Standard Operating Instruction – WLC-0300.001
Name: Main Lift Failure / Corresponding Requirements:
ISO Standard: 4.4.6
EMS Manual: 4.4.6
Revision #: 3
Prepared By: Jon Page, Senior Plant Operator/ORC / Revision Date: 10/01/01
Approved By: Jon Page; Senior Plant Operator/ORC
Signature: / Effective Date: 1/15/00
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Main Lift Failure
Standard Operating Instruction
This procedure is for troubleshooting pump problems associated with the main lift in order to prevent and/or minimize the effects on the plant and/or the environment if a failure causes spills.
2.0Associated Equipment
2.1SCADA System – Located in Operator’s Office
2.2Two way radio system or phones
2.3Rental Pumps (If Needed)
3.0Associated Reference Material
3.1Sewer Overflow Procedure – EMS-0100.012
3.2Spill Clean-up Procedure – WLC-0101.001
4.1Plant Operators shall periodically monitor the main lift status during their shift by using the SCADA system and conducting routine walk through. The status of the main lift can be viewed by selecting the MENU button on the SCADA system, then selecting LONG CREEK MAIN LIFT.
4.2The Main lift consists of an alarm system that is tied to SCADA, emits a siren alarm that is audible throughout the plant, and starts a red beacon light mounted to the Main Lift Building facing the old blower building.
4.3If the operators receive the SCADA alarm or hear the audible alarm, one operator should proceed to the main lift and check control panels to find out the reason for the alarm. The other operator should review SCADA alarms and other screens for cause of failure.
4.3.1Operators need to use portable radios or phones during main lift failure. Communication is necessary to determine cause of failure before resetting the panel, so the operator in the control room will need to make the initial evaluation by looking at SCADA.
4.4In the Operator control room, check SCADA System for alarms.
4.4.1On the SCADA, click ALARMS button located on upper toolbar. The SCADA will give you an accurate description of the problem.
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Standard Operating Instruction- WLC-0300.001Name: Main Lift Failure / Revision #: 3
Revision Date: 10/01/01
Effective Date: 1/15/00
Page 1 of 4
4.4.2The big concern is if the emergency valves have closed. If the alarm indicates such a problem, proceed to the Primary Clarifier Screen to check the status of the valves.
4.4.3Red indicates that the emergency valves are closed, if one or both of the valves are red, immediately notify the Senior Operator or On-Call personnel (both Maintenance and Operations) if after senior operator hours or on weekends. If both valves are closed pumps should not be run.
4.4.4If one of the valves is green and the other red, the one showing the green will possibly allow it's two pumps to operate. (For example, if Pump #1 is operating in automatic and the corresponding valve closes. Shut off pumps #1 and #2, switch #3 and #4 to automatic.)
4.5Most minor failures/gliches:
4.5.1If emergency valves are both green and you have the failure, the operator at the main lift after clarifying the failure with the operator in the control room, should turn pumps to the OFF position and then back to the automatic position. This should reset most minor failures.
4.6Milltronics or level Transducer Problems:
4.6.1If wet well level indicator reading fluctuates erratically, appears to be erroneous or doesn't read out at all at the main lift or on SCADA, switch pumps from the AUTO position to OFF position.
4.6.2Operators will have to run the pumps in MANUAL until equipment can be fixed. This will require one operator to stay at main lift, switching pumps to the manual position and visually inspecting the wet well levels while pumping to make sure that level is not run too low or allowed to overflow the main lift station.
4.6.3One operator needs to immediately notify the Senior Operator or On-Call personnel (both Maintenance and Operations) if after senior operator hours or on weekends.
4.7Pump valve failure:
4.7.1If the operator at the Main Lift discovers that the failure has occurred during pump start/restart, the operator needs to turn pumps from AUTO to the OFF position, then back to the AUTO position. If this doesn't correct the failure, then turn that pump to the OFF position and utilize the other pumps as needed. Immediately notify the Senior Operator or On-Call personnel (both Maintenance and Operations) if after senior operator hours or on weekends.
4.7.2If the operator discovers that the valve has failed while a pump was shutting down, the pump will allow the wastewater to flow backwards. The operators should not attempt to restart the pump, however should go immediately to the basement floor and close the overhead chain valve for the respective pump. After the valve has been closed, immediately notify the Senior Operator or On-Call personnel (both Maintenance and Operations if after senior operator hours or on weekends).
4.8Seal Water Failure
4.8.1If resetting of the pumps does not correct the seal water alarm, the operators will need to check the flushing water pumps to ensure that they are operational.
4.8.2On the wall located adjacent to Pump #1, open the water faucet. If water freely runs from faucet, flushing water pumps are operational.
4.8.3If flushing water is being pumped and you are experiencing seal water failure, there could be a number of possibilities including clogged line, broken line, or bad solenoid. Use an alternate pump. If seal water is a problem on all pumps proceed to 4.8.5.
4.8.4If water is not being pumped when faucet is opened, proceed to Filter Control Building to check the breakers for the flushing water pumps. If breaker has tripped, switch to the alternate pump.
4.8.5If seal water problems still occur, gather hoses in old main lift or throughout plant and begin running them from a faucet in the old blower building to the faucet on the wall located adjacent to pump #1.
4.8.6On the main line above the faucet close the flushing water valve, connect hose to faucet, open faucet and then proceed to old blower building to turn water ON.
4.8.7Try once again to start pumps.
4.8.8If this does not correct the seal water problem, immediately notify the Senior Operator or On-Call personnel (both Maintenance and Operations if after senior operator hours or on weekends).
5.0Main Lift Failure - Emergency Response
5.1The Senior Plant Operator or Operator On Call will have the authority to authorize the ordering of rental pumps to prevent an overflow in the event of a main lift failure.
5.2When it is apparent that the pumps are not able to be restarted, the Senior Operator or Operator On Call will have the authority to turn OFF the pumps at the Catawba Liftstation, thus reducing the flow to the Long Creek WWTP. If this occurs, the Maintenance Supervisor or maintenance On Call (If after hours) shall be notified to inform them that the station will be disabled.
5.2.1On the SCADA Catawba Liftstation screen, click the enabled button located at the bottom of the screen. The button should then change to Disabled and within a couple minutes, the pumps should shut down. The flow entering the station will then enter the overflow tanks once the Catawba wetwell level reaches 24.0 ft.
5.3The Senior Plant Operator, Operator On Call or their designee shall contact a pump rental company when it is apparent that the problems at the main lift are extensive and will require a few hours to fix or if it is apparent that the failure will result in a spill.
5.4Call Hinson Pump Rental at 1-800-522-8977 or Sunbelt Pump Rental at 704-583-4330
5.4.1Order two 8-inch pumps.
5.4.2Order 1000 feet of discharge pipe.
5.4.3Order 80 feet of suction hose.
5.5Operator on-call must call Maintenance 865-0099 #0188 to request available personnel to lay hose and operate the Boom Truck. If necessary the Senior Operator or On Call Operator shall call in additional WWT staff to assist.
5.5.1Pumps should be placed on the old blower building side of the main lift as close as possible to the open wet well. Suction hose will need to be placed in wetwell using crane truck.
5.5.2Discharge hose must be laid from the main lift to Manhole #1 (Primary Clarifier Splitter box).
5.5.3These pumps will each handle an estimated 4,000,000 gals per day. If additional pumps are needed to handle flows, they should be ordered as needed.
5.6If overflows occur, the incident must be reported per the requirements in the above referenced Sewer Overflow Procedure – EMS-0100.012.
5.7All actions utilized for main lift failures should also be logged into the operators log book.
6.0Environmental Impacts
6.1The environmental aspects for the main lift may be affected by this procedure.
6.2This procedure helps to minimize the impact of the main lift on the soil quality, groundwater, surface water, and compliance in the event of pump failure at the main lift. Following this procedure during pump failures may eliminate the threat of an overflow and/or minimize the overflow volumes
6.3Not following this procedure may result in increased numbers of overflows and in the volumes of each overflow, which would adversely impact the surrounding environment and compliance issues relating to overflows
7.0Deviations from this procedure must be documented by completing a Corrective/Preventative Action Report (EMS-0101.004)
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