February 11, 2010


To increase suicide awareness and prevention.



Tim Lineaweaver, Community Health Center / Beverly Costa-Ciavola, CC Neighborhood Support Coalition
Beth Albert – Barnstable County Human Services / Maura Weir, Youth Suicide Grant Project Mgr.
Kathie Callahan, Barnstable County Human Services / Mark Abbott, Falmouth Human Services
Steve Jochim, DMH / Maura Wilson, Samaritans of Cape Cod
Ben Caswell, Wendell Marketing / Sue Rohrbach, Senator Rob O’Leary’s Aide
Patrick Wendell, Wendell Marketing / Larry Fox, To Your Good Health
Sally-Anne Imes, Town of Barnstable Youth Services / Paul Wild, Elder Services
Kathy Quatromoni, District Attorney’s office / Arthur Bence, South Shore Mental Health/Bayview Associates
Beth Biro, Children’s Cove / Jennifer Taylor, MSPCC

Unable to attend: Kathleen Shine-O’Brien, Kate McHugh, Gere Unger, Katie McMakin

Approval of January Meeting Notes: Beverly Costa-Ciavola motioned, seconded by Paul Wild to accept the January meeting notes as written. Motion unanimously approved.

To Your Good Health Publication: Thank you to Larry Fox for facilitating the media coverage in the February Edition of To Your Good Health (issued quarterly). The six articles were fantastic and will shed a great deal of light on Suicide: “Our Hidden Secret”. This health publication reaches a circulation of over 100,000 and is inserted into local newspapers as well as distributed to health care providers, agencies etc. Larry noted that the publication depends largely on advertising so please consider advertising your agency/organization if you use media publicity. He also noted that he hopes to do follow-up articles in future issues and hopes that the Coalition will keep him informed of any breaking news.

Fiscal Report: Beverly distributed the Fiscal report with a balance of $11,700 as of the end of January. She noted that a $10,000 grant award from United Way is not yet reflected as well as the $400 (4%) charge from Cape Cod Foundation as fiscal agent. This will bring the balance to $21,300.

Working Group Updates:

§  Elders: (Paul Wild) Finalizing purpose statement – will email to S/C. Finalizing questionnaire to identify resources and gaps for gatekeepers who take care of elders.

§  Education/Training (Beverly Costa-Ciavola) No trainings planned at present. Tim noted that group is developing process for a large scale public event for the quarterly SPC meeting. Format will include brief summary of what the Coalition is, what it is doing, trainings being held etc. Remainder of meeting will include open discussion, Q&A period etc. Meeting is being scheduled for March 15, possibly on the Upper Cape, location & time TBD. Keynote speaker will be Brent Runyon, a reporter with the Falmouth Enterprise and author of the Burn Journals.. They hope to attract younger members to the Coalition through widespread publicity coverage as well as local legislators.

§  Marketing:.(Beth Albert) Beth reported that with the help of Wendell Marketing a marketing plan has been adopted. Ben Caswell distributed and discussed a summary of the Proposed marketing plan which included:

1) Support Mission: increase suicide awareness and prevention

2) Create identity for coalition of “awareness, education, action”

3) Identify initial target markets

4) Quarter 1 2010 begin awareness campaign efforts; PR driven

5) Q2-Q4 2010 other tactics ma include website, advertising, education forums, e-newsletter,

collateral creation

6)  Goals & objectives include:

-  Create feedback mechanism

-  Create repeatable awareness and/or fundraising events

-  Establish “expert” coalition spokespersons

-  Attract new and varied members – could/should include businesses. Complete approach across the age continuum.

-  Reach out to secondary target markets

Tim noted that marketing goals include creating sustainability of the Coalition as well as decreasing the suicide rates through education and keeping them down long-term.

Beth stated that at the request of Steve Ryan who was chairing the membership subcommittee that the two committees be combined since they are working on similar goals.

Beth reported that a letter was sent to the Executive Committee of the Mass Suicide Prevention Coalition which clearly stated the C&I SPC goals & position regarding the limitations it would face by joining the MPSC. Ben Caswell will also draft a letter to the MPSC regarding the graphic and inappropriate information contained in an Associated Press release which did not conform to media guidelines.

Maura Wilson noted that some people are uncomfortable with being “gatekeepers” around the issue of suicide. It was noted that trainers need to put good frameworks in place to help alleviate some of the apprehension surrounding being a “gatekeeper” and dealing with issues of suicide is the responsibility of all of us as part of our communities. It was also pointed out that Nantucket is making great strides with their programs and the Cape should look to this model for inspiration. Sue Rohrbach pointed to an article in the Boston Globe on Sunday, 2/7 called “STAY” for inspiration.

It was discussed that the marketing for each age group should have a different approach however all should focus on an awareness campaign and how to positively influence behavior. The youth campaign could focus on such things as “getting treatment is an acceptable thing to do” and promote this and other ideas as such things as school health fairs. Maura Wilson suggested the use of verbiage such as “courage” may help people seek the help they need.

There is new state funding that will provide up to $18,000 per year to caregivers for providing in-home care.

§  Youth: Meeting was postponed. Walk is still in discussion for 2010.

§  Advocacy: (Bill Doherty) Sue Rohrbach reported that Senator O’Leary has requested possibility of legal intern to explore the mandatory reporting proposed legislation.

§  Fundraising: No report.

Youth Grant Activities:

§  Cyberbullying forum scheduled for March 9th from 12 – 3 PM at Barnstable High School.

§  Meetings scheduled in Harwich & Chatham. Maura noted that communities need to take ownership of issues in their area. Need buy-in from every community.

§  Trainers from Samaritans going to seminar in New Hampshire.

§  Bereavement group to be organized on Cape Cod – Youth Project will help fund.

§  Need to connect SPC w/ NAMI (David Munsell)

§  Logic model almost completed.

§  Action Plan roll out scheduled for March 15th. Will present to CHNA and HHSAC.

§  Nantucket received award at recent State House event.

New Business: The decision was made to have regular S/C reports at the monthly SPC meetings.

Beth suggested having Gerry Unger, Director of the Inalienable Rights Project, a non-profit Veteran's Assistance Program in Wareham be invited to do a presentation at the March SPC meeting. Group agreed – Beth will contact.

Motion to adjourn made by Beverly Costa-Ciavola, seconded by Beth Albert. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.

DMH Crisis Team hotline # is 1-800-322-1356

Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 2010

@ the Barnstable Superior Courthouse, Rms 11/12