May 18, 2015, Merrill Township Regular Board Meeting

Merrill Township Community Complex, 1585 W. 11 Mile Road, Bitely, MI 49309

1.Call to orderBaldwin called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.

2.PledgeJackson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.PrayerBaldwin offered opening prayer.

4.Roll callPresent: supervisor Barry Baldwin, clerk Marilyn Pembrook, treasurer Debra Fisher, trustee Frank Jackson, and trustee Gene Fisher.

Absent: none.

5.Approval of meeting agendaJackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, to approve the meeting agenda, with the addition of Demolition bid under New Business. Ayes all; motion carried.

6.Approval of consent agendaG. Fisher moved, seconded by Jackson, to approve the consent agenda. Ayes all; motion carried.

  1. Approval of April 20, 2015, board minutes
  1. Receive correspondence (no board action required)
  2. Deb Berger: positions that will be available on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee
  3. N.C. Clerk: Schedule of tax allocation hearings
  1. Approval to pay bills: checks #14329 - 14354, plus payroll direct deposits, general account, total $31,403.00; and checks #3136 - 3141, transfer station account, total $8,821.23.

7.Lilley Twp. Fire Department report Pembrook read the April written report (copy filed).

8.Zoning Administrator’s report None presented.

9.Supervisor’s reportBaldwin reported on the following:

  • Beautification day—successful cleanup, although lack of volunteers—17 trailer loads were taken to the Transfer Station.
  • Pumped well project has been completed.He also noted that Fire Chief DeBruyne had asked if it would be possible to gravel the site.
  • Will get the fertilizer for the cemetery this week, and that G. Fisher has offered use of his spreader for the application.
  • Road Commission will contribute toward approximately $3000 toward this year’s brining expense.
  • Observation that there is a lot of grass is growing in the playground.
  • Clean-up project on the land adjacent to the park.

10.Clerk’s report Pembrook noted that the flags for the cemetery would be here this week, and also presented Project Ramp flyers.

11.Treasurer’s reportThe board received the April 30, 2015, written report (copy filed). Cash balances were: general fund, $132,090.64; road fund, $243,925.56; fire fund, $71,850.11; and transfer station fund, $71,357.81.

12.Planning Commission reportG. Fisher stated that he will have news for a report next month.

13.Public commentNone received.

14.Correspondence, board action required Holly Moon, regarding the Tax Foreclosure Sale, “right of refusal after the State of Michigan to ‘purchase for a public purpose’ any property located in their unit at the minimum bid amount.” Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, to table forfurther study until next month’s meeting. Ayes all; motion carried.

15.Old business

a.Electronic payment of taxes, etc.Brennan Gale, Regional Account Manager for Security Card Services with Independent Bank, presented information regarding costs and options of equipment (Vx520 Contactless Terminal) and transactions. D. Fisher spoke of the benefits to taxpayers this system would create. D. Fisher moved, seconded by G. Fisher to start the process for acquiring and usingthis electronic method for accepting payments. “Ayes:” four; “Nays:” one (Jackson). Motion carried.

b.Seasonal yard careThe board reviewed the bids received from Lucas Anson and from Chuck Benton. Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that the board accept Chuck Benton’s yard care bids for this season. Ayes all; motion carried.

Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that Chuck Benton be authorized to purchase grass seed for the playground and for the township-owned property adjacent (west) to the park. Ayes all; motion carried.

16.New Business—Demolition bidJackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that the Board accept bid for $5,000 from Payne’s Excavating & Construction to tear down and properly dispose of the house, and to haul away all concrete and blocks from thehouse located on the township-owned property adjacent (west of) to the park. Ayes all; motion carried.

17.Public comment None received.

18.AdjournBaldwin adjourned the meeting at 8:15 P.M.

Marilyn L. Pembrook, Clerk


May 18, 2015 Merrill Township Board Minutes