Questions Log C:\Users\IEDC\Desktop\QuestionsLog 2014_02_19 14_57.rtf

Q: Thanks[Rich Lonardo] [ [Deleted] [Q: 1:57 PM]

Q: Hi! Will there be a Q&A session at the end?[Rich Lonardo] [ [Deleted] [Q: 1:57 PM] [A: 1:57 PM]

A: yes at the end of the presentation

Q: we can't hear anything and all of our audio looks good. Any one else having this problem?[Deanna Pierson] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:00 PM] [A: 2:02 PM]

A: please log out and login again

Q: Can you send the citation for the amount of the multiplier effect of this sector just cited? Thanks![Jennifer Madden] [ [Q: 2:07 PM]

Q: Will this powerpoint and narrative be forwarded to us in aPDf format[Deanna Pierson] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:08 PM] [A: 2:08 PM]

A: Yes, it will be distributed as a link to a pdf

Q: A "thorough cost-benefit analysis" would seem to imply the need for a detailed budget; however, only an estimated budget is required. Could you provide any guidance on striking the right balance in terms of level of detail for the analysis?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:12 PM]

Q: For the Investment Commitment, can you provide some further clarification on the meaning of "public goods identified by the plan, or investments that directly lead to high-wage jobs in manufacturing" - are these public goods or investments being proposed in the strategy, or existing public goods or investments related to, but not stemming from, the proposed strategy? How detailed/specific should the description of the investments be, especially for commitments contingent upon receiving the designation?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:12 PM]

Q: Can we use LQs measuring number of people in a given occupation, or anything other than the 4-digit NAICS codes provided by EDA?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:12 PM]

Q: What is the EDA-IMCP definition of innovation in context of a regional coordination? Is there a "reference" definition within EDA and/or PCAST?[Paul Masson] [ [Q: 2:12 PM]

Q: What do we do as local manufacturers that want to grow- however, the greates fault lies at the local level- small rural communites, that are uniformed and really have no clue how vauluabel webinars and this type of forum is- refusing to break down those silos instead determined that chasing smokestakes is the only way to develop-- [Deanna Pierson] [ [Q: 2:13 PM]

Q: How should regions balance their strategy with the what the participating agencies are able to support, given legislative requirements and limits?[Michael R Morgenstern] [ [Q: 2:13 PM]

Q: Can the counties in a Promise Zone region also be awarded the IMCP certification as a Manufacturing Communtiy?[Marilyn LeBourveau] [ [Q: 2:13 PM]

Q: If we focus on one of the six "public good" areas for our proposal, are you looking for a complete build-out of the grant(s) that we would use including a budget (sf424, staffing plan etc.).[dave schmidt] [ [Q: 2:14 PM]

Q: Our grant application will cover a large geographic area, but a portion will be in a highly distressed set of census tracts. Can we tie our application to this set of tracts and reduce our match requirement?[terrence bride] [ [Q: 2:16 PM]

Q: Can NASA's Advanced Composites Initiative (ACI) be incorporated into the IMCP strategy, given that ACI includes guidelines for standards and certification for composites through to integrated design and manufacturing (ID&M)?[Paul Masson] [ [Q: 2:16 PM]

Q: How long will the review process take after submission?[William Ratzburg] [ [Q: 2:16 PM]

Q: How do you define KTS?[Erin Flynn] [ [Q: 2:17 PM]

Q: Several terms are used to refer to "partners" - co-applicant, identified partner, consortium member, etc. Are you differentiating between these terms in any way? What are the minimum specifications to be considered a partner? We are particularly interested in better understanding this given the following statement: "Co-applicants and identified partners in Manufacturing Communities' original IMCP proposals will be eligible for the following benefits."[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:17 PM]

Q: Can we propose a method for allowing non-identified partners within the region to benefit from the designation if the identified partners choose not to for a specific funding opportunity?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:17 PM]

Q: Will capacity and commitment criteria addressed within letters of support be reviewed/receive credit? If the letters aren't going to be reviewed as part of the scoring, can we provide a summary table in the proposal, with detail in the letters?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:17 PM]

Q: Is the BLS LQ calculator sufficient for developing regional LQs[Mark Madsen] [ [Q: 2:17 PM]

Q: What is the current deadline for applications?[Lisa Harmann] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: Will these slides be uploaded to the IMCP website?[Ismael Herrera] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: Will the slides be available for download?[Dr. Bill Flynt] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: How flexible can the partnership be? Can partners be added at any time moving forward?[Elizabeth Varga] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: can community be defined as a region or entire state?[Karla Sartin] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: What is the current due date for applications?[Anthony Durante] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: Can you talk about the Benefit Cost Analysis? On what basis should it be calculated?[Michele Christina] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: Are there any restrictions on how large a region can be?[Teri Brahams] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: can a region be initially designed as a few counties and then overtime expanded to all counties in the state?[Karen Merrick] [ [Q: 2:18 PM]

Q: Can you clarify the restriction of only one member of the community being able to claim preferential consideration when applying for qualifying grant funds?[Cole McKinney] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: For the thorough cost benefit analysis...if there is no defined budget, please explain how to address the C-B analysis.[Elise Scolnick] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Could you please clarify what is being requested in Section B (h) “Submitting Official: Documentation that the Submitting Official is authorized by the applicant to submit a proposal and subsequently apply for assistance.”?

[Tony Girifalco] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Will there be a second round of IMCP designees, especially since only 12 are being designated this round?[Kimberly Hobbs] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: How does this funding opportunity exploit the drive towards "Advanced Manufacturing" domestically and abroad?[Prince John Gaither-Eli] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: What are the current and proposed new application deadlines?[Kenneth Jones] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: If a project is not explicitly mentioned in the proposal does that mean that it is not eligible for IMCP related funding even if the group performing the project is part of the geographic area?[Lisa Katz] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Why only 12 community designations[Mark Madsen] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Can you please clarify the matching funds requirement? Can the funds be from existing programs or do they have to be new programs?[Victoria Hill] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Can we get copies of the slides?[Eva Cramer] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: where can we find local and national data for location quotient analysis?[Rod STevens] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Could you clarify if it is possible to link in other federally designated zones, like the Promise Zones, into this application? We don't want to be disqualified for including a previously designated federal funding priority zone.[Elizabeth Schmitz] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Would an interstate partnership be desirable? [david porter] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: will this powerpoint be available?[Anne Pierce] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Would a successful application have an associated budget for the proposed projects/activities and is there guidance on this budget?[Greg Jones] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Does the region identify their own industry clusters or have they already been noted? [Cyndra Lorey] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: In calculating the KTS quotient, must it use a 4 digit NAICS code or can it be at the 3 digit level?[Robert Velasquez] [ [Q: 2:19 PM]

Q: Will communities with HUD's Sustainable Communities designation recieve preferential designation for this program?[LaNiece Davenport] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: where will we find the archive of this presentation?[Adra Hallford] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Is the EDA sponsored RIAN (Innovation Network) site eleigible for defining the Cluster Specialization top third.[Mike Manis] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: should an assessment/strategy address all 6 areas/elements(workforce, R & D, etc), or can we focus on those most relevant to the needs of our industries?[Julie Meadows] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Given the fact that the skilled workforce is declining, what is the status of the immigration bill and how would the lack of a skilled workforce affect this application? [Dan Pawlitzke] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Is the federal register link on your website?[Avera Wynne] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Can you provide some more specific information regarding the application. Are there any examples of a successful detailed data driven assessment? [Patrick Carleton] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Should we address the response to all six topic areas based on the NIACS area we are in the top 1/3?[Rich Lonardo] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: With 30 page limit on proposal narrative, what are expectations about graphs and footnoted data? Should these be in narrative ? or should they be numbered in narrative and included in an appendix?[Michael Horrigan] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: When do you expect the deadline extension will be announced in the Federal Register?[camilla warren] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: How are you comparing very rural regions against Metro regions[Mark Madsen] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Does the backbone need to be an existing organization?[Erin Flynn] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Must we address all six categories[Anne Pierce] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: We are in the process of creating an economic development plan. We are conducting our first stakeholders meeting in just a couple of months. What specific questions would you recommend be asked/information sought to best position ourselves for any future opportunities through EDA?[Gigi Hart] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: It appears that a community must be at the top of their development game to meet the KTS. What advice do you offer to disadvantaged and rural regions that need support to develop capacity in the six areas?[Haidee Stith] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Will there be an oral presentation to the EDA or will it all be based upon the written submission? [Michael Mendelevitz] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: When do you expect that the revised application deadline will be announced?[Beth Phillips] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Question reader, speak louder.[Elise Scolnick] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: we are asked to look at workforce and training, research and innovation, infrastructure & site dev, supply chain support, export promotion and capital access. Should applications show a weight on any one or two of these as a primary strategic foundation, or should 6 areas be discussed with the same weight?[Alison Zeidler] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Regarding the Top 3 ranked communities in manufacturing -- what rank system should be used?[Joy Kitamori] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: In the 30 page limit - do we need to address all 6 areas or only the one on which the region would like to focus?[Carleen Herring] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: RE: 1/3 - What if a community isn't in the top 1/3 overall but is within a key industry segment. For example, our metropolitan area is very concentrated in shipbuilding and repair even though manufacturing overall is only 7% of our employment base. [Robert Sharak] [ [Q: 2:20 PM]

Q: Would a collaboration that included 3-4 local EDA Districts be desirable?[david porter] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: please repeat each question before answering.[Marsha Wallace] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: Is there designation preference for specific types of manufacturing? [Ismael Herrera] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: if a collaborative region was across- state borders but close in geography, and very much aligned in LQs and KTS's, is that acceptable as a defined 'region' ... E.g. Ohio/PA or IN/IL[Michael R Morgenstern] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: How important is it to demonstrate our cluster is a world leader in its industry?[Paul Ballentine] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: If coming forward as a region, is there any liability to individual jurisdictions then (later) competing for local grants to build their own pieces of the broad IMCP strategy. For example, if City X wants to go after individual EDA money later, is this acceptable if they are part of a regional IMCP group?[Meredith Aronson] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: Does TIGER cost-benefit analysis need to be completed for all elements of the Phase II application or only the infrastructure component?[Paul Masson] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: how detailed should the cost benefit analysis be? do we need to take the counterfactual into consideration? Or just estimate the impact that a project would have if it were funded?[Lisa Katz] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: How important incorporation of international recruitment of business and sales of products internationally to the success of a grant application?[terrence bride] [ [Q: 2:21 PM]

Q: What is the expertise composition of the IMCP Phase II review team?[Paul Masson] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: does it help if our region has been awarded DOL mfg grants (CBJT, TAACCCTP) as evidence of our mfg density?[Karla Sartin] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: My region is beginning our regional strategic planning process funded thruogh Phase 1 and therefore we are not yet far enough along to be prepared to pursue this Phase 2 designation (which requires a completed plan). Can you comment on any proposed funding tools or other forms of federal support that may be available in the future for implementing Phase 1-funded plans for regions that will not receive a Phase 2 designation?[Colleen Johnson] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: How will the 12 designations be distributed across the [Ismael Herrera] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: What type of data can be used to substantiate our economic competitiveness in each KTS? We are a territory and data is not available on the census website. [Cherrise Wilks] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: Please explain the match requirement.[Gail Moody] [ [Q: 2:22 PM]

Q: Have the participating agencies defined what preferential criteria will be used to the advantage of IMCP designated communities?[Haidee Stith] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: With regard to the scoring, the FR indicates that a bonus weight will be applied to the six industrial ecosystem pillars. Can you provide additional guidance how the reviewers will evaluate the extra weighting?[Michele Christina] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: Do the regions that received the planning grants last year have any preferred status in the IMCP competition?[Michael R Morgenstern] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: What is a challenge grant and is that going to be awarded as part of this?[Lisa Katz] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: How specific/ tactical should implementation strategies be? For each of those strategies how precise do applicants need to be when indicating investments? Do we need to include which agencies we would be seeking investments from?[Victoria Ogier] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: When presenting the assessment portion we have struggled with the question if we should include the SWOT table format presented in the playbook - are you wanting the format or may present paragraph form. [Leah Martin] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: On page 35 of the guidelines, referencing investment commitments . . . can the agency clarify the definition of acceptable evidence of forthcoming commitment?[Elizabeth Varga] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: Does the region have to be contiguous or could we identify, say six continuous counties and then one county that has an important supply chain concentration but is 50 miles away from the nearest contiguous county?[Paul Ballentine] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: Our office is concerned that we may not be able to meet the criteria stated under B. Geographic Scope pg. 74110 of the federal register notice.: “…community ranks in the top third of the nation for their key manufacturing technology or supply chain (KTS) by either: Location quotient for employment in the KTS or location quotient for firms in the KTS.“ What would you see as our KTS? Could we make a case for an agricultural supply chain and distribution system? Or is there something else out there that I am just not aware of that we could make a case for? What are your thoughts? [Spiros Balntas] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: please discuss the level of detail needed in the cost benefit analysis, as cited in reference to the TIGER grants.[Rod STevens] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: What would we be able to count concerning match funds? Does this matching requirement get applied when funding is received? Can you clarify what it means to have commitments from future projects?[Sierra Laventure-Volz] [ [Q: 2:23 PM]

Q: Intergovernmental Review Required?[Alain Ouellette] [ [Q: 2:24 PM]

Q: Are proposals with higher levels of cash or in-kind match be seen as more competitive? [Ismael Herrera] [ [Q: 2:24 PM]

Q: I imagine this might be a duhhh, yes, of course...[Anthony DeLucia] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: What form will "preferential consideration" take[Les Fout] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: In order to be eligible to access the preference contained within the designation, does an organization need to be a formal member of the consortium (with a letter of commitment or MOU) or are organizations contained with in the region able to be designated for preference without being specifically named?[Mike Aller] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: how important is the identification of contributors beyond fed funds i.e. foundations, civic orgs, corporations.[dave schmidt] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: Can you clarify if all 6 priority areas (workforce and training, supplier network, research and innovation, etc.) must be addressed in the application, or are you accepting applications that focus on just one of those areas (i.e. workforce and training)?[Elizabeth Schmitz] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: Will the designations seek variety based on geographic reach or type of partnership, i.e., rural, urban, regional, multi-state, etc.?[Rande Daykin] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: Please ask those responding to state their names[Sunni Massey] [ [Deleted] [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: How important is the reference to CEDS in the application?[terrence bride] [ [Q: 2:25 PM]

Q: If you were successful in Phase 1, will those communities have access to resources to be successful in future IMCP grants?[Alexis Holzer] [ [Q: 2:26 PM]

Q: The DESIGNATION will be in place for 24 months. What happens after that time? Can a community re-up? [david porter] [ [Q: 2:26 PM]

Q: Where is the actual application to be filled out and submitted?[Gina Black] [ [Q: 2:26 PM]

Q: Lets say we are talking mainly mfg...but you are wanting in your initiative to focus mor (rural or urban) to accentuate the "creative class" as defined by Richard quality of life as mentioned earlier could be one driver, health another, the environment another...many, many co-benefits part of a regional branding strategy...[Anthony DeLucia] [ [Q: 2:26 PM]

Q: if mc designations are announced in mid-may, would preferential grant consideration be open for grant applications submitted before or only those submitted after designation?[Mike Massoglia] [ [Q: 2:27 PM]

Q: As clarifcation...meds, beds, and eds![Anthony DeLucia] [ [Q: 2:27 PM]

Q: Can you please elaborate on differences in approaching an assessment from the perspective of key technologies versus supply chains?[William Ellis] [ [Q: 2:27 PM]

Q: What will the nature of DOC's participation be?[Michael R Morgenstern] [ [Q: 2:27 PM]

Q: The appliication instructions use the term "if you plan to focus on… (workforce training, supplier networks, etc.). Does this mean we should focus our implementation plan on only one of these?[Paul Ballentine] [ [Q: 2:28 PM]

Q: Under Quality of Implemention strategy ii. Bonus weight of 6 points. Can you just select one element for the bonus weight? [Debra Franklin] [ [Q: 2:28 PM]

Q: Larger than a city, smaller than a State. When does a self-defined region become too big for this project?[Ismael Herrera] [ [Q: 2:29 PM]