2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans

ClevelandStateUniversity Standard 2.4 Elements / Indicators
Proficient / Accomplished / Distinguished
2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans.
/ a). The candidate will prepare professional growth model plans for themselves using the formats in Personalizing Professional Growth (1996) by Marczely for the RESEARCH, FOCUSED Training, and SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT models. Each completed guide should be viable, complete plan for personal professional growth using the assigned model. The formats in the text are easily duplicated using a computer, and section areas can be lengthened as needed to develop your plans. / b) You have recently been appointed the Principal for AverageSuburbanSchool District. AverageSuburbanSchool District is a first ring school district that enjoyed a stellar reputation for academic, athletic and artistic student achievement in the past. You were the middle school principal in a neighboring school district. The teachers are in revolt. They do not believe that they had the support of their previous supervisor, that their work load is unreasonable and that the building is understaffed and inefficient. In fact you have been hired to improve the morale and effectiveness of the building. First you have determined that you need to examine the “Teacher Efficacy” of the staff and then develop a plan of action. You begin by using the “Teacher Efficacy” developed by Wayne Hoy, et. al. (1993) to survey six to eight fellow teachers or administrators regarding the efficacy levels of the staff. You should use the appropriate form for your empirical study. You then score the instrument, average the scores and enter these averages on the appropriate EXCEL scoring instrument provided at the above web site . You then determine whether the scores are above average, average or below average using the EXCEL form that provides you with standard scores. Using these data you develop a plan that answers the following questions:
What are the Efficacy levels?
What action steps need to be taken?
In one month?
In three months?
In one year?
In three years?
Include in your plan, professional development activities, and consultants, changes in personnel, transfers and evaluations. / c). Using survey, student achievement and staff skill data the candidate will develop a professional development plan for teachers and support staff for his/her school district that increases student achievement and leads to continuous improvement for the school district.
Number of students who are:

Suggested Courses to place Rubric: Course ADM 676

Superintendent license candidates must have a principal license; therefore, superintendent candidates are required to have taken the above course to complete their principal license requisites and superintendent license requisites.