October 21, 2009
OFFICIAL COMPLAINT AGAINST Cst. Raygan Ennis & enablers
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
ATTN: Intake Supervisor (Rick Stevens)
Greetings and blessings to your house.
After speaking with my Dad and then Rick Stevens in a brief conversation this morning I now forward this Official Complaint for your review.
These matters are quite stressful already, without added incursions against my property and soul.
This present situation began with a public employee of Court Services in Rossland, BC first lying to me (about what her position was), then refusing to identify who she was by name, and then finally hanging up on me as she said: “I don’t have to tell you ANYTHING”. I stated: “The People of British Columbia pay you to”...before hearing her hang up the phone. This all happened within about 30 – 60 seconds.
Being the victim of many witches like this one, and having had enough abuse, I proceeded to make numerous calls to find out just how to lay an Official Complaint against such a beast. It took much time and effort before I found out just where to send my concerns and who would/should take action against said violators of their oath, contract with the People of British Columbia.
As you may see if you read the attached email correspondence, the lying witch (whose name was eventually discovered) Trudy Williams proceeded to/continues to:
to not only the recipients of my Official Complaint, but also a few added souls in the AG’s Office and the Sheriff (as I found out later).
The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Proverbs 12:19
Unbeknownst to me, one of the added email recipients of her many and varied lies and manipulations was a Sheriff also based in Rossland. It was he – I found out later as you will see in the more recent emails – that made FALSE STATEMENTS to the RCMP, namely Raygan Ennis. Raygan and another member came to my home – instead of emailing me – to ‘inquire’ as to whether I was intent on personally doing harm to the lying witch Trudy Williams. An email – since this was and is how the Official Complaint and subsequent correspondence has been conducted – would have sufficed, of course. As stated before, I will NOT be intimidated by anyone anymore.
While Raygan has been generally polite, it is the fact that he has twice come here to disturb me and the second-time (last night) threaten me criminally. Polite threats – even unfounded in law – are still threats and disturb not only my dinner but my already stressed-out soul/body/mind. I will not be moved from my lawful stance and actions past and henceforth.
The first time he came was on October 16th in the late afternoon. I thought that there was a mutual understanding at the end of that unexpected and lengthy exchange and in fact, he later stated in his only email to me that he was no longer working on the file and any further inquiries were to be made to the Lead investigator. He did not pass on the Sheriff’s contact information as I had requested.
Last night he broke his word and was ‘back on the case’, coming here with a different member, both in separate vehicles this time. Not only was this doubly unwarranted, it was and is a waste of time, gas and energy. This time he was threatening me with ‘Criminal Harassment’ of Sheriff Mike Ferguson for one email I sent to him – rebuking, warning and charging him $500 for his trespass against me. I also sent this rebuke to the AG’s Office for the Record. I like to have everything in ‘black and white’ if possible – open and above board. If Mike did not want me to email him, he would not have given me his email address, clearly. Conspiracy to commit crimes and threaten a lawful soul such as myself is criminal.
I sent Mike the email because of the Holy Bible which contains God’s commandments to us, but also to try and keep these matters from becoming lawsuits and dragged out in the courts. If souls can resolve differences before coming to such loggerheads, peace can be achieved (and souls might be saved in the process.)
A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies. Proverbs 14:25
In any case, last night was the ‘last straw’ in this now-local Battle. I won’t put up with anymore such unlawful incursions against my property and my peace. The purpose of this Complaint is to enter it into the public Record and to stop further transgressions against me and the free-exercise of my rights (and maybe others’ rights) as also stated in the Canadian Constitution, not limited to:
- Freedom of expression
- Freedom of religion
- Freedom of thought
- Freedom of association
- Right to redress of grievances, petition government, etc.
Raygan said that if I sent any more emails to Mike Ferguson that he would “charge me with ‘CRIMINAL HARASSMENT’”. I told him that what I sent was not criminal in any way (you will see the single email seeking the repentance and restitution of this Sheriff Mike Ferguson attached) and that I am also required by my God’s Holy Law contained in the Holy Bible (KJV) to do such things, i.e. REBUKE those that trespass against me. I did so and will continue to do so as I am doing in this Official Complaint. Not only in an effort to now get Raygan (and his enablers) to repent, but to STOP further trespasses against my property and unlawful threats to me and my lawful actions.
I also stated and do state again for the Record that I DO NOT ‘UNDER STAND’ any such threats of criminal actions against me: I do not and will not. One cannot be lawfully or legally penalized for seeking repentance/restitution outside of the courts, let alone PERSECUTED for same. Raygan’s ‘polite threat’ seeks to stop me from doing such lawful tings and put me in fear, now and in the future. I will not stand for it any longer.
Raygan ‘thanked me for my patience’. - My patience with him and those that enable him/drive him is finished. There will not be a third time. –
I also demand that Trudy Williams in conspiracy now with Mike Ferguson be criminally charged with FRAUD and FALSE STATEMENTS. To date, Raygan refuses to lay such charges and only continues to ‘politely’ harass me and add to my already huge stressors. I am the victim here, yet I am being treated as a criminal. Go figure.
If he or others wish to communicate with me – at my discretion – they may do so by email or letter in the post. No other method is now acceptable. I am doing this to protect myself from further stresses and victimization for ‘blowing the whistle’ on witchcraft (detailed in the attached emails) in Rossland (in this case). The fruit of witchcraft is unlawful and criminal, if not the actual ‘term’.
If Raygan - and those that enable him - repent for their trespasses against me, from their heart, they will be forgiven thusly in the same manner. I do not seek a fine against Raygan at this point, but if matters progress unsatisfactorily – which I sincerely hope they do not – restitution of a monetary nature is always open for discussion.
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. - Proverbs 17:15
These true and correct statements, charges, understandings and beliefs are made bona fide Dei Gratia.
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
In The Name and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
(sent by email and/or paperless FAX)
- Belligerent Claimant for My Daughter and Our Rights: Dei Juris
Bcc: Spiritual brethren/lawful counsellors
NOTICE OF DEMAND TO SHERIFF MIKE FERGUSON (who thinks he is the 'law'). FUCK YOU FAGGOT!! (not included in original email to this fucker, hoping that he would repent & do rightly...FAT CHANCE. It appears that this MIKE FERGUSON is none other than the RCMP murderer of unarmed DARREN VARLEY in Pincher Creek, AB in 1999. I mean, how many MIKE FERGUSONS would there be in Western Canada that work for another gun-toting criminal gang known as the BC SHERIFFS? He clearly has not learned anything and is even more full of Hell and just waiting to MURDER AGAIN. And BC tax-slaves are paying this fucker!! NOT US! NO MORE!!)
Hi Mike,
Please find attached all of the original emails sent and responded to, as well as the follow-up email sent to Raygan Ennis. (He has concluded his part on my File #3340 andwould not forward your contact information to me.Thisis why I called the Sheriffs of Rossland this morning in order to send you the full gamutplus my personal rebuke, warning and charge to you. Had Raygan provided your email when I asked him to, I would have sent you this ASAP thereafter.)
Leviticus 19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
It is because of this Scripture and few others - inclusive of the 'Golden Rule' - that I send this rebuke, warning and charge to your personal attention.
These are VERY serious matters, both spiritually (which is of the utmost importance) and legally/criminally. Many people have died based on such things. A recent case on Vancouver Island had a pair of lying girls tell a teenaged Mr. Martin that a man had raped one of the girls. Based on this lie, the trio conspired to invade the man's house and once found sleeping Mr. Martin then proceeded to beat him to ultimate death with a baseball bat. Tens of thousands of Men and Fathers are either in jail or suffering based on the proven lies/frauds/FALSE STATEMENTS/FALSE ACCUSATIONS of witches like Trudy Williams. She is no different than the millions of lying, thieving, fraudulent witches not only in 'government' positions, but in this polluted nation today.
So - having said that, I preface everything here with the rebuke to you and your soul - for it is in jeopardy. Is there hope for your soul? I am not sure, for you may have already made your decision for Satan and don't wish to repent. However, regardless of that, I am required to rebuke you for your trespass against me and offer terms of forgiveness to you. What you do with that information is up to you and whom you serve.
Proverbs 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. - (speaking of the only wise God)
Proverbs 18:13 ¶ He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
What you did against me was to accept the lying witch's FALSE ACCUSATIONS and RETALIATION against me, as true and correct - then, instead of telling her to handle things herself if shewanted to complain, you took it upon yourself to act in her fraudulent stead and opened yourselfnot only to this email rebuke, warning and charge, but also to many more devils than you already have in your soul.She manipulated you with her whinings and DROVE you to contact the RCMP here to try and intimidate me. As I said to them and all: I will not be intimidated by anyone, much less witches like Trudy and those who enable them.
An interesting note of comparison: I have charged the witch-mother of my unseen darling daughter with CRIMINAL CHARGES inclusive of FRAUD, THEFT, FALSE STATEMENTS, PERJURY - upto and including TORTURE of my darling daughter and myself. It is over SIX WEEKS since I sent those CRIMINAL CHARGES to the appropriate jurisdiction, and still my daughter has not been protected from these Satanic souls that also enable the witch-mother.
Now, contrast the head-spinning turn-around response-time from the fraudulent, whining, lying witch to you and then you to the RCMP here. Almost IMMEDIATE. Your actions and theirs open them up to lawful actions including but not limited to lawsuits for discrimination of Men and Fathers across this polluted nation.
Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Not only is Trudy guilty of the things I stated in my original OFFICIAL COMPLAINT to the AG, but she added to that many FALSE ACCUSATIONS that also even malignedmy character. To aid such an one is to be a partaker of her crimes and on-going trespasses against me and other Men and Fathers.
Yes - we have all been duped/deceived/lied to in our lives. Such situations bring out a living Hell, both within and without. The only way out to find the Truth - who is the Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth - and cling to it/Him, once sought and available. The Lord Jesus is nigh to all who call upon Him IN TRUTH.
Once that is done - through repentance and restitution where necessary - a foundation of righteousness can be built. It is in this hope that I send you this personal communication for your ultimate edification, repentance and closure to this matter.
If you were serious about investigating on behalf of the lying witch Trudy Williams, you could easily have sent me an email as that was/is the method of communication with those that should fire and fine the witches in Rossland.
If you wish to repent you may do so by email and then forward $500 (Trudy's fine should be about $10,000-$20,000 payable to me, so your fine is quite cheap at the price.), payable to me personally within a maximum of three days after receiving this email. This is for being DRIVEN by the witch Trudy Williams and DRIVINGthe RCMP to disturb me and waste my time, energy and resources, adding to my already too-great stress.
If you do repent and make restitution, at least somedevils of:
will have a weaker hold on you and I will forgive you from my heart.
If you refuse to do as directed to do here, not only will your soul become more polluted than it already is, you will go on to trespass against many other souls before you burn in Hell. So - for your own soul and the sake of many others - doing as commanded here is not only for your best interest, but many other souls that you will come in contact with before you die, as all men do.
Proverbs 19:9 ¶ A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.
Fighting for the Supremacy of God and the rule of law, forin this Battle between God and Satan: There is no middle ground. - TRUST CHRIST Or Go To Hell!
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19
And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Luke 1:17
In the Name and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
- Belligerent Claimant for My Daughter and Our Rights - Dei Juris
----- Original Message -----
To:Raygan Ennis
Sent:Friday, October 16, 2009 4:54 PM
Hello again Cst. Ennis,
Please consider all such communicationslegal documents for the Record and your files.Also, for my records, please forward the actual complaint from the Sheriffs to you.
- Cc Recipients: To those who have power to add tomy OFFICIAL COMPLAINT, consider this email LEGAL NOTICE of same.You had better reign in your witches in Rossland before theyRETALIATE and FALSELY ACCUSE and abusemore Men and Fathers in this Province. -
Further to our conversation here at my home where you were sent bythe Sheriffs asking you to investigate thenever-ending FALSE ACCUSATIONSlaid by the witch Trudy Williams, please find attached the actual emails that contain the OFFICIAL COMPLAINT against the Rossland 'JPs' and the witch's (Trudy Williams') FALSE ACCUSATIONS andLYING statements,as well as my exposure and rebukesof Trudy'sfurther FALSE ACCUSATIONS and attacks upon me and my character.