizes in a cubic unit cell with ‘A’ atoms at the corners, B atoms at the cubic centre and C’ atoms at the centre of each face of the cube then write formula of the compound.

Q.2. Draw the Geometrical isomer of the compound [Co(NH3)2Cl2]?

Q.3 Write over all cell reactions for lead storage battery when the battery is being charged.

Q.4For the elementary reaction: 2A + B → 3C, if the rate of appearance of ‘C’ at time‘t’ is 1.3 X 10-4 mol L-1 Sec-1 , Calculate at this time .

(i)Rate of the reaction (ii) Rate of disappearance of A

Q.5What is the unit of rate constant for first order reaction?

Q.6What do you mean by ‘Shape selective catalyst’?

Q.7Which is a strong reducing agent Cr++ and Fe++?

Q.8What is the unit of equivalent conductivity?

Q.9Explain the following terms with suitable examples

(i)F- Centre(ii)Schottky defect

Q.10Classify each of the following as being either a p- type or an n- type semiconductor.

Q.11Define Azeotropes and explain briefly minimum boiling Azeotropes by taking suitable examples.

Q.12The specific conductance of 0.05 N solution of an electrolyte at 298 K is 0.002 s cm-1 .Calculate the equivalent conductance.

Q.13What are the reactions occurring at the cathode and anode in a Lechlanche cell?

Q.14For the reaction:

C12H22O11 + H2O →H+→ C6 H12 O6 + C6 H12 O6

Write (i)Rate of reaction expression (ii) Rate law equation(iii)Molecularity and order of reaction

Q.15What do you mean by Kraft temperature and Critical Micelle concentration (C.M.C)

Q.16What is the difference between Multi molecular colloid and Macromolecular colloids? Give one example of each

Q.17Explain: (i) Zone refining (ii) Mond’s Process

Q.18How are XeO3 and XeOF4 are prepared ?

Q.19 The edge length of NaCl unit cell is 564 Pm .What is the density of NaCl in g/cm3

Q.20 Ethylene glycol (Molecular mass =62 g/mol) is a common automobile antifreeze. Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 12.4 g of this substance in 100 g of water. given Kf for water +1.86 K Kg/mol

Q.21Menthol is a crystalline substance with peppermint taste. A 6.2% solution of menthol in cyclohexane freezes at 1.95 oC .Determine molar mass of menthol.the freezing point and molar depression constant of cyclohexane are 6.5oC and 20.2 K / mol respectively .

Q.22following chemical reaction is occurring in an electrochemical cell:

Mg (s)+2 Ag+ (0.0001M) →Mg++ (0.10 M) +2 Ag

Given: Eo Mg++ / Mg = --2.36 V Eo Ag+ / Ag= +0.81 V

For the cell calculate / write : (i) : Eo value for the electrode 2Ag+ / Ag

(ii)Standard cell potential (Eo ) (iii)Give the symbolic representation of the above cell

Q.23Explain the following term (i) Freundlich Adsorption isotherm (ii) Electrophoresis (iii) Gold number

Q.24Outline the principle of the method used for refining of

(i) Nickel (ii) Zirconium (iii)Tin

Q.25 (i)Extraction of Au by leaching with NaCN involve both oxidation and reduction. Justify by giving equations for the reaction involved .

(ii)Why is froth floation method selected for the concentration of sulphide ore ?

Q.26Complete the following equations:




Q.27(I)The following rate data were obtained at 300 k for the reaction

2 NO2 (g) + F2 (g) 2 NO2 (g)

Expt. No. [NO2]0 [F2]0 Initial Rate( Mol L-1Min-1)
1 0.20 0.05 6.0 X10-3
2 0.40 0.05 7.2 X10-2
3 0.80 0.10 2.88 X10-1

Determine : 1. Order of reaction 2. Rate law 3.Rate of reaction when

[NO2] =0.50 Mol L-1 and [F2] =0.60 Mol L-1

(II)The rate constant of a reaction with respect to reactant ‘A’ is 6 minute -1

If we start with [A] =0.8 mol litre-1 .When would [A]reach the value of 0.08 mol-1?

Q.28Give the step in the preparation of

(i)Potassium di chromate from chromite ore

(ii)Potassium permanganate from pyrolusite ore .

Q.29(i)What is Lanthanoid contraction? What are the consequences of Lanthanoid contraction?

(ii)The transition elements and their compounds act as good catalyst .

Q.30Explain the following :

(i) On oxidation of Ozone gas to KI solution ,violet colour vapours are obtained why ?

(ii)Draw the structure of XeF2 and XeOF2 .

(iii)What happens when white phosphorus is heated with Conc. NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of CO2

(iv) With which neutral molecule is ClO-1 iso-electronic.

(v) All bonds in the molecule of PCl5 are not equivalent


Class- XII Subject – Chemistry Time Allowed 3 Hrs. MM.70 General Instructions:

All questions are Compulsory.

The question paper consist of 26 question divided in to five sections A, b, C, D and E .Section A consist of five question of I mark each . Section B comprises of 5 questions of 2 marks each. Section C comprises of 12 questions of 3 marks each. Section D comprises of 1 question of 4 marks. Section E comprises of 3 questions of 5 marks each.

Section A

Q.1Explain the relationship between radius (r) and the edge length (a) in the fcc unit cell.

Q.2Write the structure of 3-Methyl but-2-enoic acid .

Q.3Arrange the following in the increasing order of the boiling point :


Q.4What type of the forces are responsible for the occurrence of Chemisorption ?

Q.5What do you mean by Shape Selective Catalyst?

Section B

Q.698% (w/w) H2SO4 has the density 1.84 M .Calculate its Molarity. Molar mass of H2SO4=98g/mol.

Q.7Show that the half life of a first order reaction is independent of initial concentration .

Q.8Define the following term:

(1) Primary structure of Protein (2) Non –essential amino acid

Q.9(1) Write the reaction of Glucose with Phenyl hydrazine.

(2) What is meant by denaturation of Protein .

Q.10(1)What are the different oxidation states shown by Actinoids ?

(2)Which of the 4d block elements may not be regarded as transition metals ?

Section C

Q.11(1) What are collectors in Froath floation process?

(2)What do you meant by Mond’s process

Q.12(1)Why does Milk show Tyndal effect ?

(2)What are the dispered phase and Dispersion medium in the Milk?

(3)Why is delta formed at the melting point of Sea and river water?

Q.13(1)What type of Stoichiometric defect is shown by NaCl and why?

(2)What type of Semi-conductor is formed when Germanium is doped with Boron?

(3)Which one is an example of covalent solid :CO2 or SiO2

Q.14Calculate the boiling point elevation for a solution prepared by adding 20 g of BaCl2 to 400 g of water.(Kb for water =0.52K Kg mol-1),Molar mass of BaCl2 =208 mol-1