March 2013

Our Mission statement: Accepting, Loving, Sharing and Serving Jesus Christ

Pastor: Michele SomervilleWorship & Sunday School10:30 AM

108 N. Williamson RoadParsonage

PO Box 17315 Granger Street

Blossburg, PA 16912Phone: (570)638-2008

Phone: (570)638-3046Email:


Gathered Around the Cross

The story of Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion is a rich and detail-laden story. We could spend hours discussing parts of phrases, but how much better it might be if we could just have some of the feeling we get in that old spiritual "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?" Something hauntingly spiritual and powerful lives in that question. In truth, even those who were there may not have had any idea about what was really taking place. Only in retrospect, especially with the perspective of faith, do some people like the writers of the Gospels tell us that something cosmically significant and everlastingly important was taking place at the moment when Jesus was on that cross . . .

If we take the perspective of John's Gospel, we find that Jesus must look hard in order to discover any true friends in the crowds gathered around the cross. But look he does, and in the process he sees his mother, and the disciple whom he loved. John tells us that two other women were there as well, his mother's sister (whose name for the sake of confusion is also Mary), and Mary Magdalene . . . And then John tells us there are others. Soldiers are nearby, and two others are being crucified with him, but in John's telling of this story Jesus doesn't talk with them. Far into the background are Pilate and the chief priests, and off in hiding are all the rest of the disciples, including bold Peter, sulking now for having denied Jesus. Paul is off making tents somewhere, not having any idea of what's going on in Jerusalem. There's a good chance that at least a couple of the Gospel writers are still in school and may have only heard rumors about Jesus. They would have to get their evidence about what happened on Good Friday from those few witnesses who actually did have the courage to stick around and watch the whole thing creep ever so slowly and deliberately to its end.

But what looks like defeat is, strangely, the fulfillment of a life directed toward such a moment. At least in John's Gospel the picture we have of Jesus is of someone who is about as far from a helpless victim as you can get. It isn't that he would wish his death, for indeed he had prayed with real tears that this was a cup which might be taken away. But when finally the time comes for him to drink this cup, he does so with a kind of commanding presence that has eternal consequences. His final words, so difficult to utter because it takes his last breath to get them out, are "It is finished."

What was finished, of course, was just about to start. Except for those four who stood by the cross, it will take a while before they can come to terms with what happened. It will take some time for his disciples to be regathered and spirited for the missionary work that lies before them. It will take some time before Paul gets turned around by a bolt of lightning. A number of years will pass before some followers feel compelled to write down the entire story. Many of us can identify with them at this point as we testify to the time it has taken us to get to this point in our faith walk.

On that cross-marked day so long ago only Jesus, it seems, had any inkling about the eternal ramifications of what was taking place. Now we find ourselves reflecting on what took place on the day Jesus died. From the perspective of the cross, when Jesus said "It is finished," he was saying that the bridge of reconciliation was finally and completely established. This bridge moreover was laid down in love and sacrifice and meant for everyone in the world. All who walk into this forgiveness will need to pause by his cross and see Jesus looking at them with the love he had for his mother and that disciple. Praise God that he looks at us with the same love.

- by George H. Martin, excerpted with permission from The Clergy Journal, © Logos Productions.

Cluster Lenten Services

March 3 Lawrenceville Calvary UMC7 PM

March 17 Mainesburg UMC7 PM

March 24 Millerton UMC7PM

Parish Holy Week Services

March 28 Maundy Thursday –Blossburg 7 PM

March 29 Good Friday- Covington

March 31 Easter Sunrise & Breakfast – Blossburg 6 AM

Easter Service- Blossburg 10:30 AM

March Altar Flowers

March 3 - Presented by: Amy Nybeck

In honor of Ray's birthday

March 10 - Presented by: Bill & Sally Faughnan

In honor of our 36th anniversary

March 17 – Available

March 24 – Don & Caroline Camp

In memory of Arlene Olsey (sister)

March 31 – Connie & Daina Dawes

In memory of Parents & Grandparents


At our February meeting, we spent an hour cleaning before starting our business meeting. It's amazing what a bunch of ladies can accomplish in an hour, even chatting all the time. We collected items for our military folks. Right now we only have two deployed. The items will be mailed out this week.. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 14 at7:00 pm. We welcome all hands at 6:00 for an hour of church cleaning. We will be making plans for our Easter basket delivery during the business meeting.

Community Blood Bank

Community Blood Bank will be doing a blood drive on March 22 from noon-5:00 PM at BlossburgUnitedMethodistChurch. We are very grateful for all of our loyal donors. As always we will be serving lunch to all donors and staff. You must weigh at least 110 pounds (which covers most of us), and you must be in general good health. If you have not eaten lunch, let us know as you should not donate with an empty stomach. Remember to bring your photo ID so that you won’t have to return home to get it. We had a great turn out at our last collection, which was in the middle of cold and flu season. I think we can top that by at least 10 donors.

Joann Ogden BUMC/CBB Coordinator

Matthew 25 Food Pantry

The February food pantry served 56 families (24 seniors, 24 children & 83 adults). We are very thankful for the Rod and Gun Club who donated a freezer to our pantry. We now have two freezers in the pantry which allow us to purchase a wider variety of foods for our families. This past month we were able to purchase frozen venison from the Central PA Food Bank for 18 cents a pound. This relationship with the CPFB permits us to purchase many foods for 18 cents a pound. If you would like to help support this local misson, even a small donation goes a long way to help feed our local families.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ministry Opportunity

VacationBibleSchool is scheduled for the last week in July. The Parking Lot Party is July 27th with VBS beginning Sunday, July 28 at 6 PM. It is important to start planning! We need teachers, group leaders, crafts and a director. Now is your chance to shine.

Safe sanctuary training and clearances are a must!

Please join Pastor Michele on Thursday, March 7 at 6:30 PM in the Conference Room.

RSVP your attendance.

Williamsport District Mini-Camp


When? July 21-24, 2013

Who? Any kids who have finished 4th grade through 12th grade at the end of this 2012-13 school year.

Where? Beautiful “His Thousand Hills” Christian Camp and RetreatCenter, Wellsboro, PA

$175 early bird registration (by May 1)

$180 May 2-July 1

$185 after July 1 depending on availability

Registration includes lodging (modern facilities, hot showers, air conditioning), all meals, snacks and activities. Activities include: roller skating, archery, ropes courses, water fun and much, much MORE! Daily Bible breakouts, worship, and fellowship make this an inspirational experience that your kids will never forget. Questions? Email Lisa Reynolds ()

Registration packets will be coming to all district churches soon!

If you want to volunteer or donate, contact Lisa Reynolds!

March Birthdays

1 Marjorie Montague

2 Walter Vaughn

Katie Augustine

7 Jerome Ogden

14 Channelle Brostrom

15 Doris LeBlanc

19 Bob Hemenway

20 Christopher Smith

21 Dorothy Goertz

Jennifer Johnston

22 Katie Kinsey

LeeCarol Russell

Jim Vanatter

26 Carl Wagner


12 Sally & Bill Faughnan

March Nursery Attendants

3 Belinda Barnes & Carmen Wood

10 Amy Augustine & Kara Manikowski

17 June Otis & Rose Wesneski

24 Erin Bowen & Tara Spencer

31 Easter Sunday-no attendants

An E-tour series of workshops will be held on March 10th at MansfieldUnitedMethodistChurch. The cost of registration which also includes dinner is $5.00. More information will be forthcoming.


“Daffodil Days”

March 18 – 24, 2013

On Sunday, March 24th, 2013 congregations all across the

entire state of Pennsylvania will be celebrating the American

Cancer Society’s (ACS) Daffodil Days “Sunday of Hope”.

The ACS is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. The ACS is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-227-2345 or at to answer your questions about cancer.

The cost is:$10.00 for a Bunch of 10 Daffodils

$12 for the Potted Mini Daffodils

Also available are:

Meet “Ray O. Hope”, our newest Collectible

Boyds Bear. He is 10 inches and was designed

exclusively for the ACS. He can be ordered as

part of the “Bear and a Bunch”. The cost is $25,

and he comes with a bunch of 10 fresh daffodils.

In addition to Ray, the ACS is offering (again this year) the stylish glass carafe that was so popular last year! The

carafe is part of the “Vase & a Bunch” for $15.

Remember your carafe comes with a beautiful bunch of daffodils!

(while supplies last)

This is the LAST YEAR for the ACS’s Daffodil Days

so let’s go all out and on March 24th let’s fill our Church Sanctuary with these beautiful flowers!

Your daffodils (and bears & carafes) can be picked up after our morning Worship Service on March 24th.

To order your daffodils:

There is an order sheet at the back of the Church Sanctuary on the

radiator cover (street side) or just call Rose Wesneski (638-2110)

Deadline for orders is March 3rd . . . money is due with your order.

Easter Flowers



ADDRESS: ________

We would like to be able to fill the cross with lilies this Easter morning!

Your Easter flowers must be ordered byMarch 17, 2013. Please circle your selection and place the order form and check in the collection plate during the worship service or mail the order form to: Blossburg United Methodist Church P.O. Box 17, Blossburg, PA,16912.

Price Quantity

Flower Each Ordered Total

Lilies 6” pot $10.00 ______

********Easter flowers may be given "In Memory of" or "In Honor of" a person or persons *********

In Memory of:_______In Honor of:__________

Given by:______ Given by:________

In Memory of:______In Honor of:_________

Given by:______ Given by:_______

Easter Book of Memory, 2013

Gifts to the Easter Book of Memory are also appreciated. ALLdonations to this Memorial Fund are used for the beautification of the church. Please make your check payable to Blossburg UMC, Memo: Book of Memory.Please have all Book of Memory donations in the church office by March 17, 2013

Book of Memory Donation: $______

InMemory of:______In Memory of:______

Given by: ______Given by:______