Reflection: Moving Learners to Action

Conversation Tool: can be used online or in person to get info post learning.

Tool successful post learning: @ 3 months later better at applying, supervisors realize people trying to apply learning.

Reflection as a Tool: need a shared experience to reflect on. For this session, facilitator showed Pixar’s 10 Life Lessons video. Asked what parts of the video intrigued you the most? Imagery, storytelling. What images got you thinking? Team idea – getting groups to work together. Being master of own destiny. Overcoming challenges. Are there areas in the film that relate to your life – other than memories of seeing the movies or work? Lots of nods from participants.


Envelope 1: 1) What came through as important? 2) What did you learn that you hadn’t considered before? Even when working alone, your team has your back. Transfer of your passion to learners.

Envelope 2: 1) How can you use the message in this video in your professional life? 2) What is one action item you can commit to do as a result of this video? Tie into emotional impact and being inclusive to broad audience. Not words – but how you feel. Immersive ability of content to make you feel.

Action: including more imagery in materials to support storytelling. Storytelling in learning. Necessity breeds solutions.

How someone expected to feel as result of processes and actions.

Tying learning back to pop culture – making connections.

Focused conversation.

We took 20 min – you can take 45 or 5. Do not skip through process.

4 Elements: if you have 20 people, hear from all. More than 20, hear from a few.

1)O: Objective – start with facts: see, hear, do

2)R: Reflective – experience, a few can vocalize “feelings”, a few can vocalize where they were confused, what they felt.

3)I: Interpretive – how does it relate – silent reflection in small groups or a few in large groups.

4)D: Decision – next steps – action plan. Everyone needs a plan, ideas for implementation. Spend a lot of time here.

Objective: What – one of two

Reflective: Gut – a few more questions

Interpretive: So what? – a few more questions

Decisional: Now what – lots of questions

Areas where learners are stuck (group brainstorm):

- leaders not embracing/advocating for change

- process vs. mindset

- out of roleplay into job

- skeptics; resistance to change

- applying critical thinking skills on the job

- change – “getting buy in”

- willing learners – open to unlearning to relearn

- having beginners in mind

- soft skills

- engaging clients and owning the relationship

What is going to move people to action? ORID!

O: What words resonated and why?

R: What is the biggest stumbling block, what made you nervous?

I: How has this been beneficial to you and others?

D: What is one action you are prepared to do differently?