MOAC BM10 Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Mrs. Mollie L. Coney

St. Pauls High SchoolBusiness Department—Room 404

Syllabus: Fall/Spring Semester

(910) 865-4177

Course Description

Students in Microsoft Office Academic Certification benefit from world-class Microsoft curriculum and cutting-edge software tools to tackle real-world challenges in the classroom environment. In the first part, students will learn to use the newest version of Microsoft Word interface, commands, and features to create, enhance, customize and share documents as well as create complex documents and publish them. In the second part, students will learn to use the newest version of Microsoft PowerPoint interface, commands, and features to create, enhance, customize and deliver presentations. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include apprenticeship, cooperative education, entrepreneurship, internship, mentorship, school-based enterprise, service learning, and job shadowing. Cooperative education is not available for this course. Active chapters of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) provides competitive events, community service, and leadership opportunities to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.



Class Expectations

  1. Be prompt: You should be in your assigned seat with all materials needed for class and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Be prepared: You should have all materials with you when you come to class. This includes homework and necessary supplies for class.
  3. Be respectful: You should respect students and teachers and their property as well as school property. This includes such common courtesies as politeness, raising your hand to be recognized, listening while others are speaking, remaining in your seat during presentations, and keeping the room clean. Students will be required to sign a statement adhering to the usage of hardware and software, including the Internet.
  4. Follow directions: All students are expected to follow the above classroom expectations as well as any other directions for classroom or school activities on a daily basis.

Materials Needed

A great attitude and excitement to learn.

 1”, 3-ring binder with pockets: It is suggested that all students purchase a binder for organizing class materials. Numerous handouts will be given with holes punched for your convenience. The better organized you are, the better student you will be. It is a good idea to keep your notes for each unit so that you can use them to study for the mid-term and final exams. For any graded assignment: If the teacher cannot read the work, student must rewrite/redo legibly or it will be marked incorrect.

 1.5, 3-ring binder

 Pens and pencils

 Loose leaf paper

A box of facial tissues (extra credit—optional)

Ear buds or headsets (teacher’s approval required before using in class)

Course Outline–Microsoft Office Academic Certification (please see course blueprint for specific objectives)

  • Apply beginning, intermediate, and advanced word processing skills using MS Word. (2010)—60% of course content
  • Apply presentation software application skills using MS PowerPoint. (2010)—60% of course content
  • Apply desktop publishing applications skills using MS Publisher. (2010)—20% of course content


Classwork ...... 25%

Homework...... 10%

Tests...... 30%

Quizzes...... 15%

Projects/labs...... 20%

Total...... 100%

All assignments must include a header: Name, date, and class period placed at the upper right corner of the paper. The header must be in the correct order. Place your completed assignments in your class period section of the blue box on the work table in the back of the class room. Graded assignments will be returned to you as promptly as possible.

VoCATS Exam:

Everyone must take the exam. No one is exempt. Students will be given a 100 question exam created by Microsoft personnel. This will be used by me as your exam grade and is required. This exam counts 25% of your course grade.

All students will be given a Pre-test within the first ten days of the semester.

Missed Assignments

Labs and tutorials may be accessed through Windows Live anywhere there is an Internet connection. Independent assessments and projects must be completed under teacher supervision. Students absent from class for any reason will be expected to obtain and make up missed work. The student should ask the teacher for handouts, homework, announcements, etc. See the Student Handbook for rules regarding make-up assignments.

Student Portfolio

All assessments (written and production) will be kept on file in the teacher’s classroom. Parents are welcome to inspect the student’s file by scheduling an appointment convenient to all parties; however, the file shall remain in the classroom.

Discipline Policy

The teacher reserves the right to follow appropriate discipline procedures regarding a student according to the behavior. The student has a right to one warning before action is taken in less severe cases. Consequences include, but are not limited to, movement to another seat in the room, parent contact, and discipline referral. Arguing with the teacher will not be tolerated and will only serve to worsen the situation for the student. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, arrange to meet with the teacher after class. The teacher will make every effort to resolve a situation with a student without involving a third party.

Class Rules and Procedures

  1. Enter the classroom quietly in an orderly manner. Warm-ups (starters) may be started before the tardy bell rings. As a courtesy to those students who want to begin warm-ups before class begins. Socializing with students in this class or other classes should be done in the hall prior to coming into the room.
  1. You may sharpen pencils before class starts or if it breaks you may sharpen it only if the teacher is not instructing at that time.
  1. Unexcused tardies will be issued if you are not in your seat when the bell rings according to school policy. Students should remain in their seats (except when class activity requres standing/movement) until the bell rings to end class unless teacher permission is granted to do otherwise. Please do not leave crumbled paper/trash, etc., on desk and/or around your work station area; place in trash cans as you leave class. It is your responsibility to keep your work area clean.
  1. When absent you MUST check portfolio file for any missed assignments. If no work is in the folder for you, see me during my first period planning or during my Learning Center.
  1. This is a skills class that requires continuous concentration to be successful. Students should refrain from any unnecessary talking throughout the class period. Students should raise their hand when needing assistance from the teacher. During emergency alert signals, stop working and listen to instructions.
  1. You may sharpen pencils before class starts or if it breaks you may sharpen it only if the teacher is not instructing at that time. Movement of chairs should be kept to an absolute minimum. Excessive movement is distracting to others. You are to stay in your assigned seat at all times and do NOT touch another student’s equipment (keyboard, mouse, etc.) When the bell rings to end class, chairs should be pushed under the tables.
  1. NO FOOD, DRINKS OR CELL PHONES SHOULD BE BROUGHT INTO THE COMPUTER LAB. IF YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE, KEEP IT OFF AND CONCEALED. DO NOT WALK IN THE DOOR WITH FOOD AND/OR DRINKS IN YOUR HAND! Eat in lab is not allowed at any time during class unless provided by the teacher for special rewards.
  1. Teacher’s directions should be carefully followed. Only software commands given by the teacher should be used.
  1. Computers, equipment, storage devices, and furniture are very expensive. Improper use of any of these will NOT be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.
  1. Stay on task when completing assignments. You will have a deadlines. If you have a question, please raise your hand. I will acknowledge you in a timely manner. Please wait your turn.
  1. Expect to work all period everyday. Come to class with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn. Technological skills are very important in today’s 21st century society. All of you must take a computer elective to graduate. Avoid complaining and accept constructive criticism maturely and quietly.
  1. Disrespect of any kind to the teacher or other students is unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. Politeness and patience will make our classroom a pleasant place to be!
  1. Restroom use should be done at the beginning prior to the tardy bell and at end of lunch. During class, please DO NOT ask to go to the restroom unless it is REALLY an EMERGENCY! When leaving class for any reason always complete the hall pass on the gray clipboard. The hall pass clipboard is located on the corner of my desk along with a pen. Remember to take hall pass with you and sign in upon your return.
  1. Last, but not least, I dismiss my class NOT the bell. The bell indicates that it is time to change class.

MOAC BM10 Word and PowerPoint

Business Department

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