Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Plan
Rhode Island
Team Name
Rhode Island State Literacy TeamResponsible Agency
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationTeam Membership
Membership Types and NumbersA Statethat receives aStriving Readers Comprehensive Literacy formula grant establishes a Literacy Team comprised of individuals with expertise in literacy development and education for children birth to school entry; kindergarten through grade 5; grades 6 through 8; and grades 8 through 12. Provide the name of the Comprehensive Literacy Team members for eachage/grade category and type of expertise.
Birth-school entry / Alicia Reniere-Castle, Diane Tourangeau, Susan Zoll
K-5th Grade / Tracy Lafreniere, Jessica Lavallee, Susan Manocchia, Alicia Reniere-Castle
6th grade - 12th grade / Dawn August, Brita Beitler, Shayna Fox, Laura Snyder, Shannon Stanton, Kimberly McCaughey
Managing/implementing literacy programs / Dawn August, Linda Filomeno, Tracy Lafreniere , Kimberly McCaughey, Alicia Reniere-Castle
Evaluation of literacy programs / Dawn August, Beverly Paesano, Laura Snyder
Planning and implementing Response-to-Intervention / Dawn August, Linda Filomeno, Tracy Lafreniere, Jessica Lavallee, Susan Manocchia, Kimberly McCaughey
Screening and performance measurement / Dawn August, Tracy Lafreniere, Jessica Lavallee, Susan Manocchia
Validated interventions and instruction for struggling readers, English learners and students with disabilities / Linda Filomeno, Tracy Lafreniere, Jessica Lavallee, Kimberly McCaughey, Diane Tourangeau
Professional development for principals, teachers and coaches / Dawn August, Linda Filomeno, Jessica Lavallee, Susan Manocchia, Beverly Paesano, Alicia Reniere-Castle, Laura Snyder, Susan Zoll
Teacher preparation and State licensure/accreditation in literacy development and instruction / Beverly Paesano, Laura Snyder
Other members and/or experts required / Media Specialist -Diane Lebrun;Comm. Based Org. for Disadvantaged Children- Dawn August, Susan Zoll
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Applicable Standards
Birth – School Entry / Kindergarten– 5th Grade / 6th Grade – 12th GradeRhode Island Early Learning Standards / Common Core State Standards (CCSS) / CCSS
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Team Activities
Proposed Implementation PlansThe following analysis reflects only priorities cited as program requirements in the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program State Formula Grant Application. Also include any additional priorities addressed as part of a broader plan. (Reference page numbers for each priority in your Plan)
U.S. Department of Education Priorities / Satisfied / Details in the Literacy Plan
Address the literacy needs and improve the learning outcomes of children from birth through Grade 12 / /
- Chapter 3 Components of Literacy: Speaking and Listening
- Chapter 5 Components of Literacy: Reading Chapter 6 Components of Literacy: Writing
- Chapter 7 Content-Area Literacy
- Appendices B and F-J
Address the literary needs and improve the learning outcomes of disadvantaged students, such as students who are English Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities / /
- Chapter 2 Supporting All Learners in Literacy
- Appendices C and D
Include the use of clear content standards in the areas of pre-literacy, reading, and writing. Also use curriculum and instructional material that align with State standards / /
- Chapter 1 Essential Understandings of Literacy
- Chapter 3 Components of Literacy: Speaking and Listening
- Chapter 5 Components of Literacy: Reading Chapter 6 Components of Literacy: Writing
- Chapter 7 Content-Area Literacy
- Appendices A-C and F-J
Enable more data-based decision-making / /
- Chapter 8 Comprehensive System of Assessment for Literacy
Provide evidence-based teacher preparation and professional development / /
- Chapter 10 Growing Professionally: Teacher Preparation, Professional Development, and School Leadership
- Appendices A-B and M
Use coherent assessment and screening systems that are aligned with State standards / /
- Chapter 8 Comprehensive System of Assessment for Literacy
Implement targeted interventions / /
- Chapter 9 Literacy Intervention
- Appendix L
Propose use of technology to address student learning challenges / The Literacy Plan does not address the use of technology
Action Plans
(List major implementation activities; include page numbers where activities are referenced in Comprehensive Literacy Plan)
- Statewide distribution of Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Comprehensive Literacy Plan (RICLP) document both in hard copy and web-based forms.
The RICLP supports educators to strengthen their understanding of the components of literacy and implementation of best practices within daily instruction. Included are strategies, methods, and resources for assessment, intervention, and literacy within the content areas. As educators strive to ensure the literacy success of all students, the RICLP provides an abundance of resources and references
- Establishment of the RICLP webpage, including: support materials and background information may be found at
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Leadership and Sustainability(Activities leadership teams undertake to develop and sustain implementation of their SRCL Comprehensive Literacy Plans. Examples include collaborative partnerships, communication strategies for sharing information with partners, and shared tasksamong the leaders.)
- Commissioner Gist announced the RICLP via her weekly field memo to all superintendents across the state (May 18, 2012)
- SLT members drafted blueprint for RICLP support materials and developed said support materials (e.g., brochures to “introduce” the RICLP to various educator groups; Professional Conversations: Facilitation supports)
- The RICLP was presented at the District Network Meeting June 2012 (Note: Curriculum Directors and Assistant Superintendents from every LEA in the state attend these meetings). This presentation included distribution of the hard copies and overview of all the support materials for use with the document, including roll-out
- SLT has teamed up with the established state level Literacy Educators Leadership Council (LELC), to ensure alignment across all literacy initiatives in Rhode Island. The SLT/LELC is charged with development and maintenance of the RICLP webpage
- State developed CCSS Professional Development opportunities for ELA/Literacy have all been infused with/reference to the RICLP
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State Comprehensive Literacy Plan Website
June 2012