Mark Twain I.S. 239Name ______
Ms. Froman- Social StudiesSeptember 6,2012
Student-Teacher Contract for 7A Social Studies
Welcome to Social Studies with Ms. Froman! This year we will take on the role of historians, economists, political scientists, geographers, and anthropologists as we journey through American history, from early Americans to Civil War. Our expedition will take us through numerous stops where we will meet various Native Americans, European explorers, early settlers, and our Founding Fathers. We will conclude our study with causes that led to the Civil War. Throughout our time together we will be building numerous skills in order to analyze primary and secondary sources.
Outlined below are the rules and expectations of you for this class:
Tutoring is held each Friday period 5. Students are asked to bring bagged lunch if attending tutoring.
I. Classroom Rules
- Students must be seated in their assigned seats upon entering the classroom.
- Students may only leave their seat with teacher’s permission.
- Students must sign in and out when excused from the classroom.
- Gum, candy, food, or drinks are not permitted in the classroom.
- Cell phones, I-pods, laser pointers, and all other electronic devices are not allowed in class and must be securely stored in book bags.
- This class calls for numerous class discussions, and students are expected to show RESPECT to themselves and others. You do not always have to agree with someone, but you do have to treat everyone with respect.
II. Homework
- Homework assignments must include the proper school heading and the respective homework number.
- Homework assignments will be checked on a daily basis and reviewed in class. Assignments may also be collected.
- Any student copying homework or giving homework to someone else to copy will automatically receive a zero on the assignment.
- In the event of an absence, homework assignments must be made up.
- Late assignments are ONLY accepted the day after they were due for partial credit. More than one day late will result in a zero.
- All late assignments must be accompanied with a parent’s signature stating they are aware of the lateness. (Again- you have only ONE day to hand in a make-up assignment)
- Students must fill out and hand in a missing assignment slip for each missing homework assignment.
III. Classwork
- Students will line up outside the classroom and wait to enter the room.
- Classwork must include the proper school heading.
- Classwork must be written in blue or black ink. No pencil.
- Classwork must be kept in the classwork section of your notebook/binder.
- Students are responsible for all class notes missed due to an absence.
- Classroom participation is considered part of your classwork. Participation includes asking questions and contributing to class discussions.
- Students will be notified at least one week in advance for upcoming tests/exams.
- Quizzes may be announced ahead of time, or be given as a pop quiz.
- Any student who is caught cheating, which includes giving or receiving answers, will automatically receive a zero for that test and their parents/guardians will be contacted immediately.
- Students must obtain their parent/guardian’s signature on all graded projects, tests, and quizzes.
V. Materials
- 2 Section Notebook/Binder (one for classwork/ one for homework)
- Blue/black pen
- Highlighter
- Folder for handouts
- Hole puncher to insert any documents into binder/ or tape if using a notebook
VI. Grading
- Grades are cumulative- means grades from September will still count in June.
- The breakdown is as follows:
- Class participation and preparedness – 15%
- Includes class notes, participating in activities, paying attention to the lesson, completing all in class assignments (both individual and group), and conducting one self with proper decorum.
- Homework – 25%
- Homework may be checked in class, collected, or peer graded. Homework will be graded as a +, , -. Assignments may be collected and graded as a quiz. Assignments missed due to an absence must be made up. Students are allowed ONLY one day to make up missed assignments, and must have a parent’s signature.
- Summative Assignments- 60%
Tests/Formal Writing- 30%
Quizzes- 15%
Projects- 15%
**Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses. You must always cite your sources and give credit where it is due. Always write in your own words.
Please come to me with any questions or concerns throughout the year. I am confident that you will follow this contract and put forth your best effort.
I have read the student-teacher contract and understand my responsibilities for the 2012-2013 school year.
Print Student Name ______
Student Signature ______
I have read the student-teacher contract and understand my child’s responsibilities for the 2012-2013 school year.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Student’s Name ______
7A____ Social Studies ID ____
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: Home:______Cell:______
Parent/Guardian Email address:______
Best form of contact: Call cell/home E-mailMail letter home