Cross Timbers Polled Hereford Association

Membership Meeting, Feb 8, 2014, Koffee Kup Restaurant, Hico, Texas at 6PM

Present: James Brewer, Tom and Jeri Hitt, James Kinnear, Willis Grisham, Gary and Lynda Parr, Charles and Cynthia Golightly, Steve and Kathy Heyroth and Sarah Miller

Meeting was called to order by President James Kinnear calling for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes were read by Steve, motion to approve by Willis, seconded by Gary and approved. Steve also stated that thank-you cards had been received from Allegra Hernandez and Koby Rogers (scholarship recipients) and the TJPHA team.

James then asked for a treasurer’s report. (Financial information will not be posted on the web but is available from Steve or Willis.) Motion to approve report by Gary, seconded by Charles and approved. Jamie mentioned the possibility of fundraising for the scholarship fund in his store.

James reported that approximately 40 cattle have been consigned to the March 22 CTPHA sale.

Willis discussed the changes to the CTPHA Scholarship Program highlighted in red on the attached page and moved we approve them. Seconded by Gary, and approved.

Steve discussed the possible approaches to a CTPHA website and the bids he had received, and recommended we start with a simple website at an approximate cost of $350 for one year to explore its use. Motion to approve by Willis, seconded by Jamie and approved. Jamie mentioned the possibility of a FaceBook page, no motion made.

With no further business Gary moved to adjourn, seconded by Willis and adjourned. Next meeting evening of March 21 at sale in West.