Registrar Info Sheet
All the information you will need for promotion andregistration forCentral Region Children’s Camp is availableon our website, just type in this link, for Central RegionBLAST at Michindoh Ministries are:
July 24-28, 2017
Please make copies of registration forms, parent info sheets,
housing sheets, registrar’s report form, posters, and medication forms.
You will find the PDF for these forms online.
Registration Information
AGE LEVEL CAMPS: BLAST is for children who will have completed grades 3-6.
HOME CHURCH:It is very helpful for our records to have children who are guests of your church register under your church name, rather than the church and denomination they usually attend.
REGISTRATION: Camper registration is online this year: FORM: New two-part page with payment information and the Release/Permission Form.
ROOMMATE PREFERENCE:We will house up to 5 of your boys or girls together in the same cabin. However, please indicate how we can split a group of 5 into 2 small groups in case we cannot accommodate a group of five. Please BE SPECIFIC if there are students that you DO NOT want to house together. Also, if you have a counselor from your church you would like assigned to a group of campers, please indicate accordingly.
We have a separate housing sheet for boys and girls. Please fill these out carefully. WE WILL MAKE CABIN ASSIGNMENTS FROM THESE HOUSING SHEETS.
T-SHIRTS: T-shirts with the unique camplogo are included in the child’s registration fee. Please be sure that each child marks the appropriate size on their individual registration form.
MEDICATION: If a camper brings medication from home, please have their parent fill out the half sheet “MEDICATION FORM” and place the form and medication(s) in a clear zip-lock bag. Upon arrival at camp, medications must be given to the camp nurse at the registration check-in area. It is NOT necessary to send analgesics like Tylenol or Motrin The camp nurse will have these on hand. Please print off copies of the “MEDICATION FORM” for your campers. This form can be found on the Region website, along with other camp registration forms,
ACTIVITY ZONES: Campers are to choose one Activity Zone that they would like to participate in. On the registration form list two Activity Zones in the order of preference (1st and 2nd choice). The camp staff will make every effort to accommodate the campers’ preference. Each camper will rotate within the Activity Zone to experience the activities within that block.
Please note – EXTREME ZONE is for 5th & 6th graders only! Students MUST be 54 inches tall and there is an additional $50 fee for this zone.
Registrar Info Sheet page 2
REGISTRATION: The registration fee, if paid by the deadline, is $270 and all plans include a $75 non-refundable deposit. All registration forms and payments are to go through the local church, accompanied by a Registrar’s Report Form, Housing Sheets, and ONE check from your church, payable to the Central Region Office, by June 6th.
LATE REGISTRATIONS: **We will not be able to register children on the first day of camp. If you have a late registration, PLEASE contact the Central Region Office 260-432-8868 BEFORE sending any late registrations.
REFUNDS: If after payment is made, a camper is not able to attend camp, we will allow their registration fee to be transferred to a new camper. If a transfer is not possible, we will refund the amount paid except for the $75 non-refundable deposit.
REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Registration fee includes all meals, lodging, night activities, snacks and Activity Zoneexpenses, except Wilderness ($20) and Extreme Zones ($50).
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: Please make sure that the health history, home phone, emergency number AND parent’s signature are completely filled out on the students’ registration forms.
PLEASE NOTE: ALL squirt guns, firecrackers, and other forms of “prank warfare” will be confiscated and NOT RETURNED to their owners. Camp offers plenty of opportunities to get wet, muddy, and rowdy in a supervised fashion. We need your help in stressing the fact that these items do not need to be brought to camp to have a good time. They usually end up causing many people heartache, including the victims and other participants. Campers not cooperating with these guidelines risk the possibility of being sent home. Thank you to all the parents and churcheswhosupport us in this area. Allowing everyone to have equal amounts of “fun” keeps the camp morale very high and focused.
UPON ARRIVAL TO BLAST: Please provide ONE check for the balance of the registrations from your church.
We will be unable to process any camper information or registration before 3:30 PM on Monday! It will be inconvenient for you to arrive before 3:30PM because there will be no available supervision. Our staff will be in orientation and will not be available until 3:30PM.
This will allow us to vacate the conference facilities in a timely manner and give most of you enough time to get home by lunch or early afternoon. The last meal the campers will have is breakfast.
★PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS OR LEARNING DISABILITIES: We work hard to accommodate all kids desiring to attend Camp BLAST. However, we have certain staffing and facility limitations and may not be able to adapt to all situations without help from parents and the local church. PLEASE be honest and open with us on any situations campers may have so we can work together to make Camp BLAST a great time for all campers and staff.