Grades 6-12 ELALesson Plan

Teacher: ______Grade/Course:6 Date:Day 1

Unit Title:
Unit 1: Perspectives and Point of View / Corresponding Unit Task:
Task One: Can the World be a Fair and Just Place?
Unit EQ(s): / Can the world be a fair and just place?
Can I compare and contrast informational texts on the same subject matters?
Essential Vocabulary / Academic: compare, contrast, point of view, analyzing, author’s perspective
Subject matter: fair, just, exclude, access
Materials/Resources / See Instructional resources below
Activating Strategy/ Bell Ringer / (10 minutes includes sharing) TSW write their responses to the following questions/statements:
What school rule do you think is unfair? Has there been a time you were treated unfairly?
Balanced Literacy Components Addressed:
Word Study
□Speaking & Listening
Gradual Release of Responsibility:
Guided Practice
□Independent / Common Core State Standards:
S.L.6.2 – Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g. visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
L.6.6 – Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
RI.6.1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RI.6.3 – Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text
RI.6.6 – Determine an author’s point-of-view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in a text.
RL.6.1 -Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from text.
I Can Statements:
I can demonstrate my understanding of the multiple meanings of “fair” and “just”
I can use a photo analysis graphic organizer to analyze a visual text.

Instructional Plan:
Introduction to unit:
  • TTW introduce unit by introducing essential vocabulary (academic and subject matter)and have students create a Unit 1 vocabulary “journal.”
Students will add to vocabulary journal throughout the unit. (see resources listed below)
  • TTW activate prior knowledge by having students T-P-S (small groups of 2-3)
-What are some things you enjoy doing? What would you like to be when you grow up?
-Are there any requirements that allow you access to the activity? Are there restrictions to participating in the activities you do?
-Are there activities that exclude some groups of people?
-What reasons are they excluded?
-Are these reasons fair and just?
  • TTW share with students the fact that persons of many nationalities and ethnic groups were not always allowed to share or participate in the activities, occupations or other areas in which they have shown interest.
  • TTW will model, using graphic organizer, how an examination of photographic facts can reveal valuable information. (see resources listed below)
  • TT W, with students,view the persons from the photo “Greensboro Sit-in” #13 (see instructional resources below). Record reactions and interpretations with students in the form of a Think-Aloud and model recording these thoughts using the graphic organizerto analyze the photograph.(see resources listed below)
  • TTW have at least three additional photographs from the same time period.. (see resources listed below)
  • TSW will work in groups of three to select one photo to analyze using the same graphic organizer design on chart paper
  • TSW discuss and write on their photo analysis chart their response to the question “Based on your photograph-is the world a fair and just place?”

Closing/Summarizing Strategy / TSW share photo analysis and question responses.
Instructional Resources
  • Vocabulary journal and other vocabulary strategies

  • Possible images for modeling photo analysis
  • Image 13 Greensboro Sit-Ins
  • Additional images from Greensboro sit-in
  • photo analysis graphic organizers

Differentiation Strategies / Extension / Intervention / Language Development
No extensions needed / Teach multiple meaning words (i.e. just)
Provide definitions for vocabulary and assist students in creating visual representations
Use visuals, retell or act out an unfair or unjust situation. Discuss the idea of fairness and justice / Teach multiple meaning words (i.e. just)
  1. Activating Prior Knowledge – Use visuals, retell or act out an unfair or unjust situation. Discuss the idea of fairness and justice. Ask students to use a translator to check the meaning of fair and just.
  2. Create a glossaryof key words - start with fair and just and guide students to add more as needed. For each word include definition, translation into native language, the word used in context, and an illustration.
  3. During the brainstorm of products, occupations, and activities they enjoy and other people might not, low English proficient students might need visuals and to be guided with yes/no questions. Several students may have suffered injustices in the past and they will be able to relate to the topic.
  4. Model & Support – During the modeling of the examination of photographic facts, the teacher will assign a peer buddy to assist the ESL student in filling in the information in the graphic organizer.

Assessment(s) / Photo analysis chart, Student responses, Q & A, Cooperative group abilities

Office of Curriculum & Instruction2012