Gerrards Cross
Parish Council
South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD
Clerk to the Council - Mrs. Diana Hepburn-Park
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Monday
21st September 2015 7.30pm at the Memorial Centre
Present: / Cllr C Brown(Chairman), Cllr I Bayliss Cllr J Chhokar,Cllr M Lawson, Cllr J Woolveridge Cllr N Holmes Cllr M Baker,
Cllr M Byfield Cllr C Bitirim, Cllr P Roberts and Mrs D C Hepburn-Park( Clerk) .
Associate Councillor Frances Chidell
Cllr Duncan Smith (SBDC) Associate Councillor Neil Brown
Mr and Mrs Sottal.
Would Councillors please give any declarations of interest at the beginning of the item.
37/15 / Apologies for absence were accepted from – Cllr. I Bayliss38/15 / To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 20th July 2015.
CB proposed the minutes and these were agreed by the Council and signed.
39/15 / Superintendent Yvette Hitch sent her apologies as another meeting came up that she had to attend.
The Council was disappointed that Superintendent Hitch could not make the meeting and asked that she is invited to our October Full Council meeting.
Mr Sagoo, Moreland Drive brought a book, to be circulated to Council members identifying the inconsiderate parking by parents dropping off children in Moreland Drive.
40/15 / Public speaking from residents regarding matters relevant to the meeting’s agenda with time allowed 5 minutes per person.
41/15 / To confirm the minutes of the following meetings:-
1. Commons Committee held on the 7th September 2015
PG proposed the minutes which were seconded by JW and agreed by the
Members had been chasing the contractors to return and re-surface the new footpath on East
Common. The local rotary had offered £1,000 towards play equipment and the process of
selecting a new item has started. There is concern over the condition of the Crab Hill
footpath on to the Camp and an alternative surface is being looked at.
The quote for the repair of the Aerial Runway has been agreed.
2 Highway Committee held on the 7th September 2015
ML Proposed the minutes from the above meeting which were agreed by the Council.
The four sectors reported individually on problems is their areas and are trying to improve communication with local resident associations.
There was a good response from the Verges, Hedges and Lampposts letter that had been
circulated to residents.
It was agreed to pull together various groups from the community to work together for next year’s BKV.
3 Planning Committee held on the 27th July , 10th & 24th August and 14th September 2015.
JC proposed the minutes from the above meetings which were agreed by the Council.
CB/JW were concerned that it had been said that the SBDC Planning Process was not fit for purpose and they asked Cllr Duncan Smith to represent Gerrards Cross Parish Council at the next overview and scrutiny Committee meeting and establish what the concerns are.
He agreed but asked for clarification on what was required. It was agreed that the Clerk to contact him by e-mail with specifics.
4 Finance and General Purposes Committee 14th September 2015
JC proposed the minutes from the above meetings which were seconded by JW and agreed
by the Council.
It was agreed that after the recent encampment of travellers the Commons Committee should look at preventative measures around the Colston Court area of the Common.
CB felt residents were very unhappy as the travellers are still around and the police have not taken any action as yet to move them on and would the Council agree with coving the cost of getting the appropriate Court Order to do this.
Council Ratified this suggestion.
Traders Association _ Xmas lights a further grant of £3,000 was agreed.
MJB is concerned about the quality and attendance of the Xmas and Summer Fairs held in the village. It would be good if the Council could work with the Rotary and Traders to raise the level of both events.
JW – thanked the Deputy Clerk for all her hard work while Clerk had been away.
42/15 / St Mary’s School
Cllr M Baker has agreed to act as a mentor in a project with St Marys school covering three classes totalling 41 girls, three projects with some synergy jointly.
Playground equipment: expansion of East Common or new site?
The GX summer fair – how could attendance be improved
The Commons – how could this open space be used more effectively and frequently
Youth entertainment/ engagement in GX
How to make GX a 'destination village' – leisure, shopping and parking
The project is to start in January 2016.
Members please contact the Clerk to identify which project you feel is appropriate.
43/15 / Council vacancy
Procedure was circulated to members- agreed.
44/15 / The Voice
CB Article regarding Tesco will be in the front page with the BKV certificate.
Various other suggestions were given but there is little space so some may have to go over to the next issue.
45/15 / Confirmation of the External Auditors acceptance of the 2014/15 Council Accounts.
46/15 / To agree payments in accordance with the budget.
NH went through the payments and recommended their approval, the Council agreed.
47/15 / Report on Meetings – members update on where they have represented the Parish Council since the last meeting.
Cllr Smith Most issues that are on-going at SBDC do not involve Gerrards Cross.
Cllr Baker met with St Marys School to discuss the project.
Cllr Holmes met with the GX Youth Club committee regarding the resent , re-lauched with Wycombe wonders. He is now a member of their committee.
Cllr Lawson – attended a Crime Commissioners meeting,
Cllr. Roberts attended Denham Aerodrome. Meeting, a few complaints as always , just one from Gerrards Cross.
Cllr Woolveridge attended the Parish Training course with some other members.
Cllr. Lawson and Cllr Brown attended South Bucks District Council committee meeting to see how they use their ipads.
Clerk to write a specification for Cllr Byfield to evaluate the most appropriate ipad for the Council to purchase. Members to pass their thoughts to Clerk for inclusion in the document.
Cllr Brown Attended a BCC meeting on future Devolved projects, they are looking at potholes and footpath repairs -
48/15 / To note general information received in the correspondence at the Parish Office
SBDC contacted offering free parking for two Saturdays the 12th & 19th December 2015.
49/15 / To confirm that the Parish meeting of Gerrards Cross Parish Council will be held on Monday 19th October 2015 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Centre
The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 9.15pm