Faculty Meeting Minutes

230 Gooch Hall

February 3, 2006

Present: Gene Annaratone, Michelle Arant, Frank Black, Linda Blanding, Becky Cox,

Ann Duncan, Robert Erk, Ginny Esch, Kathy Evans, Brenda Gulledge, Robert Hartshorn, Beverly Hearn, Patricia Hewitt, Barbara Hutcherson, Suzanne Maniss, James Petty, Cherry Watts, Cris Whitlow, Jerry Woods

Guests: Mary Lee Hall, Tommy Cates

1. Welcome and Celebrations

Dr. Brenda Gulledge called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. She expressed appreciation to the faculty for their willingness to have a meeting at 8:00 a.m. She distributed ballots and stated that they would be used for any items requiring a vote.

One celebration was voiced: Dr. Cris Whitlow’s son has signed with a band and will have an album out in April 2006.

2. Announcement from the Chair

Dr. Gulledge apologized to the faculty stating that an error had been made this semester in permitting students to enroll in the EDAS Online Program who were not EDAS students. Although the problem has been corrected, the smaller numbers in your face-to-face classes cannot be changed this semester. For future EDAS Online Program registrations, students can only enroll in the online EDAS Online Program classes if they are enrolled in that program. The exception is that on the first day of classes, if space is available, non-EDAS students can register for that particular class and section.

3. Summer Schedule

Dr. Gulledge advised the faculty that the summer schedule would be completed soon. She recognized Dr. Black for his cooperation and flexibility in moving his Summer Term Research Class to the evening hours. Since many of our graduate students are non-traditional students who have full-time employment during the day, accommodating their schedules by offering additional night classes is helpful.

4. Approval of Minutes.

Dr. Robert Erk moved approval of the October 27, 2005, minutes. Dr. Ginny Esch seconded. Motion carried. Dr. Erk moved approval of the November 1, 2005, minutes. Dr. Esch seconded. Motion carried. Dr. Black moved approval of the November 17, 2005, minutes. Dr. Esch seconded. Motion carried.

5. Old Business

There was no old business to come before the faculty.

6. Bylaws Committee (Dr. Cris Whitlow)

Dr. Whitlow reported that the Bylaws Committee had been directed to bring the current UTM Faculty Evaluation System into compliance with the UT System’s Faculty Evaluation System. The current Faculty Evaluation System in the Department of Educational Studies Bylaws is designed with a rating scale of 1-5. The UT System Faculty Evaluation System uses a scale of 1-4. The Bylaws Committee recommended that the current rating scale of 1-5 for the Faculty Evaluation System be replaced with a scale of 1-4.

Current Overall Faculty Evaluation System Rating Scale:

  • Unsatisfactory performance for rank – 3- 4 points
  • Needs improvement for rank – 5-6 points
  • Meets expectations for rank – 7-9 points
  • Exceeds expectations for rank – 10-12 points
  • Outstanding performance for rank – 13-15 points

Recommended Overall Faculty Evaluation System Rating Scale:

  • Unsatisfactory performance for rank – 3-5 points
  • Needs improvement for rank – 6-8 points
  • Meets expectations for rank – 9-12 points
  • Exceed expectations for rank – 13-15 points

Dr. Black seconded the motion to replace the five-point scale with a four-point scale. Motion carried. Dr. Gulledge noted that the changes would be made in the Department of Educational Studies Bylaws. Faculty will receive a copy showing the changes.

Dr. Whitlow brought a second recommendation from the Bylaws Committee. The issue of voting privileges by faculty who serve in term appointments was addressed last year. Since the issue was addressed by the faculty last year, the Bylaws Committee recommended that the current policy of not permitting faculty who serve in term appointments to have voting privileges remain unchanged.

Dr. Erk moved that the Departmental Bylaws remain the same. Dr. Ann Duncan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7. Departmental Undergraduate Committee (Dr. Becky Cox)

Dr. Becky Cox presented a recommendation and motion from the Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. The Undergraduate Committee recommended that TCED 301 Foundations of Education utilize a new textbook. The Committee further recommended that TCED 301 remain the course responsible for portfolio development.

Dr. Black seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8. Instructional Technology Search Committee (Dr. Glenda Rakes)

Dr. Gulledge reported that Dr. Glenda Rakes, Chair of the Instructional Technology Search Committee, reported that there were no suitable candidates in the current applicant pool. The Search Committee recommended that a term person be appointed and the search reopened later.

9. Educational Administration and Supervision Search Committee (Dr. James Petty)

Dr. James Petty reported that the Search Committee had selected four candidates to invite to the campus for interviews.

10. Alternative Licensure (Dr. Mary Lee Hall)

Dr. Hall advised the faculty that personnel in higher education must recognize the fact that we are going to be held more accountable in all we do. She also reported that online accreditation was discussed at the AACTE Conference in San Diego. She indicated that the “for profit” universities will be accredited.

Other informational items discussed by Dr. Hall included the following:

  • NCATE is up for review by the Department of Education.
  • Teach Tennessee is now a license all by itself.
  • For-profit universities have determined what to do to deliver what is needed and what sells. Therefore, we are going to have to become more competitive.
  • Higher education will have to begin providing professional development. Dr. Hall shared that her belief is that universities will have to provide the money for faculty to have professional development.

Faculty discussed concerns about online instruction including the need to see and know the students who are going to be teaching small children. One suggestion was that eventually arrangements would have to be made for students in the online programs to come to campus before they receive the degree.

11. Comprehensive Exams (Dr. Brenda Gulledge)

Dr. Gulledge advised the faculty that we need to determine a plan for the Comprehensive Examinations. (Information regarding the Comprehensive Examinations was distributed to the faculty before the meeting.)

One problem encountered earlier has been that many of the graduate students in the online Educational Administration and Supervision Program live in other states and are unable to come to campus to take the exams. A solution has been to require students whose geographic locations prohibit them from coming to campus to have an approved proctor, such as a principal, supervisor, or other educational administrator, to administer the examination. Although the process may be less than ideal, it has worked well.

Other suggestions/commentsfrom faculty included the following:

  • Have poster presentations online;
  • Complete major projects rather than an examination;
  • Use objective tests with limited amount of time to take;
  • Pilot an objective exam, perhaps in the area of counseling;
  • Ensure that faculty grade exams in their own areas of expertise;
  • Have a “double blind” reading so the faculty member does not whose exam it is;
  • Investigate to see if a PRAXIS test could be used for the Comprehensive Exams to eliminate concerns about providing proctors and to take the onus off the Graduate Program if the students do not pass the exam;
  • Standardizing the comprehensive examinations would force faculty to look more carefully at what is being taught;
  • Should not try to be “online university” for the world or the entire United States, but rather for the West Tennessee Region;
  • Design a program to have predominately online coursework, but require students to come to campus for a week;
  • Provide study guides for graduate students based on course standards/objectives
  • If many students fail the exam should they be given remediation? Currently, there is no remediation, but students are given an opportunity to retake the exam.

Dr. Gulledge expressed appreciation to the faculty for their suggestions since the entire process needs to be revamped. She indicated that comprehensive examinations for spring semesterare the immediate concern. New questions are needed. She requested that faculty provide to the Interim Graduate Coordinator a scoring rubric for the questions they will submit. Dr. Gulledge requested that faculty forward the questions and rubrics as soon as possible.

Dr. Black made a motion that we continue the Comprehensive Examinations as they are now with new questions and include a rubric with the questions submitted. Dr. Duncan seconded the motion. The motion carried.

12. Master of Science in Education.

Faculty were asked to look at the handout regarding the subject area masters degree. The original flowchart provided was designed using the courses from the old Curriculum and Instruction Degree. This design was recommended by the Graduate Committee and approved by the faculty. Additional input was sought.

Discussion was held regarding the possibility of having a degree with 18 hours in Education and 18 hours in a Subject Area. It was mentioned that many departments want to offer a degree in the subject area, but they do not have the number of hours required and they do not have faculty required to offer additional courses. It was reported that Faculty in the Sciences do not prefer to teach graduate classes at night.

Dr. Blanding made a motion that the feasibility of revising the masters program to have an option for a subject area with 18 hours of specified graduate courses be investigated. The option would entail a predetermined set of courses or a menu of courses. Dr. Arant seconded the motion. Motion carried.

13. Faculty Meetings

The faculty choice of times for future faculty meetings was Mondays, 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

14. Adjournment

Motion was made to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.