Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph
Ware, Hertfordshire
Minutes of J&P Meeting Friday Sept 14th 2012
Present: John Vaughan-Shaw (in the chair), Fr John Gray, Denise Vaughan-Shaw, Mary Hallett, Brian Davis, Patricia Davis, Tim Edwards, Hazel Edwards,
NB If your name is in bold it indicates that some action is required
Opening prayer :led by Tim from Cafod ‘Just One World’
Apologies: Deacon Adrian Cullen, MontseCasadevall, Tony Stavrou, Patrick Milne
- Minutes of meetingFriday July 20th:these had been emailed and were accepted.
- Matters arising : Brian and Patricia’s email was wrong in the minutes; ‘lykos’ should be ‘lycos’.
- At this point John proposed changing the order of the Agenda to mention the ‘Year of Faith’ in case it influenced later decisions. Mary reported little info had been received to date..
- WOW bags : Denise gave an update. Stall at St Andrew’s, Hertford, Sept 1st only raised £22.50. There will be a stall at St Augustine’s, Hoddesdon, after Masses on Dec 1stand 2nd. Volunteers required. FrJohn suggested sending WOW bag details to Hoddesdon for prior publicity eg. Newsletter, flyers at back etc. Patricia offered to take flyers. Manning stall: Brian and Patricia 9.15, Tim, Hazel, Michelle(?) 11.15 It was agreed to put details of amounts raised so far in the NL; Mary wouldsee to this. Tony was thinking of having a stall at Glaxo’s. There may also be a stall at Christchurch in October.
- Parish Picnic :this was accounted a success, with 17 attending, with games for the 5 children and Olympic medals! The main issue was the date; it was agreed term-time would be better. Montse would be asked to get 2013 dates from the School.
- ‘Live Simply’ : it was felt that there was a need to reinvigorate this. After long discussion it was agreed : a) that the ‘Carbon Footprint’ and ‘Pledge List’ overlapped and only the latter would be repeated. b) considering all other factors the best time to reactivate the Pledge List would be Advent, around Nov 25th. Given the Year of Faith, Harvest Fast etc. It was decided not to instigate any new Live Simply initiatives at present. However it was important to involve other Parish groups and to maintain the ‘evidence’. continued 2
- Cafod Harvest Fast: there was long discussion about timing due to the Salesian appeal on Sept 29-30th; it was finally decided to postpone Cafod to Oct. 13 –14th. The Cafod arrangements will be as follows : a) Poster : already up b) after Mass talk and envelope hand out : Sat 6th _ Mary, John; Sun 7th 8.30 – Mary, Montse; 10.30 – Adrian, ? Carmel – Noreen ? John will contact Tracy with details for the NL. Fr John will include the Fast Day prayer at Mass. John wasin favour of a Harvest Meal along international lines; it was decided to include this at the next meeting.
- ‘100 Days’ Legacy Mass: details were given: Sun 28th Oct, 3.00pm, Southwark Cathedral.
- AOB:a) Live Simply evidence: John added a letter from Progressio and list of Peace Icon ‘pilgrims’. b) SPUC material had been received; Fr John favoured the ‘Day for Life’ appeal. Patricia gave details of a ’40 Days for Life’ programme of prayer, fasting and outreach. Again it was felt there was too much already in place. However Fr John agreed that the intentions can be included in the Bidding Prayers. Patricia will write bidding prayers for each of the weeks and send to Tracy.
- Next meeting : Friday October 26th.
- The meeting closed with a prayer led by Mary.