Summer School 2005
Rainfall Runoff Model KALYPSO-NA
Montenegro, September 2005
Summer School 2005 Questions
General aspects
1)What is the definition of hydrology?
2)Name three examples for the appliance of a rainfall-runoff-model.
3)What types of rainfall-runoff-models do you know, explain the differences.
4)What is the difference between deterministic and stochastic models?
5) To which type does the rainfall runoff model Kalypso belong?
Hydrologic Cycle
6)Explain the water balance equation.
7)Name all processes displayed in figure 1.
Figure 1: Hydrological processes
Soil Moisture Regime
8)Which components influences the soil moisture?
a)Complete (fill the spaces ….. with the correct mathematical operations *, /, + or -) and describe the following equation.
b)Some of the processes of equation 1 depend on Wilting Point (WP), Field Capacity (FK) and maximal soil saturation (BFMAX). On the ordinate in figure 2 the relevance of these processes is displayed: 0% (not relevant), 100 % (maximum of the process is reached).
Draw the behaviour of Inf and Eva (see formula 1) into the figure 2.
Figure 2: Graphs for displaying the hydrological processes
c)In the model Kalypso the infiltration is assumed to be only dependent of the soilmatrix, which we define by the soiltriangle. Which process did we neglect?
8)Fill in the blanks in box 1 and 2. And explain the terms.
9)Give the definition of the following terms
a)Capillary water:
b)Free water:
Processes of discharge concentration
10)Define the Unit Hydrograph.
11)Due to the significant shortcomings of hydrodynamic methods, so called “hydrologic model approaches” are widely in use for determination of discharge concentration. According to this approach, which are the 2 main processes that are describing concentration and how do they affect discharge hydrograph?
12)Urbanisation and changes of the natural state in general have influence on the time of concentration (tc). What effect will the following have on the time of concentration (increase or decrease)? Explain your answer.
a)Building residential homes in a forest region.
b)Channelising a meandering stream on the watershed.
c)Planting trees in an open region.
Subsurface runoff
13)What is the difference between percolation and infiltration? What is the groundwater recharge?
14)What processes participate at the groundwater system. What is the meaning of baseflow? Is it possible to measure this flow in the river?
Flood wave formation in channel
15)Explain the hysteresis curve (figure 3). When does the hysteresis curve occures?
figure 3: hysteresis curve
16)What is the main assumption for the Kalinin-Miljukov method? What is the meaning of the parameters n and k? Why do we have different values for the river and the flood-plain?
Linear reservoir
17)How does KALYPSO model the hydrological processes within a catchment area? In what way it makes use of the Linear Reservoir Approach?.
Statistical analysis of annual maximum floods
18)Why do we use statistical methods in flood analysis?
19)What are the main statistical parameters (basic statistics) of a empirical distribution?
20)What theoretical distributions did we try to fit in theoretical data?
21)What tests did we used?
22)What is confidence interval?