Open Gates
A publication of the
Gates Cactus & Succulent Society
From the President:
What a spectacular annual show and sale we had last month! Those who came and enjoyed the spectacle know what this means. Those who did not get to attend I hope you can participate next year. The new venue was so much more appropriate and effective for our event. Both days had consistent high number of attendees who truly absorbed all the beauty of the cacti and succulents showcase. Afterwards, everyone also enjoyed shopping for many of their favorite drought-tolerant plants. The public turn out was a big part of our success.
Overall, the sale is a success in terms of the total sales amount. Sales total is approximately over $16,000 and we have many expenses to pay. This is in fact our highest sales in the history of our show and sale. Many factors helped achieve this landmark. Final numbers will be available in the coming weeks.
I want to recognize the Landscapes Southern California Style garden for their generous and kind support. The location is quite ideal for future shows as it was both accommodating and easy access for everyone. We hope to expand and improve for a better show next year at his location.
Buck Hemenway, the show chairperson deserves a much heart-felt recognition for all the countless hours and dedicated hard work preparing and putting on the show. When I say hard work I really mean we all sweated in the baking heat to set up and take down the show. That said, I would like to acknowledge all the club members and their family and friends who volunteered their efforts to make such a successful and fun event. You are the one who made the show go. THANK YOU everyone who helped!
We are planning the annual post-show meeting/get-together to evaluate and critique our show and sale. Everyone who participated is invited to attend and the detail is in this newsletter.
Thursday June 5, 2014 will be the next upcoming event for us at the Redlands Market Night. Beside showcasing plants and promoting the club we are planning to sale some plants too. Once again, all interested members can contact me for further details.
Continued on Page -2-
From the President Con’t.
We are deep into the spring season and summer will be upon us this month. Remember to take appropriate adjustments to watering your plants and provide adequate covers from the searing sun. I hope you are getting beautiful flowers blooms. The board is back at work planning for summer and fall events. Please share your thoughts and ideas with us about any new and potentially exciting club-related activities.
Keep on planting,
June Speaker
Ernesto Sandoval
Plant Hormones
Plant Hormones, How they work and affect the growth of our plants--not very visual in that there aren't a lot of pretty picturesbut quite mentally eye-opening for most gardeners, even those with lots of experience, from the feedback I've received over this past year (2013). Helps them understand why things happen when plants are pruned and propagated.
Ernesto has been wondering and seeking questions to why plants look the way that they do for a long time.Now he explains and interprets the world of plants to a variety of ages and experiences from K-12 to professionals and Master Gardeners.He regularly lectures to Garden Clubs throughout the year and particularly to Succulent Clubs throughout the State and elsewhere since that group of plants is his particular passion within his general passion for plants.He describes himself as a Jose of all plants master of none.Ernesto thoroughly enjoys helping others, and gardeners in particular, to understand why plants do what they do.
When he was about 13 he asked his dad why one tree was pruned a particular way and another tree another way. His dad answered bluntly "because that's the way you do it.” Since then he's been learning and teaching himself the answers to those and many other questions by getting a degree at UC Davis in Botany and working from student weeder/waterer to Director over the last 22 years at the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory.
Mini Show Results, April 2014
Cacti- Echinopsis
1stEchinopsis sp., Ray Cardenas
1stEchinopsis sp., David Hawks
2ndEchinopsis hybrid, Judy Horne
‘3rdEchinopsissubdenudata, Diana Roman
1stEchinopsis sp. , Greg & Anna Cavanaugh
Monsonia, Agave
1stAgave dasyliriodes, Rico Leon
2nd Agave cv. Blueball , Rico Leon
1st Agave victoria-reginae , Dick Hammer
1stAgave victoria-reginae, David Hawks
2ndAgave filifera, Ray Cardenas
2nd Agave sp. Diana Roman
3rd Agave applanata, Ray Cardenas
1st Agavenigra, Ray Cardenas
2nd Agave angustifolia, Diana Roman
2ndAgave americanamediopicta, Diana Roman
3rdAgave sp., Diana Roman
1stAgave cv. Blue Glow, Greg & Anna
2ndAgave victoria-reginae, Bob Laughlin
3rdAgave stricta “nana” , Bob Laughlin
1stAgave victoria-reginae, Bob Laughlin
2ndAgave colorata, Tony Marino
3rd Agave victoria-reginae, Bob Laughlin
Gates Show & Sale 2014
I just want to say THANK YOU to all of the club volunteers that helped with the event. It’s a lot of work and we really spread the effort. From the set up crew to tear down, it could not have been better. Pat yourselves on the back. NICE JOB!
The sales were a record for Gates. Over $13,000. The expenses were also high, but we covered our costs and the club will keep around $500. We will work on building the sales so that this event will be more profitable in the future.
Our first ever Show Dinner and Auction was a success. I am sure that the members who attended were pleasantly surprised at the quality of plant material, pots, etc that were available to buy. More next year.
The Water District was very happy with the event as well. It looks like we will build a nice relationship thatcan last for years to come.
Once again THANKS!
Experts in The Garden
We will participate in a forum-like event at the same gardens as held the Show on June 14. Please see Phuc if you are interested.
Just a reminder about our cactus rescue program; it's a great way for our members to acquire new specimens at a relatively low cost, and all funds go directly to our club. If you or anybody you know want to donate plants or an entire collection, contact Ray Cardenas or any other board member. We will collect and transport the plants, make arrangements for their care, prepare them for sale, and make them available to our club.
Ray Cardenas
.2014 Plants of the Month
JulyPhotograph Photograph
AugustCrests/ Monstrose/ Variegates Crests, Monstrose, Variegates
DecemberHoliday Party
June 7 & 8San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society Show & Sale, Balboa Park, Room 101, San Diego, Info: 858-382-1797
June 14 & 15Los Angeles C&SS Show & Sale, Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Blvd., Encino CA,
June 27 – 29 CSSA Annual Show & Sale, Huntington Botanical Garden, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA, 626-405-2160. Sales June 27-29, Show June 28 & 29. You must get a sticker to enter.
Your club library is a fantastic resource for information about the plants in your collection!
From: Gates Cactus & Succulent Society
5890 Grinnell Dr
Riverside, CA 92509