Creating Banner VCAL files to feed into R25


These steps will access and process the VCAL files from Banner to be used as input in Resource25 (R25).


On BSCBANNER, within /u05/sct/banprod/links:

bsc_vcal1.shl – the user will run BSC_VCAL1 from Job Submission (GJAPCTL) with input parameters of Run Sequence Number and Term Code (see below);

bsc_vcal2.shl – the user will run BSC_VCAL2 from Job Submission (GJAPCTL) with input parameters of Run Sequence Number and Term Code (see below).

bsc_vcal1.sql – this script creates an extract file (vcal1.vcs) from Banner to load the traditional classes into R25.

bsc_vcal2.sql – this script creates an extract file (vcal2.vcs) from Banner to load the multiple meeting classes into R25.


01 RUN SEQUENCE NUMBER: usually 1, but can increase if needed to be run multiple times in one term.

02 TERM CODE: Format is ‘YYYYTC’ where YYYY = current term year (changed annually) and TC = current Term Code (i.e. 10, 50 or 90 for spring, summer and fall correspondingly).


Runs are controlled by user and are done on request.


User runs jobs andthe files are ftp’d into the proper directory (\R25FILES – which is mapped to \\appserv\rs25\w2k\vcal\request). It will overwrite previous file, if they exist.


Process utilizes the following tables:

Saturn.scbcrse - Course General Information Base Table

Saturn.sirasgn - Faculty Member Instructional Assignment Repeating Table

Saturn.ssbsect - Section General Information Base Table

Saturn.ssrmeet - Section Meeting Times Repeating Table

Saturn.ssrxlst - Cross List Section Repeating Table

Saturn.stvschd - Schedule Type Code Validation Table

Saturn.stvsubj - Subject Validation Table

BSCCUST.TEMP_BSC_VCAL_TBL – temporary holding table for raw transaction data.


The user will begin the process byrunningeither BSC_VCAL1 or BSC_VCAL2 from Job Submission (GJAPCTL). The process will ftp a file that the user will use as input into R25 for scheduling the courses.


There is a possibility that the output file is incorrect. Notify IT who will verify the SQL as the subject code description has to match R25’s title EXACTLY! Other technical problems with R25 may need CollegeNet’s technical support. They can be reached via email at , however, they are in Portland, OR and therefore are in the office 11 a.m. EST.