English 101-E

Instructor Name

Fall 2008

Final Exam, Pt. II

You’ve Made It!

Welcome to one of the last writing assignments of the semester. After writing 3 essays, a mid term, numerous reading quizzes, and peer reviews,I’m sure you are a little bit burned-out and in need of some time off. With this in mind, I will try and keep this assignment as brief and economical as possible. In the end, I hope this essay helps you see the amount of work (and hopefully, progress) you have made in your study of writing this semester.

Writing a Self-Reflective Essay

For the second part of the Final Exam, I am asking you to compose an essay of 2 pages (500 words), handwritten, reflecting on your work in the course and consciousness of your own writing processand perceived improvements and shortcomings in regard to your writing and writing process. In your essay, please answer the following questions in any order you see fit:

characterize yourself as a writer and characterize your “writing process.” In other words, describe what steps you go through to compose an essay for a class such as English 101;

describe the different essays you have composed this semester in terms of what the assignment asked for and what topics you chose. Be sure to comment upon your relative successes or failures in terms of each essay;

reflect upon what you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Please be specific and give examples from your work over the semester. What sorts of goals do you have for yourself in terms of improving your writing and meeting with academic and personal success?

Please use description and detail to bring your points across. Remember to have logical transitions from point to point and proofread and edit your essay to the best of your ability.

Nuts and Bolts

  • This part of the Final Exam is worth 5pts.max. and may not be revised.
  • Like the midterm, this is a closed book exam, allowing no notes, outlines or drafts.
  • I will supply paper to write on and a clean copy of this assignment sheet.
  • No laptop or computer use without Dean of Student’s approval.
  • No makeup without prior instructor approval.
  • This exam must be written in class during our final exam time during Final Week:

Wednesday, December 10th, from 8:00-9:50am, in this classroom.