College Success Skills 103
CSS 103, Item# 7152 and 7153
Winter 2017
Time: Mondays and Thursdays 11 – 11:50 am
Location: Oak Hall 227
Professor: Julie Kunz
Professor Office Location: Old Main (or B), 102
Phone: 360-679-5351
Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 10 – 11 am
Required Text and materials: Readings and videos posted to class Canvas class support shell. There is no required text book to purchase. Other materials include pens and papers and materials for a portfolio assignment.
Information for the On-Line Component:
Access the classroom online with Canvas:
Logon is your SVC email address. Password is the same as your student email.
Please visit the SVC library for help if you are struggling with issues with Canvas, or contact the Student On-line Support at 360-416-7770 or at .
I use Canvas for grading purposes and to post course related material. Please note that you must ensure that you are checking Canvas regularly for feedback, messages, announcements and grades. Additionally, homework requirements will not be handed out in class. It is your responsibility to access the requirements on Canvas.
Course Expectations:
Congratulations! You have arrived at Skagit Valley College and have started the journey of crafting your future. At SVC, your success is our number one priority, so we want to make sure that we provide you with the support and information that you need in order to reach your life goals. This class is a two credit course that will help you to explore, plan, and create your life roadmap as you learn about the Skagit Valley College. It will also give you an opportunity to build community with your peers and instructors. As a class, we will explore the following essential questions throughout the quarter:
Ø What goals do you have for your life?
Ø How will your education impact your life and the lives of those you love?
Ø What do you need to do to be successful at Skagit Valley College?
Ø How can you ensure that you will accomplish your goals at Skagit Valley College?
Ø How can Skagit Valley College support you in achieving your goals?
Course Objectives -- After completing this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the degree options at SVC, the requirements for completing each option, and the possibilities with each option for employment or further study.
2. Complete an academic plan for the option that they choose.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the fiscal benefits of completing a college degree or certificate.
4. Develop a financial plan for the period of time that they plan to be enrolled at Skagit Valley College.
5. Identify potential barriers to completion of their certificate or degree, analyze those barriers, and develop strategies for navigating those barriers.
6. Identify strengths, abilities, and interests in relation to careers.
7. Explore career paths that fit with their abilities and interests.
8. Access college resources: advising, registration, financial aid, tutoring, library services, transfer information.
9. Access information about campus organizations and activities.
College Wide Abilities
For any associate degree or certificate, this course will help prepare you to be organized, understand how to navigate through the college, and complete degree requirements as well as communicate think logically and critically about college and career choices.
Course Policies
· Assignments for this course are to be submitted in electronic format through Canvas. I will allow for a printed hard copy or an emailed copy of an assignment if you were unable to upload your assignment to Canvas as a backup to keep from losing points if you’re having technical difficulties. If you turn in a hard or emailed copy, I expect the assignment to be uploaded to Canvas within 48 hours. If you fail to upload the electronic version within 48 hours your assignment will be considered late.
· Cheating: Plagiarism, which is stealing the language, ideas or thoughts of another and representing them as your own original work, is cheating. All work is to represent your own efforts rather than to be copied from another. Any violation of academic honesty will result in a referral to the Vice President of Student Services, failure of the course, and may result in dismissal from the college. For the academic honesty policy of the College, refer to the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities found on the college’s website.
· All assignments are to be typed, double spaced and in font size 12, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, with your name and assignment number in the top left corner.
· Cell phones are to be turned off or on silent and kept out of view while you are in class. If you have an on-going situation and must keep it on, it must be on silent and let me know at the start of class what your situation is. Also, you may instruct important people in your life that they may call SVC security at 679-5383 to interrupt class if you are needed in an emergency situation.
· Students receiving financial aid should always check with Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing, signing an incomplete contract, changing to an audit, or receiving an F in a class.
· Students with disabilities (learning or otherwise) must consult with Disability Access Services to arrange for accommodations. Contact the DAS office to schedule a meeting by calling the Program Coordinator at 679-5393.
· If you choose not to remain in this class make sure to withdraw by March 10th. This class is required for any student who placed into English 97, 99 or 101 with 152. If you do not pass this class this quarter you will be required to take the class again the following quarter.
· Please note that I reserve the right to make the corrections and/or changes to the syllabus as I deem necessary due to the pace and the special circumstances of the classroom. All changes will be posted to Canvas. It is important that you understand that this syllabus is a contract between you and I. If you have concern with any of these policies it is important that you discuss them with me as soon as they arise. You’re welcome to email me or come to my office during office hours.
· In the event that I am unable to attend a class due to extenuating circumstances, a cancellation may not be posted. If I do not arrive 10 minutes after the start of the class hour, you can assume I will not be there. Please check Canvas for further instructions!
· Please know that coming in late to class is disruptive and unfair to those who make the efforts to be on time. I understand that occasionally circumstances arise that cause us to be late; in that case, it is your responsibility to enter the room as quietly as you can, disturbing the class as little as possible. NOTE: coming into class late or leaving early will be reflected in your participation points for that day.
· During class discussions, I expect the person speaking be given respect and attention, whether that person is me or another student. If your behaviors do not communicate respect you will be asked to leave the class. If you are asked to leave the class you will lose participation points for that day.
· If anything is unclear it is your responsibility to ask for clarification, and I would prefer if you ask your questions during class when appropriate, or if you need to ask outside of class time, you email me or come in during my office hours. Immediately prior to or following class is not a good time for questions as we all need to prepare for our next activity.
Grading: This course has a total of xxx points possible. The breakdown is as follows:
1. Eight Weekly Assignments (50 pts each) = 400 pts
a. Each assignment is worth 6% of your overall grade
2. Nineteen days for Participation Points (10 pts each) = 190 pts
a. Each day is worth 1.2% of your overall grade
3. Final Portfolio (4 sections at 50 pts each plus formatting for 20 pts) = 220 pts
a. Portfolio is worth 26% of your overall grade
4. Presentation = 50 pts
a. Presentation is worth 6% of your overall grade
Total = 860 pts
It is your responsibility to keep your work after it is returned to you.
1. Weekly assignments:
There will be 8 weekly assignments in this class. All assignments will require that you apply what is learned in class to your own academic life. The assignments are numbered 1 – 8. Weekly assignments will always be due on Thursday. Full directions for assignments will be posted on-line. Four of the weekly assignments will be draft-versions of items for the Final Portfolio.
Homework is due at the beginning of class.
Late homework (anything submitted 5 minutes after the start of class) is subject to 50% reduction in earned points. Any homework not submitted one week after its due date will not be accepted.
2. Participation Points:
Regular attendance is not only expected, it is crucial to this class. I believe that higher education can be a fun experience and guide my classes on this belief. However, I also have high expectations and expect that you will have completed the required reading upon coming to class & that you will be ready to participate in class discussions/work based on the material. Failure to participate fully will result in a reduction of participation points.
3. Final Portfolio:
This portfolio is designed to be a representation and culmination of your work in this course. Four of the weekly assignments will become part of the portfolio. Know that it is expected that you will refine those assignments so that your portfolio consists of corrected, final, and polished versions of those assignments. Additional formatting requirements will be a part of the portfolio as well.
4. Presentations:
A short 3 – 5 minute presentation on the final Portfolio will occur at the end of the quarter. I strongly believe that presentation skills are an important part of not just college success but professional success.
Grading Scale:
93-100% = A
90-92% = A-
87-89% = B+
83-86% = B
80-82% = B-
77-79% = C+
73-76% = C
70-72% = C-
67-69% = D+
60-66% = D
60% = F
Class dates and topic list
1. Week One, Welcome
a. Thursday 1/5
2. Week Two, College Norms and Navigation
a. Monday 1/9
b. Thursday 1/12, Assign. #1 Due
3. Week Three, Learning Mindset
a. Monday 1/16 – HOLIDAY No Classes
b. Thursday 1/19, Assign. #2 Due
4. Week Four, Learning Mindset and Career Exploration
a. Monday 1/23
b. Thursday 1/26, Assign. #3 Due
5. Week Five, Career Exploration and Planning
a. Monday 1/30
b. Thursday 2/2, Library Visit, Assign. #4 Due
6. Week Six, Career Planning and Educational Planning
a. Monday 2/6
b. Thursday 2/9, Assign. #5 Due
7. Week Seven, Educational Planning and Financial Aid
a. Monday 2/13
b. Thursday 2/16, Financial Aid Visit, Assign. #6 Due
8. Week Eight, Money and College
a. Monday 2/20 – HOLIDAY No Classes
b. Thursday 2/23, Assign. #7 Due
9. Week Nine, Money and College and Next Quarter Planning
a. Monday 2/27
b. Thursday 3/2, Assign. #8 Due
10. Week Ten, Portfolios and Presentations
a. Monday 3/6
b. Thursday, Portfolios Due, Presentations Begin
11. Week Eleven, Presentations
a. Monday 3/13, Presentations Continue
b. Thursday 3/16, Presentations Conclude
Calendar for Winter Quarter 2017
January /Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
2 No Classes / 3 No Classes / 4 1st Day of the Quarter / 5 1st Day of CSS 103 – Syllabus and Welcome / 6
9 College Norms and Canvas / 10 / 11 / 12 College Navigation
Assign. #1 Due / 13
16 MLK Day – No Classes / 17 / 18 / 19 Learning Mindset
Assign. #2 Due / 20
23 Learning Mindset / 24 / 25 / 26 Career Exploration
Assign. #3 Due / 27
February /
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Jan. 30 Career Exploration / Jan. 31 / 1 / 2 Career Planning Library Visit
Assign. #4 Due / 3
6 Career Planning / 7 / 8 / 9 Educational Planning
Assign. #5 Due / 10
13 Educational Planning / 14 / 15 / 16 Financial Aid
Assign. #6 Due / 17
20 Presidents’ Day – No Classes / 21 / 22 / 23 Money and College
Assign. #7 Due / 24
March /
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Feb. 27 Money and College / Feb. 28 / 1 / 2 Ed Plans and Registration
Assign. #8 Due / 3
6 Workshop Day / 7 / 8 / 9 Final Presentations
Portfolios Due / 10
13 Final Presentations / 14 / 15 / 16 Final Presentations / 17 Instructors’ Due Date to Submit Grades