February 26, 2008
11:00 AM
AsherScienceCenter 112
Ellen Emerick, Faculty Chair, called the meeting that was held in Asher Science Center 112 to order. There was a quorum.
Sheila Klopfer led in prayer.
Rosemary Allenacknowledged the accomplishments of the academic team and made additional remarks.
Campus Information
Eric Fruge and Rosemary Allenupdated the faculty on the Capital Campaign efforts.
Minutes of the Previous Faculty Meeting
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2008.Motion passed.
Standing Committees
Academic Policy Committee: Ben Oldham, on behalf of the Academic Policy Committee, moved acceptance of theirreport.
Curriculum Committee: Cliff Wargelin, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved approval of the following:
Major in Music - Vocal– changes as reflected in the attachment.
Major in Music - Instrumental-- changes as reflected in the attachment.
Motion seconded and voted on. Motion passed.
Cliff Wargelin, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved approval of the following:
An interdisciplinary or area minor must include at least 15 hours that the student does not count towards the major or another minor(exclusive of allied requirements) and at least 12 hours outside the major field. Since this is a policy change, the motion is tabled until the next meeting.
Since the above motion was tabled, Cliff Wargelin announced that the Interdisciplinary Minor - Musical Theatreminor to be tabled as well.
Point of Information - May Term Approved - ART470 Art Theory CriticismSyllabus
Old Business
Faculty Committee:Jana Brill, on behalf of the Faculty Committee, moved to remove from the table of the following changes in the Faculty Handbook. The motion was seconded and voted on. Motion to remove from table passed.
Page 11-12: Under #2 “Probationary Appointments”, section b currently reads:
b.Regardless of the stated term or other provisions of any appointments, written notice that a probationary appointment is not to be renewed will be given to the faculty member in advance of the expiration of his/her appointment, as follows:
1.Not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or, if a one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least three months in advance of its termination;
2.not later than December 15 of the second academic year of service, if the appointment expires a the end of that year; or, if an initial two-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least six months in advance of its termination; least twelve months before the expiration of an appointment after two or more years of service at the institution. The institution normally notifies faculty members of the terms and conditions of their renewals by April 15, but in no case will such information be given later than April 30.
We recommend simply removing the underlined portion because:
•This sentence needs to be removed because the “terms and conditions of their renewals” are spelled out in their contracts, which are typically not available prior to April 30th. (see second recommendation)
•The official notification of a terminal contract comes in the form of a certified letter well in advance of the 12 month deadline.
Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
Page 17-18: Section D. “Contracts and Salaries” currently reads:
D.Faculty members receive a contract for each academic year. Contracts include information concerning salary and benefits as well as specific responsibilities as defined by the President and the Board of Trustees. Contracts are mailed in April and are ordinarily issued for a 12 month period. Faculty members are expected to accept or reject the contract offer within thirty days after receipt. Separate contracts are issued for summer, short-term, part-time, and part-time graduate teaching.
We recommend altering the underlined sentence above to read:
Contracts are mailed no later than three weeks following the April meeting of the Board of Trustees and are ordinarily issued for a 12 month period.
We recommend this change because:
•The contracts cannot become official until after they are approved by the Board of Trustees, and their April board meeting often comes late in the month. Each contract must be typed individually and carefully proofread before being signed by the President, whose availability is often limited. Because of the hectic nature of the April/May time period, this may require up to three weeks.
•In recent years, this has been a regular practice. This change simply brings the faculty handbook in line with reality.
Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
Equine Studies Motion: Michael Cairo moved to remove from the table the motion Motion to remove "Equine Distinction" from the graduation transcript effectiveimmediately for all students. The motion was seconded and voted on. Motion to remove from table passed.
Barbara Burch proposed a substitute motion to “defer the issue of what goes on transcripts, to the Academic Policy Committee.” The substitute motion was seconded and voted on.
Cliff Wargelin moved to add the wording ‘with particular attention to the Equine Scholar’s distinction’. The amendment was voted on. Motion passed.
The substitute motion thus reads: Defer the issue of what goes on transcripts, with particular attention to the Equine Scholar’s distinction, to the Academic Policy Committee.
The substitute motion was seconded and voted on.Motion passed.
Announcements and Adjournment
After several announcements, the meeting was adjourned at 11:46a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Peach, Faculty Secretary