Managers’ briefing pack 7: It’s all in a day’s work

Aim: Health and safety is part of every manager’s daily routine

Total time for this session:
c. 22 minutes

What you need for the session:

-Copy of the health and safety DVD ‘zero accidents, zero harm, zero compromise’

-A projector/means of effectively showing module six to your team

-Speakers (where possible), if not thenincrease your volume on your computer so everyone can hear the film

-Ask your team to bring their three zeros booklets with them. If you need additional copies please email:

-Paper/flipchart and pens

-Bring the notes taken during module one’s briefing pack session

Show film(3 minutes 51 seconds)

Show module sevenof ‘zero accidents, zero harm, zero compromise’ DVD:It’s all in a day’s work

Team discussion

As team managers please lead the discussion around the following:

Positioning(2 minutes)

Lead:Explain that having watched all seven films on the seven aims of health and safety we hope everyone has a better understanding of both what we are trying to achieve and how they can contribute to delivering our aims and reaching our vision.

To see what has been learned over the past seven months we want everyone to repeat the exercise they did in module one.

Refer back to the notes and refresh memories on what the team said following module one. Read a few key points out.

Ask the team to go into the same groups and discuss the same aspect of ‘zero accidents, zero harm, zero compromise’ as they did at the beginning. There is now an extra question to consider.

Group exercise: scenarios (11 minutes)

Discuss: Split into three teams and each discuss the questions below for eight minutes (2 minutes per question). Capture notes on paper/a flipchart.

Team one: zero accidents / Team two: zero harm / Team three: zero compromise
What does zero accidents mean to you? / What does zero harm mean to you? / What does zero compromise mean to you?
What do you feel are the barriers to success? / What do you feel are the barriers to success? / What do you feel are the barriers to success?
How do you think we could achieve zero accidents and break down the barriers? / How do you think we could achieve zero harm and break down the barriers? / How do you think we could achieve zero compromise and break down the barriers?
What have we done in the last seven months to help us achieve this? / What have we done in the last seven months to help us achieve this? / What have we done in the last seven months to help us achieve this?

After 8 minutes come back together as a larger team.

Ask someone to capture the main points from the discussion you are about to have. A combination of your notes from briefing pack session one and this session needs to be sent to along with your team name and your name as team manager after the session.

Each group will now have two minutes to share their thoughts on the questions and discuss with the wider team (6 minutes).

Seven aims(4 minutes)

Discuss: Ask the team to discuss the seven aims and what they now mean to them. Ask them if they’ve captured notes after each session and to keep their three zeros books updated. Re-enforce that while the films have all been shown, we have to keep thinking about health and safety all the time.

Closing the session(1 minute)

Lead:Encourage your teams to continue to think of ways in which they can help us all deliver the seven health and safety aims. Ask them to update their notes in their three zeros booklet before the next team meeting. Keep looking at the three zeros booklets and discussing health and safety in your meetings from now on.