The University has negotiated travel insurance cover for staff and students whilst travelling on business. The cover is provided by UMAL Ltd. The policy provides cover for staff or students travelling on official University business. It will cover reasonable personal time; however, if a period of holiday is linked to the period of business travel then cover should be purchased separately.

Details of the policy can be found at

  1. All theft / lost property claims must be supported by a local police / security report.
  2. All property damage claims must be supported by an estimate for repair, detailing the extent of the damage and the cost of the repair. If not repairable then a quotation for replacement must be provided. You may be asked to supply a receipt for the original item.

Please complete the following information:

Full Name of Traveller/s
(including title)
Faculty / Department
Type of Traveller
(indicate in box) / Staff / Student
Dates of Travel / From / To
Reason for Travel
Any non-standard activities being undertaken?
Name and title of the person authorising travel
Emergency Contact:
Name, Address and Tel. No.
I confirm that the trip has been authorised in accordance with the departmental travel procedures, is on University business and I am not travelling against medical advice. If you have any doubts about medical issues, please contact Occupational Health or visit their website at
(please tick the box to acknowledge this statement)

Additional Travellers – If there are multiple travellers and the space provided above is insufficient, please provide a supplementary list. If there are differences in the information requested, please show the differences in the listing. For instance there may be different dates of travel.

Non-standard activity – examples would include activities such as scuba diving, skiing, canoeing, hang gliding, trekking in hazardous or remote areas and sky diving. This list is not exhaustive, but should be used as an indicator of activities that may need further consideration.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessment will be required if the destination falls into categories High or Extreme as shown on the Control Risks website or in addition when the specific or emerging risks give rise for concern. In addition, a risk assessment would be required if the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice is against travel due to health risks or natural disasters. If a risk assessment is required then the Insurance and Risk Manager will contact you to arrange for the risk assessment to be carried out.

Last updated:02 December 2016