Dear Councillors
You are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council.
Venue, date and time:
Ashleworth Memorial Hall, Committee Room
Tuesday 12th July 2016 @ 7.30 p.m.
Welcome from the Chairman
Please note that the council meeting will be preceded by ‘Public Question Time’
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of interests.
3. To confirm and sign minutes of meetings:
17th May 2016
4. Matters arising/review of actions from the last meetings not on the Agenda.
5. Reports from invited speakers on relevant items.
6. Planning matters and applications
a) Application No 16/00687/FUL Two storey front extension, 8 Nup End .
b) Bloor Homes Appeal
c) Bloxhams Development
d) Status report on planning application for Gypsy plot at Lawn Rd
e) Confirmation of the footpath diversion at Lord's Hill
f) Application No 16/00733/FUL Change of use from agricultural to light industrial use. Land opposite Fern Cottage, Lawn Road.
g) Application No 16/00485/FUL Erection of detached 3 bay garage - Decision
7. Proposal for boundary posts on the Village Green - Update
8. Village green track/concrete area - Update
9. Highways/public rights of way matters
10. Play area bin
11. Dog fouling - Woodies
12. Car Park/Mini bus complaint
13. Finance:
a) To approve accounts for payment:
1) Clerk wages May/June/July
2) Hayward- sign repair
b) To agree the bank reconciliation
c) Expenditure to date against budget
d) To agree budget priorities
14. To agree agenda items for next meeting.
15. To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 13th September 2016
16 Dates for forthcoming meetings 2016:
Tuesday 8th November
Yours faithfully,
Nicky Hill (Ashleworth PC Clerk/RFO)