A. Personal Details
Name: Dominic Philip Oduor-Okelo
B.V.Sc., M.Sc. (Nairobi), Dr. Med. Vet. (Bern), Ph.D. (Nairobi), FKNAS .
Address: University of Nairobi, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, P.O.Box 30197, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 0722-617702.
Nationality: Kenyan
Marital Status: Widower, with four children.
Date & Place of Birth: June 12, 1944 – Ugenya, in Siaya District.
B. Education: 1. University Education
1979 Ph.D.
University of Nairobi
1973 – 1974: Dr. of Veterinary Medicine
University of Bern, Switzerland
1971 – 1972: M.Sc. in Veterinary Anatomy
University of Nairobi
1967 – 1971: B.V.Sc. degree
University of East Africa/University of Nairobi
2. Secondary Education.
1965 – 1966 Strathmore College of Arts & Science, Nairobi. Advanced Certificate of Education (University of London) – 3 Principle Passes.
1962 – 1964: St. Marys School, Yala. Cambridge School Certificate (Ordinary Level). Division 1.
1961 – 1962: St. Peters Catholic Seminary, Kakamega..
3. Primary Education
1957- 1960: St. Johns Junior Seminary Rakwaro. K.A.P.E. English, 1 ; Maths, 1 ; G.H,C. 1.
1952 – 1957: Siranga Primary School P.O. Ukwala, Siaya District. Common Entrance Examination. (C.E.E.).
4. Scholarship/ Fellowship Awards
2003, Sept. – Dec.: Carlsberg Foundation Fellowship at The University of Southern Denmark at Odense.
1981, April – Oct.: W.H.O. Fellowship at The University Texas Health Science Center, Department of Cell Biology, Dallas, Texas, U.S,A.
1973 – 1974: Swiss Federal Government Scholarship – University of Bern, Switzerland; Degree attained: Dr. med. Vet.
1971 – 1972: DAAD Scholalship – University of Nairobi, M.Sc. degree programm, Dept. of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
5. Employment: University of Nairobi.
1991 to present - Professor of Veterinary Anatomy.
1986 – 1991: Associate Professor ;
1983 – 1986: Senior Lecturer ;
1974 – 1983 : Lecturer, Department Veterinary Anatomy ;
1971 – 1974 : Postgraduate student, Dept. of Vet. Anatomy(on staff – development)
6. Duties Lecturing and conducting practical classes in macroscopic and microscopic anatomy to BVM first year undergraduates.
Lecturing and conducting practical classes in animal anatomy to undergraduate students in Agriculture , Range Management and Food Science Technology.
Lecturing and conducting practicals for M.Sc. for students in Vet. Anatomy and Animal Physiology Departments.
Supervision of M.Sc. research and theses.
Supervision of PhD research and theses.
7. Student Supervision.
Master of Science.
1. Owiti, G.O. M.Sc., 1984
2. Mwaga, N.V. M.Sc.,1991.
3. Onyango, D.W. M.Sc. 1992
4. Makori, N. M.Sc. 1992.
5. Ojoo, R.O. M.Sc. 1995.
6. Sichangi, M.W. M.Sc. 2001.
7. Simukoko,H. M.Sc. 2001
8. Njogu, A.N. M.Sc. 2003
9. Kisipan, N.L. M.Sc. 2006 ( current )
Doctor of Philosophy;
1. Oduma, J.A. PhD. 1998.
2. Onyango, D.W. PhD 2000.
3. Ojoo,R.O. PhD 2006.
8. Theses Examined.
At M.Sc. Level;
1. Muwanga, Grace,M. M.Sc. (1985), Makerere University, Uganda.
2. Mukenya, Edmund. M.Sc. (1985), Makerere University, Uganda.
3. Akinyi, S. M.Sc. (1991), Kenyatta University, Kenya.
4. Osinde, Simon,P. M.Sc. (1998), Mbarara University of Science Technology, Uganda.
5. Ntunyo, Fred. M.Sc. (2005), Mbarara University of Science Technology, Uganda.
At PhD Level,
1. Walji, A. PhD. (1985), University of Nairobi, Kenya.
2. Maranga,Charles. PhD. (1989), Kenyatta University, Kenya.
3. Kitua, Sika, F. PhD. (1996), Kenyatta University, Kenya.
9. External Examiner.
1. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, BVM, Anatomy, 1989-1996.
2. Makerere University, BVM, Anatomy, 1993-1995.
3.Maseno University, Department of Biomedical Sciences & Technology, 2000-04.
10. Responsibilities.
1. 1976-1978. Founder member and first secretary of Chuna Sacco, U.O.N
2. 1978-1980. Vice Chairman- Chuna Sacco
3. 1982-1988. Chairman, Department of Veterinary Anatomy.
4.1983-1988. Member of Board of Governors , St.Marys School , Yala.
5. 1988-1989. Acting Principal, College of Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences, (CAVS).
6. 1984-1989(?), Member, Board of Directors, National Museums of Kenya.
7. 1989-1994, Principal, CAVS.
8. 1990-2000, Chairman, Kenya Veterinary Vaccine Production Institute (KEVEVAPI)
9. 2002- to present. Member and Chairman, of Board of Governors, Yenga Secondary School,P.O.Ukwala,Siaya District.
10. 2004- 2007 Member, Strathmore University Council, Nairobi, Kenya.
A. Theses
1. ODUOR-OKELO, D (1972). The lymphatic system of the testis of the goat. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Nairobi.
2. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1974). Carbohydrate histochemistry of the duodenal glands and trachea of the cat and horse. Dr.Vet.Med. Thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland.
3. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1979). A study of the fetal membranes and placenta of the African cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus), with some observations on the placentation in the elephant shrews – family Macroscelididae. Ph.D thesis, University of Nairobi.
B. Published Papers
1. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1974). The Leydig cells and vascular system in the testis of the goat (Capra hircus). Z. Mikrosk Anat. Forsch 88: 1036-1044.
2. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1976). Histochemistry of the duodenal glands of the cat and horse. Acta Anat. 94: 446-456.
3. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1977). Effects of temperature and relative humidity on plasma and gonadol testosterone concentration in camels. J. Reproduction, Fert. 50: 107 – 108.
4. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. & AMOROSO, E.C. (1977). Role of progesterone in pregnancy in the Hyrax. E. Afri. J. Med. Res. 4: 75-80.
5. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D., BHARAJ, R. & VERJEE, H.Z. (1977). Gonadal plasma testosterone and cholesterol in scorbutic guinea pigs. Int. J. Vit. & Nutritional Res. 47: 75-80.
6. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1978). A histological study of the ovary of the cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus) E. Afr. Wildlife. J. 16: 257-264.
7. ODUOR-OKELO, D., GOMBE, D. & AMOROSO, E.C. (1980). The placenta and fetal membranes of the shortnosed elephant shrew (Elephantulus rufescens). Saugatierkol. Mitt. 28: 293-301.
8. KAAYA, G.P. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1980). The effect of Tryponosoma conglense infection on the testis and epididymis of the goat. Bull. Anim. Health. Prod. Afric. 28: 1-5.
9. GOMBE, S., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & Else, J. (1980). The potential of African mammals on new Models for research in human reproduction (Eds. M. Serio & L. Martini) pp. 345-354, Raven Press, N.Y.
10. ODUOR-OKELO, D. & NEAVES, W.B. (1982). The choriallantoic placenta of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta Erxleben): An electron microscopic study. Anat. Rec. 204: 215-222.
11. ODUOR-OKELO, D., & GOMBE, S. (1982). Placentation in the African cane rats (Thryonomys swinderianus) Afric. J. Ecol. 20: 249-266.
12. ODUOR-OKELO, D., MUSEWE, V.O. & GOMBE, S. (1983). Electron microscopic study of the choriallantoic placenta of the rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei, Gray), J. Reprod. Fert. 68: 311-316.
13. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1983). Chronic (90) day’s toxicity of pyrethrum in German shepherd dog. Kenya Vet. 7: 4-12.
14. OGAA, J.S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1983) Wildlife obstetrics. A challenge to veterinarians. Kenya Vet. 7: 14-16.
15. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1984). An electron microscopic study of the choriallantoic placenta and subplacenta of the cane rat. (Thryonomys swinderianus Temmick). Placenta 5: 433-442.
16. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1984). Histology of choriallantoic placenta of the golden rumped elephant shrew (Rhynchocyon chrysophygus, Gunther 1881). Anat. Anz. Jena 157: 395-407.
17. ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1985). Ultrastructural observations on the choriallantoic placenta of the golden-rumped elephant shrew, (Rhynchocyon chrysopygus). Afric. J. Ecol. 23: 155-166.
18. OWITI, G.E.O., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & GOMBE, S. (1985). Ultrastructure of the choriallantoic placenta of the spring hare (Pedetes capensis larvallis Hollister). Afic. J. Ecol. 23: 145-152.
19. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. & O’HARA, B.H. (1986). Gonadal atony following lumbar sympathectomy in the small East African goat. J. Obst. Gyn. E. & Central Afric. 5: 17-20.
20. WAINDI, E. N., GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1986). D. Plasma testosterone in Trypanosoma conglense infected Togernburg goats. Archives Androl. 17: 9-17.
21. WYNN, R.M., HOSCHNER, J.A. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1990). The interhaemal membrane of the spotted hyena: An immunohystochemical appraisal. Placenta, 11: 215-221.
22. ODUOR-OKELO, D. & GOMBE, S. (1991). Development of the fetal membrane in the cane rat, (Thryonomys swinderianus): A re-interpretation. Afric. J. Ecol. 29: 157-167.
23. ODUOR-OKELO, D. & AJIBOLA-TAYLOR,T.(1991) Universities in Kenya’s NARS. Proc. of Workshop on Agricultural Reseach Policy. KARI/ISNAR. Pp106-114.
24. GOMBE, S. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1992). Impairment of gonadal function and epididymal sperm passage following Cremaster muscle transection in the goat. J. Obst. & Gyn, E. and Central Afric. 10(2): 56-61.
25. ONYANGO, D. W., OWITI, G.E.O., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & MAKAWITI, D. W. (1991). In vitro testicular interstitial (Leydig) cell response to LH and concentration of plasma testosterone and LH in the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber, Ruppel). Afr. J. Ecol. Vol. 29: 76-85.
26. MAKORI, N., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & OWITI, G. E. O., (1991). Morphogenesis of the foetal membranes and placenta of the root rat (Tachyorocytes spendens). Afric. J. Ecol. 29: 248-260.
27. OWITI, G. E. O., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & GOMBE, S. (1992). Foetal membranes and placenta of the E. African spring hare (Pedeses capensis larvalis Hollister). Afri. J. Ecol. Vol. 30: 74-86.
28. ONYANGO, D. W., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & OWITI, G E.O.(1993).Ultrastructural study of the testis of non-breeding naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber, Ruppell). Annals of Anatomy 175: 447-452.
29. OJOO, R.O., OWITI, G. E. O., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & WANGO, E.O. (1994). Daytime variations of serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone in captive thick tailed Bush Babies. J. Primat. 35(2): 211-217.
30. ODUMA, J., WANGO, E.O., MAKAWITI, D., JENSEN, E. N. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1995). Effects of graded doses of the pesticide Heptachlor on body weight, mating success, oestrous cycle, gestation length and litter size in laboratory rats. J. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (C) 110(2): 221-227.
31. MAKORI,N. ODUOR- OKELO,D. WARUI C. N. & OWITI, G.E.O. (1994), , An ultrastructural and morphometric study of the late-term placenta of the root rats (Tachyoryctes splendors). In advanced in Reproductive Research in man and animals. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. In Reprod. Nairobi (Ed. C. S. Bambra pp. 95 – 103).
32. WANGO, E. O., ODONGO, H. O., ODUMA, J.A. & ODUOR-OKELO, D. (1995). Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine on Testosterone production by mouse Leydig cells in vitro. Acta Biol.46:75-85.
33. ODUMA, J. A., WANGO, E. O., ODUOR-OKELO, D., MAKAWITI, D. W. & ODONGO, H. O. (1995). In vivo and in vitro effects of graded doses of the pesticide Hepatchlor on female sec steroid production in rats. J. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 111 C (2): 191-196.
34. OTIANG’A-OWITI, G. E., ODUOR-OKELO, D., KAMAU, G. K., MAKORI, N. & HENDRICKX, A.G. (1997). Morphology of a six-legged goat with duplication of the intestinal, and lower urinary genital tracts. Anat. Rec. 247: 432-438.
35. CHIBUNDA, R. T., WANGO, E.D., MIARON, O. J., ODUOR-OKELO, D., & WINGA, J., (1997). The effect of Dieldrin on the reproductive system of the neonatal male rat. Tanzania Vet. J. 17 (suppl.3): 169-175.
36. CHILUBA, R. T., WANGO, E. O., MIARON, O. J., ODUOR-OKELO, D., PEREKA, A. E., & WINGA, J., (1998). Effects of Dieldrin on plasma testosterone and plasma Luitenizing hormone in male rats. Tanzania Vet. J. 18(2): 127-135.
37. ODUMA, J.A., MAKAWITI, D. W., WANGO, E. O., ODUOR-OKELO, D., SCHULER, G., & HOFFMANN, B., (1998). In vitro and in vivo effects of the pesticide Heptachlor on the synthesis of progesterone and estradiol. Proc. First Meet. Fed. African Soc. Biochem & Mol. Biol. (Eds. J. O. Ochanda, J. K. Kiaria & D. W. Makawiti) pp. 199 – 204.
38. ODUOR-OKELO, D., (2000). The veterinarians and their role in leadership. Kenya Vet. 19:5-6.
39. ODUOR-OKELO, D., WANDERA, J. G., & KATEMA, R. M., (2000). Nematode infection in Barbus altianalis,1900 (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Victoria River System. Kenya Vet. (suppl. 2) 131-133.
40. ONYANGO, D.W., WANGO,E.O., OTIANG'A-OWITI, G.E., ODUOR-OKELO, D. & WERNER, G. (2001). Morphological characterization of the seminiferous cycle in the goat (Capra hircus): A histological and ultrastructural study.
Ann. Anat. 182:235-241.
41. ONYANGO, D.W., WANGO, E.O., OTIANG'A-OWITI, G.E., ODUOR-OKELI, D. & WERNER, G. (2001). Early testicular response to intraperitoneal administration of ethane dimethane sulphonate (EDS) in the goat (Capra hircus). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Path. 33: 117-124.
42. MWENDA, J.M., SICHANGI, M.W.,ODUOR- OKELO, D., WANGO, E.O. & LANGAT, D. (2002) Human endogenous retrovirus (ERV3) env-like antigens expressed in baboon testes and epididymides. E. Med. J. 80: 265-270.
43. CHIBUNDA, R.T., WANGO, E.O., MIARON, O.J., WINGA, J., PEREKA, A.E. & ODUOR- OKELO, D. (2002) The effect of dieldrin on in vitro and in vivo production of testosterone and plasma levels of luteinizing hormone in male rats. Tanzania Vet.J.21(2) :121-127.
44. ODUOR- OKELO, D., KATEMA, R.M &CARTER, A.M. (2004) Placenta and fetal membranes of the four-toed elephant shrew, Petrodromus tetradactylus. Plcenta 25: 803-809.
45. CARTER, A.M., ENDERS, A.C., KUNZEL, ODUOR- OKELO, D. & VOGEL. P. (2004) Placentation in Species of Phylogenetic importance: The Afrotheria. Animal Reprod. Sci. 82-83: 35-48.
46. OJOO, R.O., OWITI, G.E.O. ODUOR- OKELO, D. & ONYANGO, D.W.(2005) Frequency of stages of the seminiferous cycle in the thick-tailed bush baby (Otolemur garnetti), a promisian primate: possible phylogenetic implications?. Anat. Embryol. 209: 381-389.
47. NJOGU, A., OWITI, G.E.O. PERSSON, E. & ODUOR- OKELO (2006) Ultrastructure of the chorioallantoic placenta and chorionic vesicle of the lesser bush baby(Galago senegalensis). Placenta 27: 771-779.
48. ODUMA, J.A., ODUOR-OKELO, D., WANGO, E.O., MAKAWITI, D.W. & ODONGO, H.O. (2006) Pesticide heptachlor affects steroid hormone secretion in isolated follicular and luteal rat cells. J. Comparative Biochem & Physiol. Part C 144: 76-84.
1. Reproductive Biology - Comparative Mammalian Reproduction – with special interest in comparative morphogenesis of the fetal membranes and placentation.
2. Morphological studies of the Reproductive system of fresh and salt-water fishes in East African Inland waters.