Minutes of meeting held at CullomptonTown Hall on

Thursday 14th April 2011at 2pm

Present:Ms M Booth and DavidFergieDevonCounty Council

Cllr Mrs L Holloway and Mr N Sanderson:Mid Devon District Council

Town Mayor Councillor Mrs W Gillingsand Mrs J Morris: Cullompton Town Council

Also in attendance for part only of the meeting: Cllr M Thompson

432.Apologies received from:Cllr J Berry (DCC)

433.The Minutesof the previous meeting held on 26th October 2010were agreed as a correct record

434.Shortlands Lane Bridleway:Cllr Thompson had been invited to the meeting to discuss his concerns with regard to Shortlands Lane bridleway. Maps show the length of the bridleway starting at Tiverton Road and finishing at New Street. However this has now been altered and on more recent maps the bridleway is shown as finishing at the steps into Hammet Road.

Concern about this change and why it was not advertised and consulted on and whether the correct procedures had been used for a stopping up order. Discussion ensued with regard to the definitive map and whether this had ever been adopted.

ACTION:Meg Booth offered to investigate whether the definitive map or the interactive map on the

internet had been altered.

Cllr M Thompson left the meeting

435.Matters Arising From Minutes

(i) Town centre drainage: Workhas commenced, progressing well. Only one complaint received to-date but concerns about traffic backing up at the bottom end of Fore Street and the resultant pollution.

(ii)Restrictions in Fore Street:Any loading/unloading restrictions will require a new traffic order no progress to-date. Town Council will be consulted before any decisions are made.

(iii)Station Road traffic lights: Looking at design for a safe crossing point in the High Street area, will need to be done in conjunction with traffic lights as potential to cause traffic to back-up to the M5, may need to talk to the Highways Agency.

(iv)Footpath from Station Road car park into the town centre: Improvements including dropped kerbs, hope to programme work into 2011/12 schedule.

(v)Higher Mill Lane: Contract awarded for replacement of the bridge at Higher Mill. DCC Street Lighting Engineer now obtaining estimates toinstall a light at the top of the lane.

NOTE:CullomptonTown Mayor Cllr Mrs W Gillings declared a personal interest in respect of the following item as she works for Tesco.

(vi)Signing from Tesco into town centre: Order placed. And should be installed May/June 2011

(vii) Footpathfrom Lower Mill to Higher Mill: CTC has obtained a grant from DCC to undertake repairs to the footpath and has applied for additional grant funding from other sources to supplement this and repair a greater length of the path.

(viii)Kings Mill Industrial Estate: directional signing: Large vehicles sometimes drive through the centre of Cullompton from the M5 looking for the Kings Mill Industrial Estate as it is not signposted from the motorway junction. DCC has found a suitable location to erect a directional sign and hope to place on the next signing order.

(ix)LinearPark and Millennium Way: Fencing at lower end has not yet been removed.

ACTION:Nick Sanderson to clarify why the fencing at the lower end of the LinearPark has not been removed and what is happening about this.

(x)Blocked drains: Some drains, including those at Clampitts/Exeter Road and Crow Green/Exeter Hill, have collapsed under the highway. DCCmonitoring the situation and looking at ways to resolve. Will need a road closure order to carry out the work and will look to co-ordinate with other works in the area, finance permitting.

(xi) Broken building downpipes and overflow pipes:Monitor and letDCC know if there are any downpipes or overflow pipes in High Street/Fore Street that require attention.

(xii) Parking enforcement in High Street: It was explained that Parking Enforcement Officers are finding it difficult to enforce the parking restrictions in the main streets due to legal anomalies. An interim parking order is being progressed to correct this. DCC to investigate parking permits for loading and unloading only in parking bays outside Town Hall.

(xiii)Maintenance of trees in High Street:Report commissioned by CTC recommends that the grills around the trees are replaced with a resin bonded aggregate. DCC willing to pay for this.

ACTION: Mr Kanani to find out from Tree Officer which resin-bonded aggregate should be used.

(xiv) Grit boxes:The Town Council has received several requests for grit boxes and will review current locations and where boxes are most needed. DCC will need to agree the locations and any new boxes can only be paid for by CountyCouncillors and not a third party.

  1. DCC Highway Restructure: Meg Booth explained thatDCC are restructuring their Highway Management team to reduce their budget in a way that will accommodate working and delivering services. Looked at various models being used around the country. They recognise the importance of working with ward members and town/parish councils and will be setting up 7 teams to virtually reflect the district council boundaries. Each team will have a team leader to support ward members and town/parish councils.

They will also be altering the way in which the customer service department works to enable faults to be reported directly to the local area contractor.

  1. Pedestrian Crossings: Concerns from members of the public that vehicles don’t always stop at pedestrian crossings, of particular concern is the crossing close to CullomptonCommunity College in Exeter Road.

ACTION:DCC will monitor to find out if there have been any accidents or if there is a pattern forming.

438.Higher Mill Lane, Middle Mill Lane and other bridleways with right of vehicular access over: Residents had asked about the possibility of DCC adopting Higher Mill Lane and Middle Mill Laneas they are both well used by people going to/from Tesco and DCC were given money by Tesco to improve these lanes. It was explained that DCC would only adopt private roads if they were first brought up to an adoptable standard by the residents, this would need to include turning circles, and then only if more than 50% of residents are in agreement.

  1. Traffic congestion, Cockpit Hill: Concerned resident has suggested thatthe road is narrowed outside the fish & chip shop to make it impossible to park. Unsure whether this would resolve the matter as people will find somewhere to park, could create additional problems for residents of Pound Square.

440.To consider request for yellow lines on Jubilee Gardens junction with Brook Road: Concern that this could create additional problems forresidents parking in that area, also those with ‘blue’ badges are able to park on yellow lines so unlikely to resolve the problem.


(i)One-way system: A resident had submitted a plan showing a one-way system along Tiverton Road, Shortlands Road and through the “Old Tannery” out onto Exeter Road. Concerns about this idea included:

  • Floodplain area, difficult to achieve and expensive
  • B3181 is the diversion if M5 ever closed, would Shortlands Road be suitable for large vehicles.
  • Objections from residents, additional travelling requirements for those living in the area or abutting the one-way system.

442.DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 12th July2011 at 2pm

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