
Of the Oakland Volunteer Fire & Rescue

Revised 4/01, 6/04, 6/08, 1/09, 3/15

1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the “Oakland Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department”. Members of the department must comply with the Department By-Laws.


A. Officers of the Department shall consist of President, Secretary, Treasure, and Sergeantat Arms, Chief, Fire Assistant Chief, EMS Assistant Chief, Fire Captain, EMS Captain, Fire Lieutenant, EMS Lieutenant and Safety Officer.

3. Duties of the President

The President shall preside at all the Fire & Rescue Department meetings and shall call special meetings whenever deemed necessary.

4. Duties of the Chief

The Chief will be responsible for the Department during any emergency; to have general supervision of all property belonging to the Department; to perform such other duties as may be required by law or by the Oakland Fire District and shall assume duties of the president in his or her absence. They will act as liaison between Department and all Government agencies.

5. Duties of the Assistant Fire Chief

The Assistant Fire Chief shall, in the absence of the Chief, assume all duties of the Chief and direct according to the orders of the Chief.

The primary duty of the Assistant Fire Chief shall be to handle the personnel issues of the department. The Assistant Chief shall administer the entry tests to new applicants. The Assistant Chief shall keep record of all members and issue all personal protective equipment (PPE).

The Assistant Fire Chief will oversee purchases of all fire related equipment.

6. Duties of the Assistant EMS Chief

The Assistant EMS Chief shall take responsibility for daily operation of the EMS Squad. They will act as liaison between Department and Government agencies.

The Assistant EMS Chief shall, in the absence of the Chief, assume all duties of the Chief and direct according to the orders of the Chief.

The Assistant EMS Chief shall handle the personnel issues when related to EMS calls.

7. Duties of the Safety Officer

The Safety Officer’s duty is to provide for the safety, health and welfare of members.

Through the implementation of an occupational safety and health program, the goal is to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, injuries, occupational illness and occupational exposures. The occupational safety and health program governs all activates, emergency and non-emergency, of all members of this department and of all other persons involved in Department operations.

Is to stay knowledgeable in current applicable NFPA Standards.

8. Duties of the Fire Captain

The Fire Captain shall be in charge when the Chief and Assistant Chief are not present.

The Fire Captain shall act as training officer in charge of training members as may be required by law. The Fire Captain shall keep records of such training which shall include the names and dates of members so trained. Is to adequately issue Accountability Tags.

9. Duties of the EMS Capitan

The EMS Capitan’s duties is to assist the Assistant EMS Chief with the day-to-day operations of the Oakland Rescue Squad. It is the duty of the EMS Captain to know the rules and policies of the Squad when the Assistant Chief is unavailable. Day-to-day operations can include, but are not limited to, rescue operations, purchase research, and equipment replacement.

10. Duties of the Fire Lieutenant

The Fire Lieutenant shall be in charge when the Chief, Assistant Chief and Fire Captain are not present. The Fire Lieutenant shall be in charge of the maintenance and repair of the equipment and maintain records of such work completed.

11. Duties of the EMS Lieutenant

The EMSLieutenant is responsible for planning, scheduling, recording and overseeing the training needs of EMS personnel. Timely reports to the membership concerning upcoming classes and EMS training, both in house and in the area.

12. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary will meet the meeting attendance requirements for members, but may be excused from training and maintenance requirements, unless they wish to become a full member.

The Secretary shall record all official meetings. Represent the role of Public Relations and post all official minutes prior to the next meeting.

13. Duties of the Sargent at Arms

The primary duties of the Sargent at Arms is to issue or to collect personal gear including, but not limited to: dress shirts, badges, radios, pagers, polo shirts, t-shirts and department license plates.

The Sargent at Arms in the absence of the Secretary will perform the Secretary’s duties.

14. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer will meet the meeting attendance requirements for members, but may be excused from training and maintenance requirements, unless they wish to become a full member.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the department. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all accounts of the department.

The Treasurer’s books will be subject to audit at any time deemed necessary and they will be audited annually during the month of January. The audit committee will be appointed by the President.

15. Duties of the Chaplain

The Chaplain will meet the meeting attendance requirement for members, but may be excused from training and maintenance requirements, unless they wish to become a full member. During meetings he or she may serve on committees, give input during discussions, and has voting privileges. He or she may participate in department trainings when able. The department will pay for outside training pertaining to chaplaincy when it is available.

The Chaplain will be available to assist department members in the way of counseling, or other ministerial capacities as deemed necessary.

The Chaplain may respond to calls and offer assistance to victims through counseling, contacting other ministers, or any other capacity in which he or she is able. The Chaplain is also able to assist department members on scene in any manner in which the incident commander feels he or she had adequate training.

16. Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the Chiefs, President and Secretary. The Secretary shall act as recorder for all meetings of the board. The Executive Board shall meet as deemed necessary for department business. Duties of the Board is as follows:

To address and review all disciplinary matters concerning members of the Department.

17. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants, Safety Officer, President, Sargent at Arms, Treasurer and Secretary. They shall have an organizational meeting in December with old and new Board members. The Secretary shall act as recorder for all meetings of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall meet as deemed necessary for department business.

A. To cover rules and regulations governing the Department at such time when the entire organization cannot be called.

B. To review current operations of the Department.

18. Duties of the Members

Each member shall to the best of their ability attend all regular Department meetings, drills, maintenance and calls. They shall take orders from their superior officers and execute them to the best of their ability. They shall not leave the scene of a department call or duty until excused by a superior officer.

Any member unexcused for (3) meetings, (3) drills or (3) maintenances throughout the calendar year, will be subject to removal. An excused absence from a meeting, drill and or maintenance, may be obtained under the excused policies in 18A.

The President, will notify the member at the (2nd) unexcused absence for meetings, the Fire Captain and or EMS Lieutenant, will notify the member at the (2nd) unexcused absence from trainings, the Fire Lieutenant will notify the member at the (2nd) unexcused absence from maintenances.

18A. Excused Policies

Written excuses for meetings, trainings and or maintenances must be submitted no later than the next regular Board meeting and state the reason for the absence (i.e.-family, working, vacation, etc.) Excuses shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors and approved or rejected. In extreme cases (Prolonged illness, hospitalization, etc.), the Board may grant excuses without the person requesting an excuse being present.

19. Meetings, Drills and Truck Maintenance

The Department shall have a regular monthly meeting, which shall be the first Monday of each month. The meeting will be called to order at 7:00PM.

The second Monday of the month shall be the designated day for EMS training, starting at 7:00PM. Special training can change the designated training night. If unable to attend the designated training session, the member may make arrangements with the EMS Lieutenant to train on a different date. Training at another Fire Department is acceptable if the member can make arrangements. Verification shall be presented to the training officer.

The third Monday of the month shall be the designated day for fire training, starting at 7:00PM. Special training can change the designated training night. If unable to attend the designated training session, the member may make arrangements with the Fire Captain to train on a different date. Training at another Fire Department is acceptable if the member can make arrangements. Verification shall be presented to the training officer.

The fourth Monday of the month shall be designated for truck and equipment maintenance. Maintenance shall start at 7:00PM.

20. Training Reimbursement

Registration fees for training taken outside of the department will be paid by the department for all members. Probationary members will be responsible for any other associated costs.

Full members will receive $100 for each scheduled day of work missed, as provided by a letter from an employer attending training.

Room accommodations will be paid for with two members per room. If a private room is requested, the member will be responsible for half of the cost of the room.

Each member will be allotted a $35 per day per meal per diem. This money will be given to each member prior to attending training.

Mileage will be paid at the IRS rate. Mileage will be paid to members upon returning from class and be paid by the Rural Board.

21. Annual meeting for Department Members

The regular unit meeting in November shall be the annual meeting at which time the officers shall be elected and shall serve for one year.

Officers shall take office the following January 1st.

The order of election shall be: Chief, Safety Officer, President, and Fire captain, EMS Captain, Fire Lieutenant, EMS Lieutenant, Secretary and Treasure.

Assistant Fire Chief, Assistant EMS Chief and Sargent at Arms, will be appointed by the Chief elect at the annual meeting following the results of the Chief elect.

22. Amendments

A committee consisting of 2 officers and 3 members shall be formed when a review of the by-laws is deemed necessary. This committee will present recommended by-law changes to the department.

The by-laws may be amended or change only when:

A. Every member has been given the amendment change in writing at least one month previous to the regular unit meeting.

B. The amendment has been passed by two-thirds vote of the members present of the unit at their next regular meeting.

23. Quorum

Majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. The President shall decide if the business necessitates a quorum.

24. Admittance

Anyone wishing to gain membership to the Oakland Volunteer Fire & EMS Department must be 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and live or work in the fire district for 6 consecutive months.

An application is to be brought before the Department for acceptance at the next regular monthly meeting.

If the applicant left the Oakland Volunteer Fire & EMS Department as a member in good standing, the applicant may return as a full member by a 2/3 majority ballot vote of the members present. A pager, door code, badge, personal protective equipment, a copy of the By Laws and SOP’s will be issued immediately after acceptance and approval by the Oakland Fire Board.

If the applicant is a direct transfer from another fire department all testing and probation may be waived providing the applicant presents a letter of transfer from his/her prior Fire Chief. (The application shall contain the Fire Chief’s name and contact information.) The applicant will then be voted on by ballot vote for acceptance into Oakland Volunteer Fire & EMS Department. A simple majority will be required to become a full member of the Oakland Volunteer Fire & EMS Department. A pager, door code, badge, a copy of the By Laws and SOP’s and personal protective equipment will be issued immediately after acceptance and approval by the Oakland Fire Board.

If an applicant is not a direct transfer from another fire department the Assistant Fire Chief will schedule a time with the applicant for a personal interview. The applicant will also be subject to a drug screen test and will be required to take a written aptitude test. A score of 70% on the written exam is required for membership. If an applicant does not reach a score of 70% on the written exam they may reapply for membership no sooner that 90 days from the date of original application.

The results of the interview, written test and drug screen test will be presented at the next meeting. The applicant will then be voted on by ballot vote for acceptance into the probation program. A simple majority will be required to become a probationary member.

24A. Probation Period

The probation period will be 6 months. During the probation period the new member is expected to make all regular monthly meetings, truck maintenances and drills of the department. However they will have no voting privileges at meetings.

They will be issued a pager, after receiving approval from the Oakland Fire Board. They will receive personal protective equipment after the Fire Captain has instructed them on the proper use of such equipment and they have received their level 1 accountability tags.

While on probation they are not allowed to ride in the first truck out of the fire station on fire calls unless instructed to do so by the ranking officer at the fire station.Once on scene they are to avoid the “hot zone” at all incidents’, unless instructed to do so by the ranking officer at the fire station. They are not to be a driver of any fire or EMS apparatus while responding to a call unless instructed to do so by the ranking officer at the fire station.

The probationary member will be given a door code and be allowed at the fire hall by themselves or with any other member, but will not be allowed to bring any non-member into the fire hall without another member of the department present.

The probationary member will not hold an officers position while on probation.

Any member successfully completing their probationary period, will be advised to take the physical skills test. Following the Board of Directors approval shall be considered for a ballot vote during the regular monthly meeting. A ballot vote will be taken and with a 2/3rd’s majority vote the probationary member will become a full member, at which time they will receive their uniform, badge, name tag and department license plate.

25. Misconduct

Any member failing to obey a reasonable order, knowingly endanger or in any way show disrespect to a superior officer, the Department or any other member shall be considered guilty of misconduct. The Executive Board will recommend reprimand and appropriate action shall be taken.

26. Discipline

The normal progression of discipline will be as follows: (2) recorded verbal warnings, (1) written warning, suspension, dismissal. This progression may be altered by the Executive Board as the situation dictates.

26A. Suspension of members

Members will be immediately placed on suspension under the following circumstances:

1. They have been arrested

2. They have been ticketed for an alcohol, drug or controlled substance violation.

It is the member’s responsibility to notify the Chief of the violation within 72 hours.

While on immediate suspension members will not respond to any calls.

All suspensions will be brought before the Executive Board. The known circumstances will be reviewed by the board and the member will be given the opportunity to protest the suspension. The Executive Board will rule on suspension by way of a ballot vote with 2/3 majority required for action.

While on suspension after Executive Board ruling, members will:

1) Turn in their pager, radio, badge, department license plate and will not respond to any calls.

2) Are not to wear anything bearing the name of the department.

3) Are not to display anything on their vehicles which would associate them with the department.

4) Are not allowed to attend any trainings outside the department.

5) Are not allowed to attend regular department meetings, trainings, maintenance or other department functions.