Installation Guidelines
PolyTops GC Grout is a pre-measured, three component epoxy grout. PolyTops GC Grout consists of curing agent, resin and precisely blended and graded aggregate. When properly mixed and installed these components form a tough epoxy grout.
1.0 General
1.1 Scope
This specification covers the performance characteristics and application procedures for providing a three component ester grout with addition of blended and graded aggregates. The grout should provide excellent chemical resistance especially to oxidizing solutions, acids, alkalis, oils and solvents.
1.2 Material Description
The grout shall be a three component epoxy composed of blended aggregates that is high-strength, fast-curing, temperature resistant and resistant to many corrosive chemicals and oils.
1.3 Typical Applications
A. PolyTops GC Grout™ is a general construction, epoxy grout designed for applications where high strength, vibration resistance, temperature resistance and resistance to some chemical attack are required.
B. When grouting machinery, PolyTops GC Grout maintains alignment even under extreme operating temperatures from hot to cold. PolyTops GC Grout is also ideal under dynamic loading conditions such as centrifuges, milling machinery, crushers, presses, etc.
1.4 Limitations
A. Do not add water or solvent to any of the components.
B. Do not use over frost or frozen concrete
C. Do not use over concrete less than 28 days old
D. Cold temperatures reduce flowability and lengthen curing times considerably
E. Excessively hot temperatures increase initial flow but reduce pot life significantly
F. Do not use if the operating temperature of the machinery being grouted exceeds 225° F./107° C.
G. If ambient grouting temperature exceeds the limits of
60° to 90° F/15° to 47° C, please consult ChemMasters technical services staff
H. Consult ChemMasters for resistance to the specific chemicals in your environment.
1.5 Quality Assurance
The repair contractor shall have experience and proficiency specific to the repair type and shall be approved by the engineer and the material supplier. The material supplier shall provide job service as required to assure proper handling and installation of materials. The field representative shall instruct as needed to assure that handling, mixing, placing and finishing of materials are in accordance with specifications.
1.6 Delivery, Storage and Handling
The product shall be delivered in the original, unopened containers. It shall be labeled with the manufacturer’s name, product name and lot number. Materials should be stored at the job site under dry conditions and at a temperature of 40°F (4°C) to 90°F (32°C).
1.7 Environmental Requirements
All materials used for the repair work shall be VOC compliant. The manufacturer shall supply the appropriate material safety data sheets upon request.
1.8 Site Conditions
A. Grouting is best accomplished at temperatures between 40°-90° F/5°-32° C. For extremely low or high temperatures, follow the guidelines established by ACI for cold or hot weather concreting or consult ChemMasters for additional recommendations.
B. Job conditions shall be maintained at standards that allow underlayment placement within temperature and cleanliness requirements. Unusual conditions as uncovered during the course of work shall be brought to the engineer’s attention for analysis and disposition. These conditions include but are not limited to poor quality base concrete, random cracks and deep oil penetration.
2.0 Materials
2.1 Approved Materials and Manufacturers
2.1.1 Product Standard
PolyTops GC Grout, as manufactured by ChemMasters, 300 Edwards Street, Madison, Ohio, 44057-3112, 1-800-486-7866, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification shall be the grout. PolyTops GC Grout is a three component epoxy composed of blended aggregates that is high-strength, fast-curing, temperature resistant and resistant to many corrosive chemicals and oils.
2.1.2 Substitutions
No submittals for substitutions will be accepted after the bid date. All submittals must be made in writing to the engineer with supporting technical data sheets and test data showing complete equivalent performance.
2.2 Packaging/Coverage/Estimating
2.2.1 Packaging:
A. Part A Resin in pail 3.6 gal.14 L
B. Part B Hardener in can 0.6 gal.2.3 L
C. Part C Aggregate in bags 4-50 pound 22.7 Kg
D. Unit Weight 237 pounds 107 Kg
2.2.2 Coverage/Estimating:
Unit Yield 1.9 Ft.3 0.05 M3
2.2.3 Storage:
A. Shelf life is limited, minimum of three months from date of manufacture. Store at 70o F./21o C., out of sunlight, direct heat or drafts.
2.3 Engineering Properties
Typical data obtained under laboratory conditions of 70° F/21° C. with 50%humidity.
2.3.1 Plastic Properties Pot Life at 77° F/25° C: 1 hour
A. Application Temperature: 60°-90° F 15.6°-47° C.
B. Viscosity: (mixed) Flowable
C. Color: (mixed) Gray
2.3.2 Hardened Properties: Compressive Strength (ASTM C 109-52):
A. 12,000 psi 83 MPa
B. Shear Strength 2800 psi 19 MPa Tensile Strength (ASTM C 109-49): 1800 psi 12 MPa Flexural Strength (ASTM D 790): 2600 psi 18 MPa Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion:
72° F to 210° F. 22°-99° C 1.7 x 10-5 in/in/o F
Note: All finished product properties are performed on seven day old samples. Water Absorption (ASTM C 276-59T): .025 % Linear Shrinkage (ASTM D 531-63T): .000510 in/in
2.4 Accessory Materials as manufactured by ChemMasters, 300 Edwards Street, Madison, Ohio, 44057-3112, 1-800-486-7866, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification.
3.0 Execution
3.1 References:
Refer to ChemMasters MSDS and Technical Data Sheets.
3.2 Surface Preparation:
A. Preparation is most important. The concrete substrate upon which the grout will be placed must be cleaned to the base concrete and roughened with a small chipping hammer. The concrete must be dry, oil free and free of any other contaminants.
1. Forms will be required for most grouting applications. Top edges of forms must be higher than bottom of baseplate to be grouted.
2. Seal bottom edges of forms so that grout will not leak.
3. Anchor bolt sleeves should be sealed or wrapped with poly. Construct forms with a larger gap (at least 2") between form and base being grouted.
4. Use a slant board or construct a head box to direct flow of grout from front to back. Allow at least 1"gap at backside of form to facilitate flow and allow air to escape in front of grout flow.
3.3 Mixing:
A. Mechanical mixing is a must. A paddle type mortar mixer is required for epoxy grouting jobs.
B. Pour Part B Hardener into Part A Resin in the pail.
C. Mix thoroughly for two to three minutes using a slow speed drill fitted with a jiffler blade.
D. Pour the mixed epoxy into a mortar mixer, then gradually add Part C Aggregate mixing until all of the aggregate particles are coated with mixed epoxy.
3.4 Application:
A. Always place grout from one side with enough of a steady, continuous flow to push air out in front of grout flow, thus ensuring maximum surface bearing of the plate or base.
B. Whenever possible, mix sufficient grout with each batch to do a complete base or plate.
C. Place grout a minimum of 1/2 inch thickness and no more than 4 inches thick in one lift. Do not vibrate grout.
3.6 Curing:
PolyTops GC Grout is self-curing.
3.7 Clean-up:
Clean tools and equipment before material dries and hardens with xylene, xylol or Polyseal Solvent.