Chemistry 11Course Outline

Chemistry11Course Outline
Teacher: Ms. Yang | Email: | Course Website:

Welcome to Chemistry 11!

This course provides an introduction to senior chemistry for the serious science student. Chemistry plays a huge role in our lives since everything is ultimately made of chemicals! Thus, chemistry is a central and fascinating subject with concepts that are often used in other branches of science.

This course has been designed with the following purposes in mind:

  1. To nurture an interest in chemistry at the senior leveland prepare the student for Chemistry 12.
  2. To build on and further develop practical laboratory skills which may be transferable to other areas.
  3. To make chemistry an interactive practical experience.

Course Contents

The course will follow a thematic approach which utilizes the periodic table of the elements as a template with which to study many aspects of chemistry:

# of classes / Concepts covered (not in order)
Important laboratory techniques and safety / 4 / Measurement and Mole Concept
Solution Chemistry
Chemical Reactions
Atomic Theory
Periodic Table & Bonding
Organic Chemistry
Group 1 – The Alkali Metals / 15
Group 2 – The Alkali Earth Metals / 15
The Transition Metals / 15
Group 13 – The Boron Group / 7
Group 14 – The Carbon Group / 10
Group 15 – The Nitrogen Group / 5
Group 16 – The Oxygen Group / 5
Group 17 – The Halogens / 7
Final Exam Review / 3

Course Evaluation

Your progress in the course will be evaluated by two separate methods:

  1. In-class Assignments and Unit Tests [85% of overall course mark]

Concept Questions/Homework5%Lab Skills & Reports 25%

Assignments/Projects 30%Quizzes & Unit Tests40%

Chemistry 11Course Outline

  1. Final Exam [15% of overall course mark]

There will be a cumulative final exam worth 15% of your overall course mark. Your in-class mark will be worth 85% of your overall mark.

Student Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to arrive at class on time and fully prepared. You do not need a textbook for this class as any necessary notes and/or handouts will be provided to you. However, you may occasionally be asked to print something from the course website to bring to class. You are also responsible for your own stationary (pens, pencils, ruler, scientific calculator, paper, graph paper, etc.).

Classroom Policies

There are a few policies that you should be very clear about:

  1. Unit Tests. If you miss a unit test, a score of zero will be given. If your absence is unavoidable, the teacher must be informed as soon as possible (within 24 hours) so that some arrangements can be made to make up the test.
  2. Labs. You are expected to arrive at all labs physically and mentally prepared. For safety reasons, if you are not prepared, you will not be able to complete the lab! If you miss a lab, a score of zero will be given. If your absence cannot be avoided, the teacher must be informed as soon as possible (within 24 hours). However, be aware that it may be really difficult to make up the labs at a later time.
  3. Late assignments.Evaluations are subject to required criteria concerning due dates or times.
  4. Absences.Minimize them! If you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed and what will be happening next class (e.g. homework due, labs, assignments, etc.). CHECK THE COURSE WEBSITE!
  5. Bathrooms. You may go after being given permission. Only one student will be allowed to go at a time.
  6. No food and drink.This classroom is a chemistry lab!
  7. Cheating. Cheating includes any form of copying other people’s work or ideas (plagiarism) for homework, assignments, projects, and tests. It is totally unacceptableand will be dealt with in accordance with the school policy.
    Everyone will have questions at some time during the course and I am more than happy to work with you whenever you need it. Let me know in advance and we can set up a meeting time.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information Slip for ______(student name)

______ / ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) / Parent/Guardian Signature
______ / ______ / ______
Phone Number / Email / Date