Healthy Behavior Change Project


Each student will be responsible for planning and implementing their own healthy behavior change over the course of the semester. Each Student will be accountable for choosing a health behavior or risk factor they want to change, and will have the semester to apply their choice of behavior change to their everyday life. Students will complete all assessments and journal entries on their success and failures/complications during the semester.

Journal Entries

Maintain a weekly journal on their your behavior change project.

The journal must include the following:

o  First journal entry (follow instructions below)

o  1 journal entry per week (minimum of 10 sentences)

o  Final entry is a summary of the entry project (one page entry)

Possible entry ideas are but not limited to:

§  Success or complication/failures of the week

§  Unexpected problems that created roadblocks on your success

§  Future health benefits of your goal

§  Has your goal improved or complicated your life?

§  Is your goal affecting any of the other dimensions of wellness in either a positive or negative manner?

The first journal entry should include:

o  Your specific behavior change goal

o  What health component are you trying to improve?

o  How you are going to implement your goal?

o  Problems you might encounter throughout the semester?

o  Future health benefits of your goal?

o  How will your goal improve or complicate your life?

****PLEASE BE CREATIVE (use magazine cut outs, drawings, anything that inspires you in your journal to keep you motivated) ****


o  Journal entries will be checked for progress periodically throughout the semester

o  Journals will be collected and graded according to the due dates POSTED on the Health Class Schedule

o  Journal Entries will be graded on following the above guidelines, content, and neatness.