CEHHS Lecturer Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 4th, 2016
Noon – 1 pm
The LAC Mission: “To identify and provide needed resources and supports to lecturers. The Lecturer Advisory Council aims to encourage and enhance communication among lecturers and departmental, college, and university staff and faculty members to ensure a positive and productive teaching and/or supervision experience.”
x / Jeannine Guarino- Chair (SW) / Deborah Bennett (SoN)x / Kristen Nahrstedt- Chair (SLP) / x / Julie Rich (SoE)
Tama Harper (Dean’s Office) / Tony Ordas (KINE)
Dominick Betro (HD) / Denise Garcia (Associate Dean)
Meeting opened at: 12:07
1.)Share results of the survey; discuss next steps. As of April 20, 2016 we had 64 lecturers participated. Kyle Landin analyzed data for us.
- More people have not heard of the mentorship program. In Fall, LAC to find out how to get the word out.
- First meeting for FALL in September.
- Listserv wanted by Lecturers. (Possible Fall kick off project?)
- Fall event- breakout sessions? Possible topics: new lecturers verse returning lecturers
- Dates- end of October ?
- Information for those new on campus, ways to get involved, how to get reimbursed for your time, etc.
- Event should not be longer than 1.5 hours.
- Mixer mid-September (per the survey, Thursday was more popular of a day). 4:00-5:30pm. Maybe the 22nd of September.
- Perhaps have the event in the Faculty Center? (need to have 1st LAC meeting prior to event)
- Listserv
- When more people come to LAC, commit to creating. Perhaps get professional development funds for making?
2.)Community Site for interdisciplinary lecture site: would be a place to get/share more information centralized. Would include listserv, travel grant, PD grant: should we more forward on this?
3.)PD grant; hope to email out to all lecturers by end of semester
1.)Approval on March and April minutes (to approve minutes over email, as there was not quorum at meeting)
2.)Fall agenda
3.)Propose new meeting time for LAC- Tuesdays from 12-1pm.
4.)Handbooks- edits: add portion regarding the right to use resources after termination.
Meeting adjourned – 12:45pm
Next meeting September 7th, 2016(TBD Depending on meeting date change)