Sacraments Syllabus

Joanne Mayfield

WORK PHONE: 955-2420 Ext. 52420


PLAN PERIOD: 2nd hour



The Catholic Youth Bible

The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ

Required materials:

1 composition book, a folder or binder, pencil or pen


We are called to be disciples and grow in relationship with Christ and each other. Students will experience ways to proclaim Christ to the world. This will be done by learning and experiencing how sacraments are special signs that put us in touch with the Risen Lord. Students will explore how these prayers and rituals enhance their faith as sources of God’s grace. They will focus on the Church community as well as the individual’s role in each of the sacraments.


Students will demonstrate knowledge of the definition, history, and significance of the Sacraments.

Students will identify the Sacred Liturgy as the central focus of the Church community.

Students will deduce the need for prayer as essential for and as an expression of their faith by evaluating it in the life of Jesus, Mary, and the saints.

Students will distinguish the different styles of prayer through preparing and creating various prayer experiences.

Students will journey though Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Students will demonstrate behavior which corresponds with the guidelines of St. Thomas Aquinas High School as well as behavior which aligns itself with the life of Christ.

Students will explore how the knowledge attained in this class pertains to their personal lives.

These objectives will be accomplished through lecture, journals, projects, quizzes and tests.


v  Major Projects-- these are large assignments that can be up to 100 total points each.

v  Chapter Quizzes/Tests--range from 10-60 points

v  Journal Reflections and Assignments --range from 5 – 60 points each.


v  Final Exam weighted 20% of SEMESTER GRADE.

Ø  Semester grades are an accumulation of grades given throughout the semester (80% of final grade) in addition to the semester exam (worth 20% of your final grade).

Late Work: In accordance with the school policy, late work will be accepted receiving no more than 50% credit. After 1 calendar week, missing work will receive a 0. In the case of an excused absence, work that was assigned during the absence is due two school days after the return (if you return on Wednesday, the work is due on Friday). All work/tests/quizzes due on the day of your absence must be turned in or completed on the next class period of your return. See me if you have any questions. In the case of an unexcused absence, missing work will receive a 0. Any missed tests or quizzes must be made up in one calendar week or else a zero will be given. Students must check with teacher regarding missing work.

Definition of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church (taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1131):

The Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to his Church, by which divine life of grace is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Service Hours:

Students should have a copy of the program. A few reminders:

·  Sophomores must complete 20 hours of service throughout the year.

·  15 of the 20 hours must meet the Corporal Works of Mercy.

·  Hours completed must be turned in within 2 weeks of completing project.

·  Students must turn in completed Supervisor Verification Form in order for credit to be given.