CS 104 – Worksheet – Spring 2003

Due : Thursday April 24, 2003 before class starts

Please turn in your disk with your name on it.


Download the following files and save them on your disk:

Global Computers Letterhead

Global Computers Sales

Global Computers Presentation

Global Computers Products



  1. Open Global Computers Letterhead. Insert a new table with 1 row and 2 columns on a new line under the picture. Select AutoFit to Contents in the AutoFit behavior. Eliminate borders for the table by clicking Table Properties from the Table menu and then clicking on Borders and Shading and selecting None. Click in the leftmost cell in the table. Type About Us and press Enter twice. Type Products and press Enter twice. Type E-Mail Comments.
  2. Select the text About Us and add an hyperlink to this text that points to a file called AboutUs.htm (which will be created later). Add an hyperlink to Products that points to a file called Products.htm. Add an hyperlink to E-Mail Comments to send an e-mail to your e-mail address.
  3. Now open the Global Computers Sales Excel workbook. Click on the chart once and select Copy from the Edit menu.
  4. Revert back to the Global Computers Letterhead file. Click the right hand column of the table. Select Paste Special from the Edit menu. Make sure thet Microsoft Excel Chart Object is selected in the list and click OK.
  5. Now click on the pie chart to select it. Select Object from the Format menu. Select the Size tab. In the Scale area, change the Height to 65 %.
  6. Quit Excel.
  7. Select Web Page Preview from the File menu to preview the document. Close the browser. In your Microsoft Word window, choose Save as Web Page from the File menu. Type GCHome in the File name text box and save it to your disk.
  8. Quit Word
  9. Open Global Computers Presentation from your disk.
  10. While on the first slide, click the Text Box button on the Drawing toolbar and place it in the lower left hand corner of the first slide. Type Home in the text box. Select Home and add an hyperlink to the file named GCHome.htm(making sure that Existing File or Web Page tab is selected in the hyperlink left side menu.
  11. Select Save as Web Page from the File menu and save the presentation as a file named AboutUs. Quit PowerPoint.
  1. Open Global Computers Products database from your disk. Click on Pages in the left hand side objects menu and then double click on Create data access page by using wizard. Add all the fields by clicking on the double arrow.
  2. Click Next and then double click on Category in the list box to the left. The records will be grouped by Category now. Click Next. Click Next again. Add Products as the title for the page and click the Finish button. Type Global Computers – Products as the title text for the access data page.
  3. Click Picture on the Insert menu and insert the picture computer.gif (found on your disk) before the title Global Computers -- Products.
  4. Select Web Page Preview from the File menu and click the Yes button when the Access dialog box displays. Type Products as the File name and save it on your disk. Click on the plus sign to expand the records. Quit Access
  5. Make sure that you can open the file GCHome.htm from your disk and all the links work on this page.