Year 3 Home Learning Journal.
Theme 2:Can You Survive the Stone Age?
Maths / Literacy
(Do you want to use ICT for this?) / Creative Arts
(Do you want to use ICT for this?) / Theme
(Science, History Geography)
Fri 6th Jan
Wed18th Jan / Maths Home Learning will be set weekly. / LO:to write a newspaper report.
Write a Newspaper report on the discovery of fire.
Success Criteria:
  • Catchy Headline
  • Sub-headings
  • Writing in paragraphs
  • Pictures with captions
  • Quotes.
/ LO: to create a stone age Cave Paining.
Sketch or paint a Stone Age activity in the style of a cave painting.
Cave paintings were drawn to show daily life of Cave People. You could draw hunting, gathering or cooking on a fire. / LO: Daily life in the Stone Age time.
Draw yourself as a cave-boy or cave-girl in the centre of your page. (You could even dress up and take a picture.)
Around the picture write as many facts about the things you would do as a cave-person during the stone age.
A WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like):

Set: Fri 20th Jan
Due: Wed 1st Feb / Maths Home Learning will be set weekly. / LO: write a fact file about your favourite author.
Research your favourite author. Write down facts about them to share with the class. The idea is to encourage your friends to read your favourite stories!
You may want to write the titles and information about books the author has written.
You could include personal information about the author, such as their age. / LO: Fire collage.
During the Stone Age fire was discovered. How would this have changed their lives? What do you think people thought when they first discovered fire?
We would like you to create a collage picture of a stone age fire.
You could use foils, sweet wrappers, paper, newspaper, felt, tissue paper, cloth….. Be creative.
You could use sticks and twigs for the base.
If you want to go the extra mile…What would be in the background? (You could include cavemen, caves and stone age animals in the background). / LO: types of rocks.
Using what you have learnt in school and your own research, present information on the three types of rocks.
Ideas of things you could do:
  • Information poster
  • Poem
  • PowerPoint
  • Song
  • Diagrams
  • Information video
Can you find any of the different rock types in your garden?
Set: Fri3rd Feb
Due:Wed 15th Feb / Maths Home Learning will be set weekly. / LO: to rehearse a poem to perform to the class.
Choose your favourite poem. You could either find one on the internet, or borrow a book from school.
Then practise reading the poem with expression. You could use different voices to show different actions.
Have a look at Michael Rosen performing “Chocolate Cake” for inspiration.
/ LO: Stone age food.
Research what people would eat during the stone age period. Draw and label a typical meal during the stone age period.
Would you like to eat this type of food?
Would they have even had plates?
Would they have knives and forks?
How would they cook the food? / LO: Features and properties of rocks.
We would like you to go for a walk around the Lickey Hills country park (or another country park) and fill in the attached ‘Rock research table’.

LO: Features and properties of rocks.

Things to find; / Did you find it? / Scientific application
Sedimentary rock
(take a sample home) /
Yes No / What did you notice? What did it look like? What did it feel like?
How has this happened? Can you explain it scientifically?
Metamorphic rock
(take a sample home) /
Yes No / What did you notice? What did it look like? What did it feel like?
How has this happened? Can you explain it scientifically?
Igneous rock
(take a sample home) /
Yes No / What did you notice? What did it look like? What did it feel like?
How has this happened? Can you explain it scientifically?
Erosion /
Yes No / What did you notice? What did it look like? What did it feel like?
How has this happened? Can you explain it scientifically?
Different textures of soil? (clay, dry soil, wet soil etc) /
Yes No / What did you notice? What did it look like? What did it feel like?
How has this happened? Can you explain it scientifically?

Are there any rock types you didn’t find? Why do you think this has happened?