APRIL 11, 2012

The meeting of the Environmental Commission was called to order by Richard Wolf, Chairman. The Opening Statement was made. Roll call was taken.

Present:George Esty

Karin LaGreca

Richard Seibert

Daniel Weixeldorfer

Richard Wolf

Jane DeWan (secretary)

Mayor William Laforet was present.

Darlene Jay of Maser Consulting was present.

Absent:Carol Phiefer

Gregg Sgambati


The Minutes of the meeting held on March 28, 2012 were approved as submitted following a motion by R. Seibert; seconded by K. LaGreca. D. Weixeldorfer abstained.

Commission members and the Mayor discussed our previous review and comments on NP Realty, Inc. (Roxanne’s), Dkt. 537A PF. D. Weixeldorfer had some questions on this application to prepare for the Planning Board since he was absent from our last meeting.


Darlene Jay of Maser Consulting was present to discuss the Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) being prepared for the Township for Highlands Act Requirements. Natural resource maps and an accompanying narrative provide the basis for an inventory of a community’s natural resource components and provide the base source for resource conservation. It is an important part of the master plan. An ERI functions as the basis for development of natural resources protection ordinances.

A joint meeting and public hearing with the Mahwah Planning Board and Environmental Commission to review the ERI is scheduled for Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m.

Darlene explained the preservation area, planning area and the zones, such as protection zone. She discussed the water shed, sub water shed, steep slopes and forested areas. Also land use exclusions and exemptions. She agreed that certain maps need correction.

There can be a difference in the DEP and Highlands criteria. Darlene answered questions posed by Commission members concerning known contaminated sites, improvements to a single family dwelling before or after August 2004, meaning of water quality statistics and historical implications.

Darlene Jay strongly recommended that we learn to use the Highlands web site.

She and Mayor Laforet left the meeting at 9 p.m.


It was decided that the meeting with the class will be held on Thursday, April 19 at 10 a.m. at the Mahwah Library meeting room. Rich Wolf will reserve the room.


Richard Seibert has reviewed the existing tree ordinance. He feels more specific information and exact definitions are needed. He wants to be involved in the recommendations the Environmental Commission will make to up date the current ordinances.

George Esty feels that the tree preservation forms should include information on street trees. He and Richard Seibert will meet with Carol Phiefer to assemble recommendations.


Memo to Administrative Officer:

“The following soil movement permit applications were reviewed:

Michael Brizzolara, 15 Deerhaven Road Block 24, Lots 31 and 33, E-BD-216-2503, dated 4/3/12 for construction of a new single family home. Soil to be moved 1610 cu. yds. Soil to be exported totals 1528 cu. yds.

The Environmental Commission reviewed the plans and the Highlands Exemption requested filed by the applicant. The property is adjacent to the RamapoRiver and has steep slopes for the driveway.

The tree preservation form states that fifteen trees will be removed and there will be four replacement trees. This tree replacement form is approved.

We recommend this soil movement permit application be deniedas there are concerns with the entire project due to:

1)the pending Highlands determination request is likely to prevent this type of project on this space,

2)the proximity of the project to the river/brook which will likely create a disturbance to the riparian area and unwanted run-off,

3)the septic field is too close to the wetlands and

4)the slope of the driveway is too steep.

Mahwah Homes, Inc. 55 Courtland Trail Block 117, Lot 29, E-BD-216-318-24 dated 4/3/12 for construction of a new single family dwelling. Soil to be moved: 858 cu. yds.

Importing 54 cu. yds. of gravel. The tree preservation form states seventeen trees will be removed and there will be five (sugar maple) replacement trees.

Approved with comments below:

We ask the Engineer to review the drainage system off the gutters as it may not handle a heavy rainfall. Also, the soil calculations seem low for this size house.

Jeff Alward, 41 Glasgow Terrace Block 135, Lot 26, E-BD-216-2504, dated 4/4/12 for construction of an addition to an existing house. The tree preservation form states that three trees will be removed. There will be three replacement trees (red oak, sugar maple and kousa dogwood). Approved.”

Tree Preservation Application – Revision

Aradhana Arora & Pradeep Kapoor have submitted a revised tree preservation application for 15Aronow Place, Block 126, Lot 126.04

They are now requesting to remove 42 trees and plant 11 replacement trees. This change is approved after review of applicant’s detailed information in a letter dated April 2, 2012.


We received notification that New York/New Jersey Trail Conference (Darlington School House) has received Highlands exemption for reconstruction of the building: addition expanded parking and access trails.

Received freshwater wetlands application for construction of a swimming pool at 108 Kohout Drive. A letter of interpretation is needed due to wetlands on the property. How will this type of interpretation be affected by the Highland Act? Jane will ask Darlene Jay.


Mahwah Day Planning – A possible theme is water conservation. Members should think about a concept and implementation ideas. Discuss at the next meeting.

Shade Tree Federation – Jane distributed membership cards to New Jersey Shade Tree Federation. Web site is

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. The next meeting of the Environmental Commission will be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the MunicipalBuilding, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, N.J.

J. DeWan
