Minutes DETC Meeting SDM May 6, 2009

The meeting of the DETC was convened at approximately 8:15 am, Wednesday, May 06, 2009. The meeting was intended to be available by both telecon and web conference, but technical difficulties with the telephone connection prevented it. In-person attendees were:

Russ Althof, Chair, Vladimir Balabanov, Clark Briggs (former Chair), Jerry Brown, Jon Cutshall, James Faoro, Carlton Foster, Joseph Matus, Sid Rowe. On-line was Bob Dauwalter.

Also in attendance was Ian Whalley as a guest from the Energetic Systems TC.

·  Discussed minutes release schedule, last minutes approved 2/18

·  Discussed schedule for upcoming meetings

·  Joe Matus new member, to decide which sub-committee to become member of

·  Reviewed org charts

·  DETC is part of Aerospace Design & Structures Group under TAC

·  Reviewed part of ADSG annual report pertaining to DETC

·  Updated TC chart

o  Accomplishments

o  Initiatives

·  2009 Vice Chair Elections

o  Reviewed requirements

§  Jerry requested a “job description” be added for Vice-Chair

o  Clark requested changing “bio” to “position statement” to capture nominee’s commitment to the position

·  Membership

o  James Faoro briefly discussed AIAA membership interest in participating in the DETC

§  8 members responded, 2 interested and able to participate, 1, from Boeing is interested, but participation not be possible due to company limits on participation, 2 others are passing the information to their local sections

§  Clark offered to pursue academic participation

o  Upgrades

§  The TC is interested in upgrading membership to higher levels than “member”

§  See AIAA website for upgrade information

·  Participation model

o  Minimum participation requirements must be met to avoid probation

o  Russ updated the participation matrix (2009 status) with current data

·  Treasurer’s report

o  DETC was merged with the AIAA account to ease fee burden on personal account

o  Approx $7200 in the account

o  Russ moved that new members be offered a breakfast

§  The motion was seconded by James

o  Russ solicited ideas for how to spend money in the account. Ideas accepted via email or leadership telecons. One idea is communications equipment to facilitate telecons. Perhaps design guides.

o  TAC funds

§  Yearly budget of $700 for TC funds, significant amount unused each year and returned

§  Russ suggested using some funds for various products like logos on shirts

§  No TAC commitment for yearly expenditure. Must apply for funds.

§  James suggested a survey to generate ideas for focus areas relating to prime mission of the DETC

·  New member presentation, Jon Cutshall

o  Joe Matus asked to do one at a future meeting

·  Paper session status

o  James Faoro and Sid Rowe provided status of presenters and papers prior to the DETC sponsored paper sessions

o  Chairmen will advertise “best paper award” for their respective session and that the winner will receive a DETC design guide

·  Reviewed Liaison Assignments an discussed findings

o  Vladimir discussed that he attended the MDO TC, and they are planning on using “Linked In” website as communication tool, similar to Facebook

o  Vladimir will distribute MDO minutes

o  Congressional Visit Day, Russ cannot attend, looking for alternate

o  Need representative for Academic Affairs committee rep

o  Clark reviewed his notes from the SDM Long Range Planning Committee, 5 May 09

§  Committee discussed status of the SDM

§  All papers, late or not, were accepted

§  DETC acceptance ratio was lowest @ 71%

§  SDM proposed dates and places

·  2010 in Orlando (during peak Spring Break) 12-15 April

o  Rosen Center Hotel, International Drive

·  2011 in Denver 4-7 April

·  2012 Hawaii 23-26 April

·  2013 Boston 8-13 April

§  Concern that ITAR restrictions are limiting content

·  Clark is proposing that a survey be sent to various committees to determine whether they feel content is limited by ITAR and that an ITAR session would be desired

§  Call for papers for SDM 2010 will be May 2009

o  No Space Architecture Liaison, will scratch that position

o  Joe will do some investigation of what “policy “TCs exist and when they meet

§  May be of use relative to ITAR discussion

·  Design Build Fly summary, Russ

o  Provided a general overview of the event and summary of results

o  Winners

§  First OK State black $2500

§  Second OK State orange $ 1.5k

§  Third USC third $1000

§  Best Paper Witchita State $1000

·  sUAVe

·  Russ to take an action to discuss a possible paper session [from DBF] with the ASM chair at the 2010 ASM session

·  Year in Review articles are being solicited for publication by the DETC. Deadline is September?

·  Web Update

o  Pravit is transferring website update role to Jon Cutshall. Website will be transitioned to Sharepoint, starting immediately

o  Send any updates or new photos to Jon Cutshall at for inclusion in the new website.

·  DETC Newsletter

o  Fall and Spring are planned

·  Restricted Sessions at SDM

o  Per previous

·  Meeting was adjourned at 11:30

Design Process Subcommittee – SDM09

DPSC reaffirmed that the major focus for the Model Based Definition (MBD) is design data to manufacturing. We explored the idea of the transition of design data out of the preliminary design. Part of the discussion involved the historical statistical processes that preliminary design has traditionally used for things like the development of mass properties versus use of the CAD tools for the same purposes. There was also a discussion of how requirements are linked to design as in a PDM for instance.

The white paper for MBD was agreed upon that we would go forward starting with the copy that Clark sent around. Clark will be the collator. Some of the points that we think the paper should address are as follows:

·  Why MBD?

·  Savings to be had.

·  Proposed Table of contents (Jerry)

·  Its practicality (Why? & What for?) (Sid)

·  What is working and what is not.

·  How is it working with big companies?

DPSC also spent time on what we want to do with tools beyond MBD and the education survey. The status of CMMI was also discussed. Not much help within AIAA beyond DETC.

Design Guide Subcommittee Minutes – SDM 2009

Palm Springs, CA – May 5-6, 2009

Present : Russ Althof, Carlton Foster, Jon Cutshall, Vladimir Balabanov

As of May 4, 2009, there were 80 design guides remaining in stock vs 136 in Dec 08. Fifteen were purchased by DETC for awards.

The subcommittee worked through red-line mark-ups of some of the section data and assured that active members were assigned sections for review and update. The updated assignment of sections is as follows:

Since the design guide stock will likely run out by the end of 2008 or early 2009, the schedule to have the new edition published and ready for sale by SDM 2010 is more important than ever or we have to ask AIAA to order a reprint. To meet this schedule, the S/C needs to complete reviews and updates and generate redlines for submittal to the compositor. According to AIAA, the publisher needs only 6 weeks to print and ship the new edition. That would establish a deadline of ASM 2010 to complete all updates through the compositor and submit for publishing in time for SDM 2010.

Jon Cutshall experimented with converting old graphs, currently in PDF format only, using Excel and also adding SI units. Below is an example of that appears to be as desired:

Bottom line is that the SC members need to quickly complete their initial updates and redlines for input to the compositor.

Updated Action Item List: