Satisfaction Survey
The aim of this report is to analyse the results from the annual satisfaction survey of the waste and recycling services provided by SITA UK on behalf ofSouth Gloucestershire Council. The report will focus on questions relating to collections,the introduction of the new collection services, the four SORT IT!* Centres and waste prevention. The results gathered from this survey will be used to monitor and improve the current waste and recycling services within South Gloucestershire, along with providing base line indications on attitudes towards recycling and waste prevention.
1.1Data collection process
Previously data was collected by posting surveys to 1,000 random addresses generated by the central collections database.This year the satisfaction survey was made available through the South Gloucestershire Council website, allowing residents to complete the survey online for the first time. The surveywas made available online from March 2011 to May 2011. The survey wasadvertised in the spring edition of the SORT IT!* newsletter, which is delivered directly toall 108,000 households. In total 531residents responded to the survey, a 45 percent increase on the number of residents that responded in 2009.
This year’s survey was made available to residents from March 2011, five months after the introduction of the new collection services. The new services saw the introduction of food waste and plastic bottle collections and also saw changes to the way cardboard was presented for collection. The following data represented in charts in this report does not show the ‘don’t know’ responses to the survey in order to reduce the effect on stated preferences.
1.3Developments to survey
The 2010 survey saw the introduction of a number of questions relating to waste prevention. Through these questions opinions and trends can be established as to what methods residents have taken to prevent or reduce their waste.
2.0Summary of Satisfaction with South Gloucestershire Waste Services
2.1Overall satisfaction with SORT IT!* services (Questions numbers. 3,5,6,7,9 and 26)
In comparison with the 2009 survey there was a two percent increase in the number of respondentssatisfied with the information provided through the SORT IT!* services, such as literature and the SORT IT!* newsletter.
While a majority of respondents were satisfied with their recycling collections, there was a seven percent increase in the number of residents who were dissatisfied. This outcome could be linked with the new collection arrangements for cardboard, which only a third of residents were satisfied with (for more details please see 3.0 New Services). As well as the fifteen percent increase in the number of respondents that were dissatisfied with the level of street cleanliness after their recycling was collected, which was forty one percent. .
There was also a seven percent decrease in the number of respondents that were satisfied with recycling banks. During January 2011, all but two of the plastic bottle recycling banks were removed from locations across South Gloucestershire due to the introduction of the plastic bottle collections directly from households. The two which have been kept are focused in areas where a high concentration of flats exists, who have not yet received collections of plastic bottles, in order to provide a facility for residents in these areas.
2.2 Correct collection days (Question number. 7)
The results for 2010 saw an increase in the number of containers that were ‘always’ collected on the correct day with an average 25 percent increase for the black bin, green bin, green box and bag, and bulky waste collections. This year’s results included the new service containers, with all three new services ‘always’ being collected on the correct day over 54 percent of the time. Demonstrating that the majority of residents have their waste and recycling collected on the correct day. The bulky waste collection results show that there was a six percent increase in it being ‘always’ collected on the correct day,however 29 percent of residents used the “Never” option. This high number can be contributed to the structure of the question, as all the possible answers only relate to the service being used leaving “Never” as the only option if the resident hasn’t used the service. This will be monitored in future surveys, with the additional option being added, to ensure the service is being used and meeting resident’s expectations.
2.3 Attitudes towards recycling (Question number: 1)
There was a five percent increase on the number of respondents that recycle even if additional effort is required, in comparison to the results gathered from the 2009 survey. This year also saw a decrease in the number of residents that do not recycle, with just two respondents saying that they did not. These results show that resident’s attitudes towards recycling are improving and that more residents are making more of an effort to recycle.
3.0New Services
November 2010 saw the introduction of the new collection services for food waste and plastic bottles from households in South Gloucestershire. The new service also saw a change in the service, as residents were asked to no longer place cardboard in the green bins, but present it separately at the kerbside.
Over 80 percent of respondents were satisfied with the introduction of the new service containers relating to plastic bottles and food waste collections. In regards to the change to the cardboard collections a majority of residents were dissatisfied with this service.
Residents were asked to make additional comments and suggestions regarding the services.The cardboard collections were well represented, with 26 percent of residents saying they were either unhappy presenting their cardboard on the kerbside or wanted cardboard to go back into the green bin.A further 13 percent of residents requested a container to present their cardboard, demonstrating that they are keen to participate but with some assistance through the provision of a container.
Residents were also asked what would help them to recycle more.From the responses received 27 percent of residents said being provided with a bag to store cardboard in for collections would help, while 21 percent of residents said being able to recycle more plastic based materials from the kerbside would help them.
In response to resident’sviews of the separate cardboard collections, South Gloucestershire Council have invested in recycling bags for cardboard, which will be made available during summer 2011 from a range of community outlets, for residents who wish to have one.
4.0SORT IT!* Centres
4.1Satisfaction with the SORT IT!* Centres (Question number: 9)
The 2010 survey saw an increase in the number of residents satisfied with the range of recyclables available at the SORT IT!* Centres, the locations of the centres and their cleanliness. There was a four percent decrease form the 2009 survey in relation to the number of residents that were satisfied with the opening hours of the SORT IT!* Centres.
4.2 Visitingthe SORT IT!* Centres (Question number: 13)
A majority of respondents said that they used a SORT IT!* Centre either every couple of months or once or twice a year and these results are very similar to the results gathered from the 2009 survey. There was an eight percent increase in the number of residents visiting SORT IT!* Centres less often. There was also a four percent decrease in the number of residents visiting the SORT IT!* Centres fortnightly.
4.3 Improvements to the SORT IT!* Centres (Question number: 15)
In relation to what improvements residents would like to see at the SORT IT! Centres, the results from 2009 and 2010 are very similar. Longer opening hours and measures to reduce queuing and improve traffic management were the top two improvements residents requested.
As of the 1st August 2011, changes have been implemented at the four SORT IT!* Centres, these changes include new seasonal opening hours to increase accessibility, designated access times for vans and trailers to reduce traffic congestion, an increase in the range of materials that can be recycled and newly developed signage and literature based information. Resident’s feedback from previous satisfaction surveys have been a key factor in making these changes.
5.0Waste Prevention
5.1Food waste (Question number: 18)
Just under half of the respondents said that they use their fridge and freezer to store leftovers or prolong the life of fresh food to avoid food waste at home. Only 10 percent of respondents said they measure their portions so they only cook what they need for each meal. From June 2011 the Waste Minimisation Team have run a ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ campaign which aims to make residents more aware of the amount of foodwasted at home. Through the campaign residents have received information on methods to reduce food waste, to divert food waste from landfill and to save money based on these key behaviours.
5.2Junk mail (Question number: 20)
Only 26 percent of residents had registered with the Mail Preference Service to reduce the amount of unwanted mail they receive, while 70 percent of respondents had said they had not signed up to any of the services regarding unwanted mail. These results suggest that residents may not know about the options available to the public to reduce the amount of unwanted mail that could be sent to their home, but this is often a very visible waste appearing on their door mats. The Waste Minimisation Team will be running a campaign later this year to raise awareness around the services available.
5.3Reuse (Question number: 22, 23, 24 and 25 )
Overall 75 percent of residents said they had visited their local charity shop over the last 12 months to donate items, while 25 percent of residents had purchased items.Overall,20 percent of residents said they had purchased a second hand or reusable item of furniture over the last 12 months, while 80 percent of residents said they hadn’t.
Overall,26 percent of residents said they had donated unwanted furniture over the last 12 months, while 74 percent of residents said they hadn’t.
Only 21 percent of respondents said they would never buy second hand, while 79 percent of respondents would at least consider purchasing a second hand or reusable piece of furniture. The key factors that would influence this decision were if ‘the quality was guaranteed’ or ‘the price was better than other options’, with 23 percent of respondents selecting these options. This indicates that publicity surrounding the price and community benefits, along with the quality of an item and working with outlets on guarantees surrounding this, may help to increase the sales and therefore diversion of furniture and household items for reuse.
5.4 Reusable nappies (Question number: 19)
Out of the 103 respondents that answered this question 72 percent answered ‘Never’. Four percent of the respondents said they would use reusable/real nappies if they had more information. Running a campaign in the future to promote reusable/real nappies would allow residents to receive more information and so encourage residents to consider adopting this option.
5.5 Reusable bags(Question number: 21)
Only seven respondents said that they never used a reusable bag when they go shopping. This shows that people are now becoming more aware of the advantages of investing in a reusable bag rather than relying on plastic shopping bags that are often provided by shopping retailers.
6.0Improvements for Next Year’s Survey
- In response to respondent’s comments in this year’s survey, future surveys will allow respondents to select more responses rather than just one answer.
- An optional answer will also be made available within selected questions allowing respondentsto answer whether they ‘haven’t used’ a particular service before. This is to avoid respondents having to use the options of ‘I don’t Know’ or “Never” if they haven’t used this service before, as these can give a false representation of their opinions.
Appendix 1-Results-Counts & Percentages
1. / Which of these statements best describes your attitude to recycling?178 / I recycle regardless of effort / 15 / I recycle when I remember
269 / I recycle even if it requires additional effort / 0 / I do not recycle because there are no facilities where I live
58 / I recycle if it does not require additional effort / 2 / I do not recycle
2. / Please tell us what would help you to recycle more.
3. / Over the last 12 months, how satisfied have you been when dealing with our staff?
Very satisfied / Fairly satisfied / Fairly dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / I don't know
Over the phone on the Contact Centre / 118 / 54 / 12 / 6 / 273
When collecting your bins / 222 / 195 / 32 / 22 / 38
When collecting your recycling box and bag / 195 / 197 / 58 / 22 / 37
When collecting your bulky waste / 92 / 62 / 13 / 5 / 283
At the SORT IT!* Centres / 269 / 121 / 16 / 7 / 81
At roadshows and events / 36 / 15 / 2 / 2 / 387
During home visits / 15 / 15 / 1 / 3 / 406
4. / Which of the following do you have in your home? (tick all that apply)
490 / Black bin/black sacks / 503 / White plastic bottle bag / 198 / Home composting bin
442 / Green bin/pink sacks / 499 / Grey food waste bin / 15 / Wormery
493 / Green box / 476 / Grey kitchen caddy / 5 / Communal recycling bins
399 / Green bag / 93 / Battery bag / 2 / Blue bag (flats only)
Other, please specify
5. / Over the last 12 months, how satisfied have you been with the following aspects of your rubbish collection? (black bin or sack)
Very satisfied / Fairly satisfied / Fairly dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / I don't know
The containers provided for your rubbish / 213 / 225 / 48 / 35 / 1
The place where you are required to leave your rubbish for collection / 278 / 200 / 24 / 19 / 0
The level of street cleanliness after your rubbish has been collected / 137 / 212 / 89 / 81 / 2
How often your rubbish is collected / 200 / 229 / 64 / 29 / 0
6. / Over the last 12 months, how satisfied have you been with the following aspects of your recycling collection?
Very satisfied / Fairly satisfied / Fairly dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / I don't know
The green bin or pink sacks / 237 / 159 / 34 / 53 / 20
The green box / 258 / 208 / 28 / 9 / 18
The green bag / 232 / 155 / 26 / 21 / 51
The white plastic bottle bag / 243 / 191 / 45 / 24 / 16
The grey food waste bin / 206 / 157 / 50 / 37 / 57
The grey kitchen caddy / 183 / 146 / 35 / 39 / 79
Separate cardboard collections / 73 / 85 / 112 / 227 / 18
The battery bag / 57 / 50 / 18 / 28 / 278
The place where you are required to leave your recycling for collection / 250 / 204 / 30 / 22 / 9
The level of street cleanliness after your rubbish has been collected / 110 / 191 / 125 / 88 / 6
The range of recyclables that you can put into your recycling containers / 127 / 257 / 78 / 44 / 9
How often your recycling is collected / 193 / 245 / 51 / 28 / 2
7. / Over the last 12 months, how often was your waste collected on the correct day?
Always / Most of the time / Only sometimes / Never
Black bin / 290 / 230 / 4 / 0
Green bin / 278 / 232 / 5 / 3
Green box & bag / 279 / 223 / 8 / 2
White plastic bottle bag / 293 / 195 / 15 / 5
Grey food waste bin / 278 / 182 / 8 / 16
Cardboard / 277 / 205 / 19 / 6
Bulky waste / 152 / 82 / 7 / 99
8. / After collection, how often is your container put back in the same place as you left it?
Always / Most of the time / Only sometimes / Never
Black bin / 189 / 235 / 67 / 33
Green bin / 186 / 231 / 67 / 34
Green box and bag / 181 / 227 / 73 / 31
White plastic bag / 182 / 232 / 64 / 32
Grey food waste bin / 172 / 211 / 57 / 39
9. / How satisfied are you with the following aspects of our other services?
Very satisfied / Fairly satisfied / Fairly dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / I don't know
The range of recyclables that you can put in local recycling banks / 155 / 259 / 27 / 9 / 67
Location of local recycling banks / 171 / 243 / 39 / 6 / 58
Cleanliness of local recycling bank sites / 123 / 228 / 74 / 19 / 70
The range of items that can be recycled at the SORT IT!* Centres / 253 / 209 / 10 / 3 / 44
Location of the SORT IT!* Centres / 265 / 212 / 7 / 3 / 30
Cleanliness of the SORT IT!* Centre sites / 231 / 227 / 15 / 1 / 44
Opening hours of the SORT IT!* Centres / 153 / 253 / 51 / 16 / 42
Information and signage at the SORT IT!* Centres / 203 / 240 / 22 / 2 / 49
10. / Which recycling banks in car parks do you use?
11. / This question is for those who live in flats using a communal recycling facility only.
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your recycling collection?
Very satisfied / Fairly satisfied / Fairly dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / I don't know
Your blue bag / 1 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 34
Your communal recycling facility / 8 / 9 / 0 / 2 / 18
The range of recyclables that you can put in your recycling facility / 6 / 12 / 2 / 5 / 14
How often your recycling is collected / 8 / 13 / 4 / 5 / 11
12. / Which SORT IT!* Centres /Civic amenity sites have you used in the past 12 months?
183 / Mangotsfield / 180 / Yate / 15 / Pixash Lane, Keynsham
85 / Stoke Gifford / 11 / Days Road, Bristol / 40 / None
84 / Thornbury / 6 / Avonmouth, Bristol
Other, please specify
13. / How often do you use a SORT IT!* Centre?
More than once a week / Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly / Every couple of months / Once or twice a year / Less often / Never used
Mangotsfield / 1 / 1 / 1 / 27 / 87 / 71 / 27 / 133
Stoke Gifford / 1 / 1 / 0 / 16 / 35 / 36 / 13 / 181
Thornbury / 2 / 4 / 5 / 14 / 29 / 27 / 13 / 201
Yate / 0 / 2 / 8 / 26 / 68 / 68 / 24 / 153
Other sites outside South Gloucestershire / 0 / 2 / 0 / 3 / 13 / 14 / 11 / 197
If you have not used a SORT IT!* Centre over the last 12 months, why is this?
14. / What types of rubbish have you taken to a SORT IT!* Centre over the last 12 months?
309 / DIY & decorating / 129 / Hardcore or builders rubble / 104 / Textiles & clothing
250 / Garden Waste / 117 / Large kitchen appliances and white goods / 61 / Batteries
145 / Black bag/normal domestic rubbish / 329 / Small electrical appliances / 76 / Plastic bottles
138 / Cardboard / 191 / Metal / 48 / Oil
38 / Cans / 267 / Wood / 68 / Food & drinks cartons (Tetra Paks)
31 / Paper / 96 / Glass
78 / Hazardous waste (gas cylinders, asbestos, paint & household chemicals) / 301 / General house clearance (furniture, carpets etc)
Other, please specify
15. / What improvements would you like to see at the SORT IT!* Centres?
256 / Longer opening hours / 208 / Measures to reduce queuing and improve traffic management
51 / More staff to assist you on site / 91 / Increase the range of materials that can be recycled
40 / Improved information and signage
Other suggestions, please tell us
Thank you for answering the first part of the survey, the second part includes questions about what can be done to reduce your waste at home.
16. / Do you compost any of your waste at home?
116 / All the time / 59 / Most of the time
86 / Occasionally / 261 / Never
17. / If you have answered "Never" to question 17 would you be interested in making a free soil improver for your garden by composting at home?