Newsletter from Maresfield Parish Council - April 2017
It was with great sadness that we learnt of the death of Chris Stephens from Fairwarp. Chris was a Parish Councillor for over 35 years and his local knowledge and dedication was second to none; we send condolences to his family.
A big THANK YOU! to all those who turned out to support ‘The Great British Spring Clean’ by carrying out litter picking duties over the weekend of 4th/5th March. Many bags of roadside rubbish were collected in all three villages.
As part of improving communications, the Council is increasing its social media presence. Please follow us on Twitter (@Maresfield_PC ) and be our Friend on Facebook, this will give you fast access to important information and announcements. Also, work on improving the Council’s web site is continuing; do have a look at our revised home page.
We are continuing to progress our road safety projects. The new signage for the B2026 at the Duddleswell Crossroads and at the Fairwarp junction has been approved and is now in the County Council’s programme for installation. A survey by the County Council showed that there is overwhelming support from the residents of Nether Lane in Nutley for the introduction of a 30mph speed limit on that road. We are also talking to County Council Highways about potential cost-effective traffic calming solutions for Crowborough Road in Nutley.
Development of our Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) continues and we will be working closely with Wealden District Council as it develops its own new Local Plan; timing is critical here and has resulted in a much slower delivery of the NDP. We are working with consultants to advise us on environmental and habitats matters (funded by grant monies) and at some point, we will need to employ a planning consultant to help pull the whole thing together for public consultation and for the Planning Inspector.
We have Councillor vacancies, so please come in for an informal chat if you think that this may be for you. It takes all types of people to form the Council; full training is given and the only qualifications required are that you are open-minded and a team player.
A reminder that if you wish to submit a nomination for the 2017 Marjory Pegg awards, please write a few short paragraphs in support of the person you are nominating, and email or post this to the Parish Office by the 7th April 2017 at the latest.
Tony Allen – Clerk of Maresfield Parish Council
(Contact the Parish Clerk on 714555, )