American Public University – Master of Public Health
American Public University is offering a Master of Public Health. This degree is designed to provide a professionally focused understanding of public health issues in America and abroad, to include the science, psychology, and sociology associate with public health issues. Students will study public law, policy, and administration associated with the effective and efficient administration of public health. They will learn the health system, its management, finances, and structure. Students also have the opportunity to specialize their area of study in emergency and disaster management or homeland security. Students in this program are typically interested in (or already employed in) some aspect of the health system, concerned of the public health situation in the United States and/or abroad, or are generally interested scholars who seek a public-minded degree.
The Master of Public Health seeks the following specific learning outcomes of its graduates. With reference to each of the respective areas of public health, graduates I this degree program will be able to:
· Critically analyze the scope, capabilities, and limitations of public health systems in the United States.
· Analyze the fundamental theories and philosophies of public health administration, policy-making, and implementation outcomes in emergency and disaster management and general health care administration.
· Interpret and evaluate the literature, the research, and the practices in public health and its administration.
· Examine public health in the context of legislation and emerging issues.
· Evaluate and use macro- and microeconomic analysis of public health to design, manage, and implement cost effective organizational practices in public health.
· Examine and evaluate the theories and practices surrounding disease and disease transmission, rates and proportions associated with different forms of outbreak, and epidemiological risk-management methods and measures.
Degree Program Requirements:
Required Courses (3 semester hours)
PS500/POL500 – Research Methods in Social Science
Core Courses (12 semester hours)
EM630/HCM501 – Public Health in America
DM557/HCM601 – Health Care Administration
DM553/HCM602 – Medical Care Concepts and Analysis
DM584/PUB530 – Public Policy
Major Courses (15 semester hours)
DM555/HCM502 – Health Policy
DM556/HCM503 – Legal Environment of Health Care
DM576/EDM565 – Consequence Management
DM577-PUB610 – Public Management
DM644-EDM612 – Risk Communications
EM502-HCM606 – Disaster Health Management
EM503-EDM530 – Economics of Disaster
EM516/EDM509 – Interagency Disaster Management
EM508/EDM540 – Emergency Management Health and Medical Issues
EM509/HCM607 – Epidemiology
EM519/EDM541 – Mass Casualty Incident Management
DM512/EDM560 – Crisis Action Planning
EM500/EDM611 – Case Analysis: Crisis and Disaster
EM631/HCM604 – Comparative Public Health Systems
DM548/MGT604 – Organizational Crisis Management
Graduate Electives (6 semester hours) From other courses not taken to meet required, core, or major requirements.
EM703 – Separate Comprehensive Examination Taken once all other degree requirements have been met.
EM705 – Thesis Option (3 semester hours) Student electing this option must use this as one of the graduate electives.
American Public University System is accredited by the Higher Learning Association of the North Central Association of College and Schools and by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). American Public University System is a distance learning institution that includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU).
For more information:
Contact: Robert D. Jaffin, Department Chair, Public Sector and Critical Infrastructure Studies
American Military University
111 West Congress St
Charles Town, West Virginia 25414
Ph: 603-335-5093
Fx: (304) 724-3786
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Update: 4/12/07
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