Student Needs AssessmentWorkflow
1. Student Demographics – Review the student’s name, ID, demographic information, and address for accuracy.
2. Student Enrollment - Select the school that the student should be enrolled to (important for reporting) and assign the case manager (will allow the student to show up on your caseload).
3. Contact Information – Enter/review parent/guardian contact information for accuracy.
4. Additional Student Attributes – Select whether the listed attributes apply to the student. If you do not know, use unknown. This is important for us to get a snapshot of the students that we serve.
5. Add/Edit Risk Factors – Select whether the listed risk factors apply to the student. If you do not know, use unknown. This is important for us to get a snapshot of the students that we serve
6. Add/Edit Assets – Based on your conversations (or interviews with) the student, select where he or she ranks on a scale of 0 to 3. This listed has been paired down from 40 to 10.
7. Needs Assessment Baselines – As part of the needs assessment, you will need to enter a baseline metric for each: attendance, behavior, and course performance. These will be transferred to the student support plan so that you do not have to reenter data when setting a goal/goals.
8. Case Management Intensity Level Selection – Based on your needs assessment, select the case management intensity that should apply to the student.
Remember! You can use the tear drop button to save progress and close and return to your work. It will make it easiest if you at least get through the student enrollment page.
Student Support Plan Workflow
1. ABC Goals – Select the metric most aligned to the goal(s) for this student. Each student must have at least one goal (improve attendance, improve school behavior, and improve academics), but it is not necessary to choose all three. Keep in mind, the goal and metric that are selected here is what you will track every grading period (or more frequently) as part of the monitoring and adjusting process.
2. Other Goals – Next, you have the opportunity to select other goals for the student. These are not required and must be in addition to the one or more ABC goals you selected on the previous screen.
3. Planned Supports and Basic Needs/Resources – Add the supports you plan on delivering/brokering to achieve the student’s goals.
4. Meeting Frequency – Based on the student’s needs and goals, determine how often you will need to check-in with the student to examine progress, look at data, talk about goals and what work still needs to be done and how you can best support the student.