Berthoud High School – Senior English
To achieve a successful score on this task, a student must MEET or EXCEED standard for all expectations.
Expectations / Exemplary4 / Accomplished
3 / Developing
2 / Beginning
1 / No Evidence or Attempt
Information / The student skillfully compiles, analyzes and interprets information and data in an exemplary way
The student skillfully offers solid analysis, without prompting in order to move the conversation forward
The student skillfully demonstrates a deep understanding of the text(s) and question
The student’s remarks often refer to specific parts of the text(s)
Uses at least FOUR SOURCES / The student compiles, and interprets information and data effectively
The student offers solid analysis without prompting
The student demonstrates a good knowledge of the text(s) and question
The student makes references from the text
Uses at least THREE SOURCES / The student compiles some information, but does not analyze and interpret data effectively
The student provides some information, but needs prompting from others
The student demonstrates a general knowledge of the text(s) and question, but lacks insight
The student relies mostly opinions and less on the text(s) to drive comments
Uses at least TWO SOURCES / The student does not use available sources to compile information and does not present, analyze and/or interpret data effectively
The student offers little commentary or insight to the text(s)
The student offers only opinions and no references from the text(s)
Uses at least ONE SOURCE / No evidence or documentation
Self-Management / The student comes to the seminar prepared, with notes and marked/annotated text(s)
The student always consults with others, manages time effectively, and evaluates their own performance in an exemplary way / The student comes to the seminar prepared with notes
The student consults with others, manages time effectively and evaluates their own performance effectively / The student comes to the seminar relatively unprepared, with few notes
The student rarely consults with others, manages time ineffectively, and/or has difficulty evaluating their own performance / The student comes to the seminar ill-prepared with little understanding of the task
The student does not consult with others, nor manages time, meet established deadlines, or evaluate their own performance / No evidence or documentation
Working with Others / The student always participates during group sessions, performs as a group leader and completes all required tasks in an exemplary way
The student, through their comments, shows that they are actively listening to the other participants
The student offers clarification and/or follow-up that extends the conversation in an exemplary way / The student always participates during group sessions, is aware of the overall team strategies, and completes all required tasks
The student shows s/he is actively listening to the other participants
The student may offer clarification and/or follow-up to extend the conversation / The student occasionally participates during group sessions, has some knowledge of the overall team strategies, and occasionally completes required tasks
The student appears to be listening, has difficulty or does not offer clarification and/or follow-up to others’ comments to move the discussion forward / The student has difficulty participating during group discussions, has little to no knowledge of the overall team strategies, and does not complete required tasks
The student does not listen to others, and offers no commentary to move the discussion forward / No evidence or documentation
Conduct / The student demonstrates respect for others
The student skillfully moves the discussion forward by validating and remaining positive in his/her supporting comments or rebuttal
The student has patience with differing opinions and complexity
The student shows initiative and speaks to all the participants
The student avoids controlling the conversation / The student generally demonstrates respect for others
The student helps to move the discussion forward by remaining positive in his/her supporting comments or rebuttal
The student generally shows composure, but may display some impatience with strong opinions, contradictory or confusing ideas
The student speaks to all the participants
The student avoids controlling the conversation / The student has difficulty demonstrating respect for others
The student tries to move the conversation forward, but does not necessarily use positive comments or rebuttal
The student participates and tries to push his/her opinions on others in the group or is too shy to move the conversation forward
The student does not speak to all students
The student tends to debate, not dialogue with other students / The students shows little or no respect for others
The students is negative toward others
The students is argumentative or forcefully opinionated
The student is easily distracted
The student uses inappropriate language
The students speaks to individuals not to ideas
The student controls the conversation or will not participate / No evidence or documentation
Volume/Eye Contact / The student skillfully presents ideas with clarity and confidence
The student is professional and skillfully adjusts his/her presentation to different contexts, situations and cultures in an exemplary way
The student uses eye contact and excellent volume / The student presents ideas with consistent clarity and confidence
The student effectively adjusts his/her presentation to different contexts, situations and cultures
The student uses some eye contact and/or appropriate volume / The student presents ideas with some clarity and confidence
The student sometimes adjusts his/her presentation to different contexts, situations and cultures
The student uses little eye contact and/or low volume / The student does not present ideas clearly and confidently
The student does not adjust presentation contexts, situations or cultures
The student uses no eye contact and low volume / No evidence or documentation
Score ______Scorer’s Initials ______