7th Grade Gifted Life Science
Ms. Rhonda Roman
Mason Creek Middle School
Course Description
Gifted courses provide academically motivated students an enriched learning experience by increasing the learning pace, augmenting curricular complexity, and deepening discipline, knowledge and practices. The gifted curriculum provides courses that extend beyond core topics and place additional emphasis on supplemental critical thinking and research skills beyond what is taught in the traditional classroom by requiring students to cultivate habits of independent thinking, creativity, collaboration, leadership, and advanced intellectual skills.
The middle school life science course is designed to give students the necessary skills for a smooth transition from elementary life science standards to high school biology standards. The purpose is to give all students an overview of common strands in life science including, but not limited to, diversity of living organisms, structure and function of cells, heredity, ecosystems, and biological evolution.All of the science standards can be found on the Georgia Performance Standards website (
Areas of Study
Scientific Habits of Mind/Skills to Maintain:
Record keepingCommunicate effectively
Use available resources (technology, models,etc.)Use of tools/instruments
Interpret and Analyze DataAsk quality questions
Life Science Content Standards:
Interdependence of LifeEnergy and Nutrient Cycles
Cell Parts, Organization and ProcessesFunction of major organ systems
Genetics and HeredityEvidence of Evolution
Composition notebook (Interactive notebook) Expo Dry Erase Markers
Colored pencilsPen/Pencil
Classroom Expectations:
- The teacher will have high expectations of all students.
- The students will be prepared for class. Being prepared for class means having all necessary materials and assignments completed at the beginning of class.
- Parents will keep an open line of communication between themselves, their children, and the teacher.
- The teacher will maintain an appropriate classroom culture that will lead to the success of all students.
- The students will participate in all classroom activities.
- The students will follow all necessary lab procedures and always follow appropriate lab safety rules.
- Parents will give support to their children.
- Everyone will show respect for everyone else and their property.
- Everyone will keep a positive attitude.
Late Work
Students will have 3 days after the due date to turn in late assignmentsor after the assignment has been entered into portal as missing. Parents please check parent portal weekly for missing assignments. Ten (10) points will be deducted each day the assignment is late. Assignments will not be accepted after the 3rd day.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit may be offered once per nine weeks to students who have completed ALL required assignments and who need to raise their current average.
Grading Policy
Written Assessments40%
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to be honest in class regarding their work and preparation for class. All student products are expected to be originals. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and a disciplinary referral will be issued.
Lost Book Policy
Board Policy Descriptive Code, IFAD
The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook/resource material lost, regardless of the condition. The amount to be charged for the textbook/resource damaged by a student will be the responsibility of the principal.
Keys to Success
If, at any time, you are having trouble in this class, it is your responsibility to let me know immediately. I will be willing to help, but you have to ask. Please be present each day,preparedfor class and give your best effort. Please let your teacher know immediately if you are giving your best effort and are still struggling. We will work together to ensure your success.
By signing, I am acknowledging that I understand the information and accept the policies stated in the 7th Grade Gifted Life Science Syllabus.
Parent Signature:______Student Signature: ______
(1)Parent/Guardian e-mail address:______
(2)Parent/Guardian e-mail address:______
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