After School Club

Newsletter Term 1

Welcome back to term 1 for 2017/2018. This year we welcome our new primary one children to the After School Club. Welcome to Emily Eaton, Evie Charvin, McKenzie Dennison, Grace Gray, Torin Guse-Jepp, Amber Robb, Elsie-Mae Daly, Lewis Spence, Holly Spence, Sarah Caskie and Ethan Charley.

We are also soon to be welcoming Karen Davidson who is joining Leanne in ASC. Karen has lots of experience in this avenue of childcare and we are happy to have her as part of our team at Sunshine.

This term we will be focussing on recycling and how we can turn our recyclables into fun and creative crafts.

Wii Games and DVDs

In order, to encourage the children to utilize more of the resources within the ASC, we have decided to restrict the Wii games and DVDs until after tea time if the weather prevents us from being outside. Please feel free to chat to us with any queries or suggestions you may have regarding this matter.


We would like to express our thanks to Lizzie Brooker for the very kind donation of some of her books to the After School Club. This was a most generous gift and we appreciate it very much.

Road Safety

Once again, can I ask for all parents to promote and encourage road safety with their children. When crossing the road from the hall at busy times its very important for the children to be aware of their road safety.

October Holiday Club

Please see the programme on the website and book early to avoid disappointment.

Dates to remember

October holiday 16-27th Term time

Nov 13th Sunshine and school closed

Nov 14th Term time

Christmas Holidays 25th-5th of January (returning on the 8th January)

February 8,9,12,13,14 mid-term break Term time

March 30th Good Friday Sunshine and school closed

April 2nd Easter Monday Sunshine and school closed

April Easter Holidays 2nd – 13th April Term Time

May Day 7thSunshine and school closed

July 6th School ends.

Please do not adjust invoices, if you feel your invoice is wrong please email Linda with your query.

If you child is unwell please email Linda at to inform of your child’s absence, we have to be accountable for every child.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

There will be a MacMillan coffee morning on September 29th. More details to follow. This is an annual event and usually very enjoyable and well supported.


When someone else is collecting your child please can you remember to give Le-Anne or Karen a password.

Can you send an email to let the ASC know if your child is going to an activity or friends and requires someone else to collect and drop off?

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Le-Anne, Shelley, Karen or Linda.