1.Practice Start Date:November 10, 2014

2.Maximum number of games not including play-offs:30 Games

3.Limits per day:32 ends


  • May be made for team activities only: basketball, football, soccer, volleyball & curling.
  • Application for curling may only be made for boys teams or girls teams and must be made between two schools that each have enrolments of 20 or less of the gender involved in the application.


  1. Player eligibility must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to league play. Further additions to the player list during the season must also be submitted 24 hours prior to participation in league play.
  2. NON-SCHOOL COMPETITION: High school curlers may participate in non-school leagues without loss of eligibility for school curling. MJHSAA takes no responsibility for any non-school league or tournaments. School sweaters and other identification should not be used when curlers are attending a bonspiel on their own so that parents may be made aware the school takes no responsibility under these circumstances.


The current Canadian Curling Association rule book will apply with the following SHSAA amendments and rulings:

  1. All games must begin with four curlers. At the discretion (and under extenuating circumstances only) of the league Commissioner, a team may be allowed to start a game with three curlers. Schools

are encouraged to have five curlers on the boys and girls teams and six curlers (one extra boy & one extra girl) on the mixed teams.

  1. Substitution may take place prior to any game of a competition. Rotation of players may be altered prior to any game, but not after the first rock has been put into play.
  2. Substitution: The player who leaves the game does not re-enter the same game. The player entering the game plays the position of the player who leaves (or lower). The substitution occurs between ends unless motivated by a physical injury. Substitution for Mixed: The player who leaves the game does not re-enter the same game. The player entering the game plays the position and is of the same gender as the player who leaves (or lower). The throwing order must be maintained. The substitution occurs between ends unless motivated by a physical injury.
  3. In mixed curling, the sexes must play alternate positions (lead & third, or second & skip). If a girl is skipping, the other girl must play second and the boys lead & third. If a boy were designated as skip, the positions would be reversed. The player delivering last stone and player acting as vice-skip (holder of the broom) must be opposite gender.
  4. In boys and girls competitions, the rinks may be made up of a maximum of five competitors. In mixed competition the rinks may be made up of a maximum of three girls and three boys, but they may not play during any game with fewer than two boys and two girls.
  5. Each curler is eligible to compete for only ONE of the curling teams representing the school in any interscholastic play leading to the SHSAA provincial competition (if a player is listed as a substitute and does not participate in a game that is part of the playoffs leading to the provincial championship, then that player would be eligible to participate on another school curling team).
  1. Each team is allowed to call two time outs, of one-minute duration each. The request for time out,

called by the athletes, may be made at any time that the team is in control of the house or during an interval of play. A mandatory five-minute break will be held at the conclusion of the fourth end.

  1. Each team will be allowed one time out in the extra end of one-minute duration. Any unused time outs

from regulation may not be carried over. There will be an automatic two-minute time out prior to the first extra end. This time out is not charged to either team.

  1. Last rock advantage in league play and play-offs will be awarded to the winner of a coin toss. Last rock advantage is defined as having the choice of either “hammer” or rock color.
  2. In the interest of having school curling teams identifiable, as school representative teams, teams MUST

bedressed uniformly and in school colors. Specifically, shirts, jacket/sweater, and pants/skirt must be uniform in color for all four players.


  1. Each school may enter two teams and players may be interchanged on these teams during the course of the season up until the SHSAA E5 date for curling, which is typically the 2nd Wednesday in January. Both school teams are eligible for play-offs.
  2. All games in regular season play and play-offs will be scheduled for eight ends.
  3. In regular season league play, ties will remain as ties and extra ends will not be played.
  4. A player must have curled in league play to be eligible to curl in the play-offs.
  5. All MJHSAA Section teams will make the play-offs.
  6. The MJHSAA play-offs will be scheduled in a double knockout tournament format. With only two teams in a league, a best of three format will be used.
  7. Headgear MUSTNOTbe worn during MJHSAA, SCDAA & SHSAA curling games. Exceptions will be allowed for health, safety and religious reasons only.
  8. Ice Rental fees are to be paid by the Prairie South School Division and the Holy Trinity School Division. CaronportCornestone will share in ice rental fees when they have teams participating. Presently the MJHSAA is only charged for games, practice times are free.


1.The MJHSAA Section will advance two teams to the SCDAA District Bonspiel.

2.The SCDAA bonspiel will be scheduled in a double knockout tournament format.

3.Games are to be scheduled at 2:15 intervals.

4.The SCDAA District will advance two teams to the SHSAA Regional Bonspiel and the top two teams from the Regional Bonspiel will advance to the SHSAA Provincial eight team Bonspiel.


  1. The penalty for violation of the “Sports Activity Rules” may result in forfeit of game or games in which the violation occurred.