3D. Historical accounts of how the Islamic religion of Jesus was falsified: Constantine
Constantine establishes Christianity
[185] The sons of Bīlāṭus ruled after him, until the rule came to his son Constantine. [186] He [acted] outwardly according to the Roman religions, but his mother, this Helena, urged him to love the Cross. She accustomed him to Christian conventions and to that which they say about Christ. [187] Now leprosy had appeared in his body, and the Romans did not allow someone with leprosy to rule.[1] Indeed it was forbidden for them to make a leper king. [188] This distressed and worried him, so he concealed it. He secretly intended to oppress the Romans and turn them away from their opposition to making a leper king.
[189] The nations were raiding them. Theburjān[2] and the Berbers raided at the same time. [Constantine] aligned his troops according to the forms of the planets. He called for the elders of the Romans, those well versed in the Roman religions, and dispatched them againstthe enemy. [190] Yet he did not seek assistance from schemes or spies as kings and those who command armies do. [191] Thus what they did not want took place: they were killed and the rest routed. [192] [Constantine] now made a show of sadness and distress and said, “We sought assistance from and aligned ourselves according to the forms of the planets that we venerate and our fathers venerated before us, and to which we have sacrificed. Yet we have not seen them benefit or profit us.”
[193] He continued to manage them in this way, and to state: “No one should worship something that does not benefit him. This is a time of need and severe crisis, [194] and these planets are not defending us. One should reflect and worship that which will benefit and defend him.” [195] Then he said, “Here is a woman who has dreamed of someone who said to her, ‘Seek victory through this!’ and brought out to her a Cross.” [196] It just so happened that the commander of the troops who were raiding them died and they withdrew. [197] Therefore [Constantine] and those of his view and inclination said that this was because of the blessing of the Cross.
[198] It was a practice of the Romans to put crescents, and things like the crescent, on their banners, seeking the blessing of the moon and the planets, for the moon is the quickest of the planets in its motion. [199] They took them down and put in their place crosses. Thus they remain to the present.[3]
[200] Then [Constantine] began arranging to move the Romans away from venerating the planets to venerating crosses. [201] There were many philosophers in their land who venerated the planets and claimed that they are living and rational. [202] They were overbearing to the people and looked downat the kings, claiming to be the elite of the elite. [203] They earned no living and made a habit of inactivity, relying on the possessions of the people. They corrupted the youth and anyone who listened to them, whether king or commoner. [204] They claimed to have spells and talismans, with which they could bring benefit or harm, and to be able to perceive hidden things through astrology. They terrified [people] with geometry and figures.
[205] Now this Constantine was a wicked, calculating man, who patiently scrutinized matters, greatly concerned for his rule and the affairs of his subjects. [206] He looked into the matter of these philosophers and that which they claimed regarding planets and talismans. He found it entirely invalid and found these people to be corrupt, deceitful tricksters. [207] He began to kill them in order of their ranks, to burn their books and to bring down their temples. [208] He continued to do so until Athens, which was the city of philosophers, was empty of them. No one remained there except for farmers, tanners, and dyers. [209] He made the temples of the planets into churches, and settled the monks in them, saying “These humble ones are more deserving than those ignorant, lying tricksters.” [210] He gave the monks and the common people authority over them everywhere. Every book of medicine and geometry that they brought forth was burned. [211] He turned against those who followed the opinions of the philosophers, washing his hands of them and seeking help against them. [212] His mother Helena became powerful in that time and she gave power to the monks and the Christians. She summoned them from all over and made them informers and agents for her son. She sought assistance through them.
[213] He made an external show of venerating Christ and the Cross. Yet he confirmed the Roman religious practices as they were, including praying to the East and other things that have been mentioned. [214] He removed nothing other than the worship of the planets and he added nothing other than the veneration of Christ, espousal of his divinity, and veneration of the Cross. [215] Yet this was not unfamiliar to the Romans. [216] For one who believes that the planets (which are inorganic, dead things) are lords that bring benefit and harm, is not unlike one who says that a person (who is not only living, sensible, and discerning but is also said to have brought the dead to life), is a god who created the planets with his Father and [his Father’s] wife.[4] [217] This is easy for westerners.[5] [218] Do you not see how the Egyptians believed in the divinity of Pharaoh,[6] that he was their only god?
[219] This Constantine went to Mesopotamia, heading forḤarrān and its districts, where they were more determined in their veneration of the planets than those in Athens and the lands of the Romans. [220] So he put them to the sword in order to exterminate them. Some of them fled to the mountains and he pursued them himself. [221] They found leprosy abhorrent, so he had a special concern with them. [222] Hisofficersadvised him, “Do not send people to pursue them, for the snow that is in these mountains will destroy them. [223] If there is a remainder of them left, we will make them cuppers for the Romans.”
Constantine convenes two ecumenical councils and enforces the Creed
[224] [Constantine gathered…][7]all of the Christians, the hermits and the monks, [225] in order to learn from them the truth about Christianity and what should be decreed for the people to hold, from which they should not deviate. Whoever deviated would be killed. [226] About two thousand of their leaders gathered and made a declaration not unlike the Creed.[8] [227] Among them were some who objected and said, “The Word of God is created” (The word of God is Christ). [228] Arius, Macedonius, Eunomius, Appolinaris[?][9] and their companions were there and among those who said, “The Word is created. The speech of God and His statement are among his creations.” [229] They caused discord and matters came to a standstill. That decree was invalidated.
[230] Then, after that, three hundred and eighteen men gathered in Nicaea, among the lands of the Romans, and composed the Creed that has been mentioned.[10] [231] They brought it to Constantine who took it, implemented it and imposed it upon the people. He killed those who did not accept it. [232] Thus everyone had to accept it outwardly, for fear of the sword. He invalidated every other decree. [233] Anyone who followed the religion of Christ suffered everything disdainful. They took upvenerating the Cross, eating pork, and following the religious practices of the Romans. Whoever did not eat [pork] was killed.
[234] Now among the Ṣābians of Ḥarrān, there were some who did not eat broad beans, for they claimed that [the beans are] the enemy of the celestial sphere, since they are shaped like a cube and the celestial sphere is shaped like a ball. [235] They cooked beans at the doors of the church and gathered the people to them. It was said to [the people], “Come out. Everyone will eat beans.” [236] Those who did not eat them were killed and their heads were cut off. Swordsmen were posted with their swords unsheathed and they killed those who did not eat.
Christianity after Constantine
[237] Constantine continued to rule for fifty years, busy killing those who did not venerate the Cross and declare that Christ was Lord until [Christianity] became entrenched and empowered. [238] He bequeathedit to the kings after him, adjured them, and had them swear to it, saying, “This is superior to the veneration of planets and to the views of the philosophers.” [239] He passed this decree on to his sons, officers, and friends and gave the kingdom to his sons. [240] The Byzantines describe himas resolute and bold. He is to them like Ardashīr son of Bābak,[11] the king of Persia, to the Persians. [241] His sons rose after him to rule and confirmed his oaths. They continued to decree numerous things about Christianity.
[242] In this way one of the kings had the idea to make Sunday theholiday on which they would gather together, just as Saturday is to the Jews. [243] This was a long period afterConstantine. They held a synod for that.[12]
3E. On Christian practice and its origin
Pagan origin of Christmas
[244] The Romans and the Greeks had a holiday which they called the “Birth of Time.”[13]It was at the return of the sun in December. [245] They made it the birthday of Christ, adding and subtracting [things from it]. [246] This is the great holiday for them, which the Christians celebrate and call Christmas or Christmas Eve. This is the cause and basis of it. [247] The Christians in the time of Christ, and his companions after him, did not know this holiday and did not celebrate it.
Pagan origin of Christian fasts
[248] The Romans and the Ṣābians had days on which they fasted, the days of the planetary perigees, during which they refrained from eating meat. [249] When they began to espouse the divinity of Jesus, they confirmed [these fasts], and then added to them in some ways and subtracted from them. [250] Today they fast fifty days, until the zenith of the sun, then they break their fast on some days. This is the way they fast in Byzantine lands.
[251] Now the Byzantines are the originof these three Christian sects.[14] [252] Then the Jacobites, the companions of Jacob, branched off. [253] Then after the Jacobites the Nestorians, the companions of Nestorius [branched off], who differ regarding the fast. [254] Those who are in Iraq do not fast for half of every day, like the Byzantines. [255] They – I mean those who are in Islamic lands – break the fast after the [Islamic] afternoon prayer.[15]
On the Eucharist
[256] In church they sip wine, which according to them is the Eucharist.[16] Paul said, “This drink is the blood of the Lord. This host is the flesh of the Lord. [257] Whoever doubts that this is the flesh of the Lord and His blood shall not take it and not taste it; it is not permitted to him.”[17] [258] The hosts are baked loafs which are carried to the church, soaked in wine and eaten as a sacrifice.
On the fifty-day fast
[259] Christ -- peace be upon him -- and his companions did not fast except in the manner of the Israelites. [260] These Christian sects say, “If Christ did not fast these fifty days, then he fasted when Satan imprisoned him for forty days and nights.[18] We made them fifty days.”
[261] We reply: Assuming that we believed you in that, then why is such [a fast] necessary for you, when you say that Moses fasted for eighty days and nights, during which he did not eat anything at all, and did so twice,[262] and you claim that Elijah fasted forty days and nights, yet it was not obligatory for the people of Moses to fast as Moses fasted, so that [fifty-day] fast is not obligatory for you. [263] Moreover, when Christ returned to you after Satan released him, he remained with you but did not fast this fast of yours, nor did he command you to do it. He and his companions only fasted the fast of the Israelites. [264] You annulled the fast that you knew with certainty to be necessary and you practice a fast that he neither fasted nor commanded you to [fast].
On the temptation of Christ
[265] According to their Injīl Satan imprisoned Christ and kept him confined for forty days in order to test him. Christ abstained from eating and drinking, fearing that it would end up as a ploy of Satan against him. [266] [Satan] said to him while he was in his hands, “If you are the son of God, then tell these rocks to become bread.” [267] Christ said to him, answering, “It is written that the life of a person shall not be by bread but by every word that comes from God.”
[268] Then Satan conveyed him to the city of Jerusalem, brought him up to the corner[19]of the temple and said to him, “If you are the son of God, then throw yourself from here, [269] for it is written that the angels are assigned to you, so that your foot will not stumble on a stone.” [270] Christ said, “It is written, do not test God your god.”
[271] Then he conveyed him to a high mountain, showed him all of the kingdoms of this world and their ornaments, and said to him, “If you fall down prostrating yourself to me, I will make this entire world yours, just as I gave it to one before you.”[20] [272] Christ said to him, “Depart, O Satan! For it is written, ‘Prostrate to the Lord your god.’” [273] Then God sent an angel who removed Satan from his place and threw him in the sea, leaving Christ free to go on his way.”[21]
[274] This which I have reported to you is part of the ignorance that is written in their gospels. They claim that it is the evidence for their fast. [275] Have you heard of Satan imprisoning a god, confining him, moving him from place to place, and desiring to make his god his servant? [276] Satan is not able to take the donkey of a Jew! Yet according to the Christians, he took his Lord until an angel came, freed him, and broke his captivity.
[277] According to the Christians, when Christ appeared he bound Satan away from creation and did away with his wrath. He eliminated his damage and evil. [278] Now here they say that [Satan’s] strength and control over [Christ] were even greater, even while [Christ] was his lord and his god. Consider this and be amazed!
Pagan origin of incense
[279] The Romans and the Ṣābians used smoke and incense in the temples of the planets and idols. [280] This continues to this day among the Christians, who have not annulled it. It is used in churches and they call it the smoke of Mary and the incense of Mary. [281] Yet Mary did not know of it at all, nor did Christ or his companions, even for a moment. They did not use it. [282] They attributed this incense to Mary just as they attributed their fast to Christ and just as they made the wine and sacrifice his flesh and blood.
Pagan origin of icons
[283] The Romans, along with their worship of the planets,venerated idols, erecting representations of them in their temples. [284] They continued in this way even after they accepted the veneration of the Cross, without any decrease, with Christ, his mother and his companions in the place of those idols. [285] Then they left this bit by bit with the passing of time.[22]
3F. On corruption in Byzantine society
Fornication in Byzantine society
[286] The [Romans]considered fornication licit and did not refrain from it. They continued with this even after they began to venerate Christ. [287] It is prevalent among them and widespread in their cities and markets. [288] They say, “If a woman does not have a husband and chooses not to be married, having a predilection for fornication, then she has the greatest right to control her own person and is free to do that. [289] The king sets the price for it, and appoints for it judges and governors. [290] A man [owes] one fils for every ejaculation (four fils is worth one silver dāniq).
[291] There are many markets in their lands for prostitutes, who have stores. They open shops, adorn themselves and sit by the door, conspicuous and uncovered. [292] They do not forbid uncovering the private and obscene parts of either men or women. [293] Rather, when the free woman among them is brought in procession to her husband, she rides and passes among people in the markets with uncovered face and head, [294] with [her hair]let down in braids and plaits, showing all of her traits of beauty so that everyone will look at her.
[295] It is said that the majority of married women are chaste. [296] Yet for those who are not married, their situation is as we have described. It often happens that they fornicate in the house of their parents.